116 lines
3.5 KiB

Scriptname ActorBase extends Form Hidden
; Returns this actor's class
Class Function GetClass() native
; Gets the number of actors of this type that have been killed
int Function GetDeadCount() native
; Returns this actor's gift filter formlist
FormList Function GetGiftFilter() native
; Returns this actor's race
Race Function GetRace() native
; Returns this actor's sex. Values for sex are:
; -1 - None
; 0 - Male
; 1 - Female
int Function GetSex() native
; Is this actor essential?
bool Function IsEssential() native
; Is this actor invulnerable?
bool Function IsInvulnerable() native
; Is this actor protected (can only be killed by player)?
bool Function IsProtected() native
; Is this actor base unique?
bool Function IsUnique() native
; Sets this actor as essential or not - if set as essential, will UNSET protected
Function SetEssential(bool abEssential = true) native
; Sets this actor as invulnerable or not
Function SetInvulnerable(bool abInvulnerable = true) native
; Sets this actor as protected or not - if set as protected, will UNSET essential
Function SetProtected(bool abProtected = true) native
; Sets the actors outfit
Function SetOutfit( Outfit akOutfit, bool abSleepOutfit = false ) native
; SKSE 64 additions built 2020-07-29 17:24:48.495000 UTC
; get/set the CombatStyle of the actor
CombatStyle Function GetCombatStyle() native
Function SetCombatStyle(CombatStyle cs) native
; Get the Outfit of the actor
Outfit Function GetOutfit(bool bSleepOutfit = false) native
; set the Class of the actor
Function SetClass(Class c) native
; Get/Set the actors body height
float Function GetHeight() native
Function SetHeight(float height) native
; Get/Set the actors body weight
float Function GetWeight() native
Function SetWeight(float weight) native
; Get/Set actors HeadPart by index
int Function GetNumHeadParts() native
HeadPart Function GetNthHeadPart(int slotPart) native
Function SetNthHeadPart(HeadPart headPart, int slotPart) native
int Function GetIndexOfHeadPartByType(int type) native
; These functions are READ-ONLY they are for accessing the
; HeadPart list when the ActorBase's Race has been overlayed
; with another race (e.g. Vampires)
int Function GetNumOverlayHeadParts() native
HeadPart Function GetNthOverlayHeadPart(int slotPart) native
int Function GetIndexOfOverlayHeadPartByType(int type) native
; Get/Set actors face morph value by index
float Function GetFaceMorph(int index) native
Function SetFaceMorph(float value, int index) native
; Get/Set actors facemorph preset by index
; 0 - Nose
; 1 - ??
; 2 - Mouth
; 3 - Eyes
int Function GetFacePreset(int index) native
Function SetFacePreset(int value, int index) native
ColorForm Function GetHairColor() native
Function SetHairColor(ColorForm color) native
; returns the number of spells defined in the base actor form
int Function GetSpellCount() native
; returns the specified spell defined in the base actor form
Spell Function GetNthSpell(int n) native
; returns the face textureset of the actor (Player Only?)
TextureSet Function GetFaceTextureSet() native
Function SetFaceTextureSet(TextureSet textures) native
; Gets/sets the Actor's voicetype
VoiceType Function GetVoiceType() native
Function SetVoiceType(VoiceType nVoice) native
; Gets/sets the skin of the actorbase
Armor Function GetSkin() native
Function SetSkin(Armor skin) native
; Gets/sets the far away skin of the actorbase
Armor Function GetSkinFar() native
Function SetSkinFar(Armor skin) native
; Gets the root template of the ActorBase
ActorBase Function GetTemplate() native