
968 lines
29 KiB

#pragma once
#include "skse64_common/Utilities.h"
#include "skse64/GameTypes.h"
#include "skse64/GameForms.h"
#include "skse64/GameObjects.h"
#include "skse64/GameReferences.h"
class TESObjectWEAP;
class TESNPC;
class AlchemyItem;
class SpellItem;
class ScrollItem;
class IngredientItem;
class EffectSetting;
class TESObjectARMO;
class TESObjectARMA;
class TESObjectCONT;
class TESObjectCELL;
class TESRegionList;
class BGSAddonNode;
class BGSKeyword;
class BGSAction;
class BGSHeadPart;
class TESRace;
class EnchantmentItem;
class TESObjectACTI;
class TESFurniture;
class BGSEncounterZone;
class BGSLocation;
class BGSColorForm;
class BSFile;
class BSFaceGenModelMap;
class BSFaceGenModel;
class NiTexture;
class Setting;
class NiAVObject;
class NiColorA;
extern RelocAddr <UInt32*> g_gameTime;
struct FormRecordData
UInt8 typeID; // corresponds to kFormType_XXX
UInt32 typeCode; // i.e. 'GMST', 'FACT'
UInt32 unk08; // only seen zero
struct ChunkHeader
UInt32 type : 4; // i.e. 'XGRD', 'DATA'
UInt16 size : 2;
// 4C8
struct ModInfo // referred to by game as TESFile
// 18 info about currently loading form
struct FormInfo
UInt32 recordType; // 00 i.e. 'FACT', 'GMST'
UInt32 unk04; // 04 looks like size of entire record
UInt32 formFlags; // 08 copied to TESForm->flags
UInt32 formID; // 0C
UInt32 unk10; // 10
UInt16 unk14; // 14 always initialized to 0F on SaveForm.
UInt16 unk16;
enum FileFlags
kFileFlags_Light = (1 << 9)
UInt32 unk000; // 000
UInt8 unk004[0xC]; // 004
UInt32 /*NiTPointerMap<TESFile*>*/ * pointerMap; // 010 CHECK
UInt64 unk018[2]; // 018
UInt8 unk028; // 028
UInt8 unk029; // 029
UInt8 pad02A[6]; // 029
UInt64 unk030; // 030
BSFile* unkFile; // 038
UInt64 unk040[3]; // 040
char name[0x104]; // 058
char filepath[0x104]; // 15C
void* unk260; // 260
UInt32 unk268; // 268 - init'd to ctor arg(0x800) or 0x10000 if arg is 0
UInt32 unk26C; // 26C
UInt32 unk270; // 270
UInt32 unk274; // 274 - pad?
UInt64 unk278; // 278
UInt32 unk280; // 280
FormInfo formInfo; // 284
ChunkHeader subRecord; // 29C
UInt32 unk2A4; // 2A4
UInt32 fileOffset; // 2A8
UInt32 dataOffset; // 2AC index into dataBuf
UInt32 subrecordBytesRead; // 2B0 generates error on Read if != expected length
UInt8 unk2B4[0x2D8 - 0x2B4]; // 2B4
UInt64 unk2D8; // 2D8
UInt64 unk2E0; // 2E0
UInt8 unk2E8; // 2E8
UInt8 bIsBigEndian; // 2E9
UInt8 unk2EA; // 2EA
UInt8 pad2EB; // 2EB
WIN32_FIND_DATA fileData; // 2EC
float unk42C; // 42C init'd to 0.94
UInt32 unk430; // 430
UInt32 flags; // 434 init'd to 0x00000800. 4000 and 40000 do stuff
UInt32 fileFlags; // 438
UInt32 unk43C; // 43C
void* unk440; // 440
void* unk448; // 448
void* unk450; // 450
void* unk458; // 458
UInt32 numRefMods; // 460 related to modindex; see 4472D0
// formIDs in mod are as saved in GECK, must fix up at runtime
UInt32 pad464;
ModInfo ** refModInfo; // 468 used to look up modInfo based on fixed mod index, double-check
UInt32 unk470; // 470
UInt32 unk474; // 474
UInt8 modIndex; // 478 init to 0xFF
UInt8 pad479; // 479
UInt16 lightIndex; // 47A
UInt8 pad47C[4];
BSString author; // 480
BSString description; // 490
void * dataBuf; // 4A0
UInt32 unk4A8; // 4A8 looks like size of entire record
UInt32 pad4AC; // 4AC
void * unk4B0; // 4B0
UInt32 unk4B8; // 4B8
UInt32 pad4BC; // 4BC
void * unk4C0; // 4C0
// Checks if a particular formID is part of the mod
bool IsFormInMod(UInt32 formID) const
if (!IsLight() && (formID >> 24) == modIndex)
return true;
if (IsLight() && (formID >> 24) == 0xFE && ((formID & 0x00FFF000) >> 12) == lightIndex)
