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#include "Achievements.h"
#include "skse64/GameMenus.h"
#include "skse64/GameEvents.h"
#include "steam\steam_api.h"
#include <string>
#include <processenv.h>
class InitSteamOnEvent : public BSTEventSink<MenuOpenCloseEvent> {
virtual ~InitSteamOnEvent() {}
virtual EventResult ReceiveEvent(MenuOpenCloseEvent * evn, EventDispatcher<MenuOpenCloseEvent> * dispatcher) {
if (std::strcmp(evn->menuName.data, "Main Menu")) {
_MESSAGE("Main menu opened, trying to init steam API.");
return EventResult::kEvent_Continue;
namespace Achievements {
bool setAchievementUnlocked(StaticFunctionTag* tag, BSFixedString achievement)
return singleton->setAchievementUnlocked(achievement.data);
void registerMainMenuEvent() {
MenuManager * mm = MenuManager::GetSingleton();
if (mm) {
mm->MenuOpenCloseEventDispatcher()->AddEventSink(new InitSteamOnEvent());
else {
_MESSAGE("Failed to register SKSE menuEventHandler!");
void steamInit(StaticFunctionTag* tag) {
void startSteam()
try {
if (singleton.get() == nullptr) {
SetEnvironmentVariable("SteamAppID", "933480");
SetEnvironmentVariable("SteamGameId", "933480");
bool success = SteamAPI_Init();
if (success)
_MESSAGE("Steam api init was successfull");
_MESSAGE("Error while initializing the steam api");
else {
_MESSAGE("Already initialized steam api, skipping it");
catch (const std::exception& ex) {
std::string msg = "Exception while initializing the Steam API, steam achievements will not be available: " + std::string(ex.what());
bool RegisterFuncs(VMClassRegistry * registry)
registry->RegisterFunction(new NativeFunction1<StaticFunctionTag, bool, BSFixedString>("UnlockAchievement", "Game", Achievements::setAchievementUnlocked, registry));
registry->RegisterFunction( new NativeFunction0<StaticFunctionTag, void>("SteamInit", "Game", Achievements::steamInit, registry));
return true;
AchievementHolder::AchievementHolder() : stats(SteamUserStats()), callback(this, &AchievementHolder::onUserStatsReceived)
void AchievementHolder::onUserStatsReceived(UserStatsReceived_t * event) {
try {
std::string msg = "User id: " + std::to_string(event->m_steamIDUser.ConvertToUint64()) + ", game id: " + std::to_string(event->m_nGameID) + ", success state: " + std::to_string(event->m_eResult);
uint32 achievementCount = this->stats->GetNumAchievements();
msg = "There are " + std::to_string(achievementCount) + " achievements";
catch (const std::exception& ex) {
std::string msg = "Exception during steam callback: onUserStatsReceived. Failed to print data: " + std::string(ex.what());
bool AchievementHolder::setAchievementUnlocked(const char * achievementName)
std::string msg = "Unlocking achievement: " + std::string(achievementName);
bool success = this->stats->SetAchievement(achievementName);
if (!success) {
_MESSAGE("Error while unlocking achievement");
return false;
success = this->stats->StoreStats();
if (!success) {
_MESSAGE("Error while storing unlocked achievement");
return success;
void AchievementHolder::start()