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#pragma once
#include "skse64/NiObjects.h"
#include "skse64/GameAPI.h"
#include "skse64_common/Utilities.h"
#include "skse64/GameTypes.h"
class BSResourceStream;
struct ID3D11Texture2D;
struct ID3D11ShaderResourceView;
// 44
class NiPixelFormat
// 0C
class NiComponentSpec
UInt32 type; // 00
UInt32 format; // 04
UInt8 bits; // 08
UInt8 isSigned; // 09
UInt8 pad0A; // 0A
UInt8 pad0B; // 0B
UInt8 flags; // 00
UInt8 bpp; // 01
UInt8 srgb; // 02
UInt8 pad03; // 03
UInt32 format; // 04
UInt32 tiling; // 08
UInt32 rendererHint; // 0C
UInt32 extraData; // 10
NiComponentSpec components[4]; // 14
class NiPersistentSrcTextureRendererData : public NiObject
virtual ~NiPersistentSrcTextureRendererData();
class NiDX9PersistentSrcTextureRendererData : public NiPersistentSrcTextureRendererData
virtual ~NiDX9PersistentSrcTextureRendererData();
class NiPixelData : public NiObject
virtual ~NiPixelData();
NiPixelFormat pixelFormat; // 08
void * unk0C; // 4C
UInt8 * m_pucPixels; // 50 [mipmapLevels]
UInt32 * m_puiWidth; // 54 [mipmapLevels]
UInt32 * m_puiHeight; // 58 [mipmapLevels]
UInt32 * m_puiOffset; // 5C [mipmapLevels + 1]
UInt32 m_uiMipmapLevels; // 60
UInt32 m_uiPixelStride; // 64
UInt32 unk68; // 68
UInt32 m_uiFaces; // 6C
UInt8 unk70; // 70
UInt8 pad71[3]; // 71
UInt32 GetWidth(UInt32 mipmapLevel)
return m_puiWidth[mipmapLevel];
UInt32 GetHeight(UInt32 mipmapLevel)
return m_puiHeight[mipmapLevel];
UInt8 * GetPixels(UInt32 uiMipmapLevel = 0, UInt32 uiFace = 0)
return m_pucPixels + uiFace*m_puiOffset[uiMipmapLevel] +
// 14
class Ni2DBuffer : public NiObject
virtual ~Ni2DBuffer();
UInt32 width; // 08
UInt32 height; // 0C
void * rendererData; // 10
// 24
class NiTexture : public NiObject
virtual ~NiTexture();
virtual void Unk_25(void);
virtual void Unk_26(void);
virtual void Unk_27(void);
virtual void Unk_28(UInt32 * unk1, UInt32 * unk2, UInt32 * unk3, UInt32 * unk4);
virtual void Unk_29(void);
virtual void Unk_2A(void);
virtual void Unk_2B(void);
// 28
class RendererData
RendererData(UInt32 w, UInt32 h)
: texture(nullptr)
, unk08(0)
, resourceView(nullptr)
, width(w)
, height(h)
, unk1C(1)
, unk1D(0x1C)
, unk1E(0)
, unk20(1)
, unk24(0x00130012)
ID3D11Texture2D * texture; // 00
UInt64 unk08; // 08
ID3D11ShaderResourceView * resourceView; // 10
UInt16 width; // 18
UInt16 height; // 1A
UInt8 unk1C; // 1C
UInt8 unk1D; // 1D
UInt16 unk1E; // 1E
UInt32 unk20; // 20
UInt32 unk24; // 24
DEFINE_STATIC_HEAP(Heap_Allocate, Heap_Free);
UInt32 unk10; // 10 - 6
UInt32 unk14; // 14 - 3
UInt32 unk18; // 18 - 2
UInt32 unk1C; // 1C
const char * name; // 20
UInt32 unk28; // 28 - FFFFFF
UInt32 unk2C; // 2C
NiTexture * prevTexture; // 30
NiTexture * nextTexture; // 38
BSResourceStream * resourceData; // 40
RendererData * rendererData; // 48
// ??
class NiRenderedTexture : public NiTexture
virtual ~NiRenderedTexture();
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(ctor, void, 0x00000000);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(UpdateVirtualImage, void, 0x00F113F0, NiRenderedTexture * newTexture);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(AddVirtualImage, UInt8, 0x00F114C0, BSFixedString linkageName);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(ReleaseVirtualImage, void, 0x00F11380);
// 58
class NiRenderedCubeMap : public NiRenderedTexture
virtual ~NiRenderedCubeMap();
UInt32 unk3C; // 3C
UInt32 unk40; // 40
UInt32 unk44; // 44
UInt32 unk48; // 48
UInt32 unk4C; // 4C
UInt32 unk50; // 50
UInt32 unk54; // 54
// 34
class NiSourceTexture : public NiTexture
UInt8 flags; // 50 - C (normal), 8 (rendered)
typedef NiTexture * (*_CreateSourceTexture)(const BSFixedString & name);
extern RelocAddr<_CreateSourceTexture> CreateSourceTexture;
typedef void (*_LoadTexture)(const char * path, UInt8 unk1, NiPointer<NiTexture> & texture, bool unk2);
extern RelocAddr<_LoadTexture> LoadTexture;