return true;
return false;
// Returns either a modIndex or a modIndex|lightIndex pair
UInt32 GetPartialIndex() const
return !IsLight() ? modIndex : (0xFE000 | lightIndex);
// Converts the lower bits of a FormID to a full FormID depending on plugin type
UInt32 GetFormID(UInt32 formLower) const
return !IsLight() ? UInt32(modIndex) << 24 | (formLower & 0xFFFFFF) : 0xFE000000 | (UInt32(lightIndex) << 12) | (formLower & 0xFFF);
bool IsActive() const { return modIndex != 0xFF; }
bool IsLight() const { return (fileFlags & kFileFlags_Light) == kFileFlags_Light; }
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(ModInfo, formInfo) == 0x284);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(ModInfo, subRecord) == 0x29C);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(ModInfo, fileOffset) == 0x2A8);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(ModInfo, fileData) == 0x2EC);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(ModInfo, numRefMods) == 0x460);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(ModInfo, author) == 0x480);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(ModInfo) == 0x4C8);
// 40 - updated in 1.5.3
struct ModList
tList<ModInfo> modInfoList; // 00 - DataHandler D60
tArray<ModInfo *> loadedMods; // 10 - DataHandler D70
tArray<ModInfo *> loadedCCMods; // 28 - DataHandler D88 - just assuming this is for CC
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(ModList) == 0x40);
// DC0
class DataHandler
UInt64 unk00;
UInt64 unk08;
UnkFormArray arrNONE; // Form Type 0
UnkFormArray arrTES4; // Form Type 1
UnkFormArray arrGRUP; // Form Type 2
UnkFormArray arrGMST; // Form Type 3
tArray<BGSKeyword*> keywords; // Form Type 4
UnkFormArray arrLCRT; // Form Type 5
UnkFormArray arrAACT; // Form Type 6
UnkFormArray arrTXST; // Form Type 7
UnkFormArray arrMICN; // Form Type 8
UnkFormArray arrGLOB; // Form Type 9
UnkFormArray arrCLAS; // Form Type 10
UnkFormArray arrFACT; // Form Type 11
tArray<BGSHeadPart*> headParts; // Form Type 12
UnkFormArray arrEYES; // Form Type 13
tArray<TESRace*> races; // Form Type 14
UnkFormArray arrSOUN; // Form Type 15
UnkFormArray arrASPC; // Form Type 16
UnkFormArray arrSKIL; // Form Type 17
tArray<EffectSetting*> arrEffectSettings; // Form Type 18
UnkFormArray arrSCPT; // Form Type 19
UnkFormArray arrLTEX; // Form Type 20
tArray<EnchantmentItem*> enchantments; // Form Type 21
tArray<SpellItem*> spells; // Form Type 22
tArray<ScrollItem*> scrolls; // Form Type 23
tArray<TESObjectACTI*> arrACTI; // Form Type 24
UnkFormArray arrTACT; // Form Type 25
tArray<TESObjectARMO*> armors; // Form Type 26
tArray<TESObjectBOOK*> books; // Form Type 27
tArray<TESObjectCONT*> arrCONT; // Form Type 28
UnkFormArray arrDOOR; // Form Type 29
tArray<IngredientItem*> ingredients; // Form Type 30
UnkFormArray arrLIGH; // Form Type 31
tArray<TESObjectMISC*> miscObjects; // Form Type 32
UnkFormArray arrSTAT; // Form Type 33
UnkFormArray arrAPPA; // Form Type 34
UnkFormArray arrSCOL; // Form Type 35
UnkFormArray arrMSTT; // Form Type 36
UnkFormArray arrGRAS; // Form Type 37
UnkFormArray arrTREE; // Form Type 38
UnkFormArray arrFLOR; // Form Type 39
tArray<TESFurniture*> arrFURN; // Form Type 40
tArray<TESObjectWEAP*> weapons; // Form Type 41
tArray<TESAmmo*> ammo; // Form Type 42
tArray<TESNPC*> npcs; // Form Type 43
UnkFormArray arrLVLN; // Form Type 44
tArray<TESKey*> keys; // Form Type 45
tArray<AlchemyItem*> potions; // Form Type 46
UnkFormArray arrIDLM; // Form Type 47
