Scriptname _00E_HorseFlute_SC extends ReferenceAlias ;===================================================================================== ; EVENTS ;===================================================================================== ; this event registers for the key as soon as the player receives the horseflute in any way ; due to being a questobject, it can't be dropped or lost by the player, it also stays in the menu when marked as a favorite Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer) If akNewContainer == PlayerREF RegisterForKey(iMountHotkey) EndIf EndEvent ; If gets used from the inventory instead of the hotkey, it gets equipped in an otherwise unused equipment slot, ; therefore it doesn't interfere with the other gear Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) PlayerREF.UnequipItemSlot(60) ; forces the inventory menu to close Game.DisablePlayerControls(abMenu = true) Game.EnablePlayerControls(abMenu = true) ; check if the player is already on a mount and if so in the worldspace Vyn (= not in interior or anywhere else quest related) If PlayerRef.IsOnMount() == False IsTeleportAllowed() EndIf EndEvent Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode) ; this does basically the same as above, however we need an extensive check when the player is acutally allowed to use the hotkey ; checks if the keycode is the code for which we registere, the keycode is changed in _00E_EnderalMCM ; further checks are if the player is certain menus or currently typing in a search bar, Utility.IsInMenuMode() does not catch the dialogue menu, hence it needs to be checked as well. ; also the player shouldn't be dead If KeyCode == iMountHotkey && Utility.IsInMenuMode() == False && UI.IsTextInputEnabled() == False && PlayerRef.IsOnMount() == False && Game.IsFightingControlsEnabled() == true && UI.IsMenuOpen("Dialogue Menu") == False && !PlayerREF.IsDead() IsTeleportAllowed() EndIf EndEvent ;===================================================================================== ; FUNCTIONS ;===================================================================================== Function IsTeleportAllowed() If PlayerREF.GetWorldSpace() == Vyn PrepareTeleport() Else MAGFail.Play(PlayerREF) _00E_Horseflute_sMountOnlyInExterior.Show() EndIf EndFunction Function PrepareTeleport() ; if the player only has one mount, summon it immediately ; if the player has multiple mounts, show as prompt on which one to summon If _00E_MountGlobal.GetValueInt() == 1 If _00E_MuleOwned.GetValueInt() == 1 TeleportMount(PlayerEsel) ElseIf _00E_HorseOwned.GetValueInt() == 1 TeleportMount(PlayerHorse) ElseIf _00E_FathersShadowOwned.GetValueInt() == 1 TeleportMount(FS_NQR05_FatherShadowREF) EndIf ElseIf _00E_MountGlobal.GetValueInt() > 1 iButton = If iButton == 0 TeleportMount(PlayerEsel) ElseIf iButton == 1 TeleportMount(PlayerHorse) ElseIf iButton == 2 TeleportMount(FS_NQR05_FatherShadowREF) ElseIf iButton == 3 NQ06_Freda.RenameMount(true) EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function TeleportMount(Actor MountRef, float minDistance = 250.0, float maxDistance = 500.0) ; the mount is now teleported to the player ; However, it's not only placed directly on the player but "immersively" next to the player but outside of the FOV float playerAngle = playerRef.GetAngleZ() float arcStart = playerAngle + 180 - (90 / 2) float angleStart = Utility.RandomFloat(arcStart, arcStart + 90) float moveDistance = Utility.RandomFloat(minDistance, maxDistance) float horseX = moveDistance * Math.Sin(angleStart) float horseY = moveDistance * Math.Cos(angleStart) MountRef.Disable(abFadeOut = false) MountRef.MoveTo(playerRef, horseX, horseY, 0) MountRef.Enable(abFadeIn = false) _00E_HorseFlute_SoundM.Play(PlayerREF) _00E_HorseFlute_sMountPorted.Show() EndFunction Function SetMountTeleportKey(int iKeyCode) ; changes the registered key, gets called from _00E_EnderalMCM UnregisterForKey(iMountHotkey) iMountHotkey = iKeyCode RegisterForKey(iMountHotkey) EndFunction ;===================================================================================== ; PROPERTIES ;===================================================================================== Int iButton Int Property iMountHotkey = 38 Auto Hidden ; defaults to the key L GlobalVariable Property _00E_MountGlobal Auto GlobalVariable Property _00E_HorseOwned Auto GlobalVariable Property _00E_MuleOwned Auto GlobalVariable Property _00E_FathersShadowOwned Auto Message Property _00E_Horseflute_sMountOnlyInExterior Auto Message Property _00E_Horseflute_sMountPorted Auto Message Property SelectionMenu Auto _00E_NQ06_Functions Property NQ06_Freda Auto Sound Property _00E_HorseFlute_SoundM Auto Sound Property MAGFail Auto Actor Property PlayerHorse Auto Actor Property PlayerEsel Auto Actor Property FS_NQR05_FatherShadowREF Auto Actor Property PlayerREF Auto Faction Property PlayerFaction Auto Worldspace Property Vyn Auto