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118 lines
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#pragma once
#include <map>
#include "common/IDataStream.h"
#include "common/IErrors.h"
// this screws with edit-and-continue and we don't use it
//! Get a pointer to the IDynamicType for a class.
//! @note This is not a function; the parameter must be constant.
#define GetDynType(name) (&(##name##::__DYN_DynamicType))
//! Declare the members used for dynamic class creation
#define DYNAMIC_DECLARE(name) \
public: \
class __DYN_##name##_DynamicType : public IDynamicType \
{ \
public: \
__DYN_##name##_DynamicType() { } \
~__DYN_##name##_DynamicType() { } \
virtual IDynamic * Create(void) { return new name; } \
virtual char * GetName(void) { return #name; } \
virtual IDynamic * Instantiate(IDataStream * stream); \
}; \
static __DYN_##name##_DynamicType __DYN_DynamicType; \
virtual IDynamicType * __DYN_GetDynamicType(void) { return &__DYN_DynamicType; } \
friend __DYN_##name##_DynamicType;
//! Define the members used for dynamic class creation
#define DYNAMIC_DEFINE(name) name##::__DYN_##name##_DynamicType name##::__DYN_DynamicType;
//! Define a dynamic instantiation handler
#define DYNAMIC_INSTANTIATE_HANDLER(name) IDynamic * name##::__DYN_##name##_DynamicType::Instantiate(IDataStream * stream) { name * object = new name;
#define END_DYNAMIC_INSTANTIATE_HANDLER return object; }
//! Specifies that a dynamic class should not be instantiated automatically
//! Casts
#define CAST(ptr, type) _DynamicCast <type>(ptr);
class IDynamicType;
* Pure virtual base class allowing dynamic creation of objects
* To allow dynamic creation of a class, publicly inherit IDynamic, add the
* macro DYNAMIC_DECLARE(classname) first in the class declaration, and add
* the macro DYNAMIC_DEFINE(classname) somewhere in the class definition file.
class IDynamic
IDynamic() { }
virtual ~IDynamic() { }
virtual IDynamicType * __DYN_GetDynamicType(void) = 0;
* Pure virtual base class allowing class instantiation and information retrieval
class IDynamicType
IDynamicType() { }
virtual ~IDynamicType() { }
virtual IDynamic * Create(void) = 0;
virtual char * GetName(void) = 0;
virtual IDynamic * Instantiate(IDataStream * stream) = 0;
template <typename T>
T * _DynamicCast(IDynamic * ptr)
if(ptr && (&T::__DYN_DynamicType == ptr->__DYN_GetDynamicType()))
return static_cast<T *>(ptr);
return NULL;
* Registry of dynamic classes
class IClassRegistry
static void RegisterClassInfo(UInt32 id, IDynamicType * typeInfo);
static IDynamicType * LookupClassInfo(UInt32 id);
static IDynamicType * LookupClassInfo(char * name);
static IDynamic * Create(UInt32 id) { IDynamicType * info = LookupClassInfo(id); return info ? info->Create() : NULL; }
static IDynamic * Create(char * name) { IDynamicType * info = LookupClassInfo(name); return info ? info->Create() : NULL; }
static IDynamic * Instantiate(UInt32 id, IDataStream * stream) { IDynamicType * info = LookupClassInfo(id); return info ? info->Instantiate(stream) : NULL; }
static IDynamic * Instantiate(char * name, IDataStream * stream) { IDynamicType * info = LookupClassInfo(name); return info ? info->Instantiate(stream) : NULL; }
static char * GetName(UInt32 id) { IDynamicType * info = LookupClassInfo(id); return info ? info->GetName() : NULL; }
typedef std::map <UInt32, IDynamicType *> ClassRegistryType;
static ClassRegistryType theClassRegistry;