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Scriptname DefaultAddItemAliasScript extends ReferenceAlias
{Script to attach to quest alias that sets a stage in the owning quest when the item is added. NOTE: The stage will only be set once, even if the item is added to the container more than once.}
Int Property StageToSet Auto
{Mandatory: This is the stage that will be set when the item is added}
Int Property MinStageToCheck = 0 Auto
{Optional: The quest must be this stage or higher to set the stage when OnAdd is fired. Default: 0 = no minimum}
Int Property MaxStageToCheck = 0 Auto
{Optional: The quest must be this stage or lower to set the stage when OnAdd is fired. Default: 0 = no maximum}
bool Property CheckPlayerInventory = True Auto
{Optional: True = set stage when item is added to the player's inventory. Default: true}
ObjectReference Property CheckThisInventory Auto
{Optional: Set stage when item is added to this object reference's inventory. Default: None}
ReferenceAlias Property CheckThisAliasInventory Auto
{Optional: Set stage when item is added to the inventory of the object reference in this alias. Default: None}
Bool Property TraceEvent = false Auto
{Optional: Do you want to generate a trace to the logs OnContainerChanged event? Default: False}
Event OnInit()
if TraceEvent
; debug.trace(self + "OnInit()")
Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)
if TraceEvent
; debug.trace(self + "OnContainerChanged(akNewContainer[" + akNewContainer + "], akOldContainer[" + akOldContainer + "])" )
Quest myQuest = GetOwningQuest()
int myStage = myQuest.GetCurrentStageID()
bool DoSetStage = false
if myQuest.IsStageDone(StageToSet) == 0 && myStage >= MinStageToCheck
if (MaxStageToCheck > 0 && myStage <= MaxStageToCheck) || MaxStageToCheck <= 0
if CheckPlayerInventory && (Game.GetForm(0x14) as Actor) == akNewContainer
DoSetStage = true
if CheckThisInventory && CheckThisInventory == akNewContainer
DoSetStage = true
if CheckThisAliasInventory && CheckThisAliasInventory.GetReference() == akNewContainer
DoSetStage = true
if DoSetStage
if TraceEvent
; debug.trace(self + "OnContainerChanged() setting myQuest " + myQuest + " stage to " + StageToSet )