UnkFormArray arrNOTE; // Form Type 48
UnkFormArray arrCOBJ; // Form Type 49
UnkFormArray arrPROJ; // Form Type 50
UnkFormArray arrHAZD; // Form Type 51
UnkFormArray arrSLGM; // Form Type 52
UnkFormArray arrLVLI; // Form Type 53
UnkFormArray arrWTHR; // Form Type 54
UnkFormArray arrCLMT; // Form Type 55
UnkFormArray arrSPGD; // Form Type 56
UnkFormArray arrRFCT; // Form Type 57
UnkFormArray arrREGN; // Form Type 58
UnkFormArray arrNAVI; // Form Type 59
UnkFormArray arrCELL; // Form Type 60
UnkFormArray arrREFR; // Form Type 61
UnkFormArray arrACHR; // Form Type 62
UnkFormArray arrPMIS; // Form Type 63
UnkFormArray arrPARW; // Form Type 64
UnkFormArray arrPGRE; // Form Type 65
UnkFormArray arrPBEA; // Form Type 66
UnkFormArray arrPFLA; // Form Type 67
UnkFormArray arrPCOM; // Form Type 68
UnkFormArray arrPBAR; // Form Type 69
UnkFormArray arrPHZD; // Form Type 70
UnkFormArray arrWRLD; // Form Type 71
UnkFormArray arrLAND; // Form Type 72
UnkFormArray arrNAVM; // Form Type 73
UnkFormArray arrTLOD; // Form Type 74
UnkFormArray arrDIAL; // Form Type 75
UnkFormArray arrINFO; // Form Type 76
tArray<TESQuest*> quests; // Form Type 77
UnkFormArray arrIDLE; // Form Type 78
UnkFormArray arrPACK; // Form Type 79
UnkFormArray arrCSTY; // Form Type 80
UnkFormArray arrLSCR; // Form Type 81
UnkFormArray arrLVSP; // Form Type 82
UnkFormArray arrANIO; // Form Type 83
UnkFormArray arrWATR; // Form Type 84
UnkFormArray arrEFSH; // Form Type 85
UnkFormArray arrTOFT; // Form Type 86
UnkFormArray arrEXPL; // Form Type 87
UnkFormArray arrDEBR; // Form Type 88
UnkFormArray arrIMGS; // Form Type 89
UnkFormArray arrIMAD; // Form Type 90
UnkFormArray arrFLST; // Form Type 91
UnkFormArray arrPERK; // Form Type 92
UnkFormArray arrBPTD; // Form Type 93
UnkFormArray arrADDN; // Form Type 94
UnkFormArray arrAVIF; // Form Type 95
UnkFormArray arrCAMS; // Form Type 96
UnkFormArray arrCPTH; // Form Type 97
UnkFormArray arrVTYP; // Form Type 98
UnkFormArray arrMATT; // Form Type 99
UnkFormArray arrIPCT; // Form Type 100
UnkFormArray arrIPDS; // Form Type 101
tArray<TESObjectARMA*> arrARMA; // Form Type 102
tArray<BGSEncounterZone*> arrECZN; // Form Type 103
tArray<BGSLocation*> arrLCTN; // Form Type 104
UnkFormArray arrMESG; // Form Type 105
UnkFormArray arrRGDL; // Form Type 106
UnkFormArray arrDOBJ; // Form Type 107
UnkFormArray arrLGTM; // Form Type 108
UnkFormArray arrMUSC; // Form Type 109
UnkFormArray arrFSTP; // Form Type 110
UnkFormArray arrFSTS; // Form Type 111
UnkFormArray arrSMBN; // Form Type 112
UnkFormArray arrSMQN; // Form Type 113
UnkFormArray arrSMEN; // Form Type 114
UnkFormArray arrDLBR; // Form Type 115
UnkFormArray arrMUST; // Form Type 116
UnkFormArray arrDLVW; // Form Type 117
tArray<TESWordOfPower*> arrWOOP; // Form Type 118
tArray<TESShout*> arrSHOU; // Form Type 119
UnkFormArray arrEQUP; // Form Type 120
UnkFormArray arrRELA; // Form Type 121
UnkFormArray arrSCEN; // Form Type 122
UnkFormArray arrASTP; // Form Type 123
UnkFormArray arrOTFT; // Form Type 124
UnkFormArray arrARTO; // Form Type 125
UnkFormArray arrMATO; // Form Type 126
UnkFormArray arrMOVT; // Form Type 127
UnkFormArray arrSNDR; // Form Type 128
UnkFormArray arrDUAL; // Form Type 129
UnkFormArray arrSNCT; // Form Type 130
UnkFormArray arrSOPM; // Form Type 131
UnkFormArray arrCOLL; // Form Type 132
tArray<BGSColorForm*> arrCLFM; // Form Type 133
UnkFormArray arrREVB; // Form Type 134
UnkFormArray arrLENS; // Form Type 135
UnkFormArray arrLSPR; // Form Type 136
UnkFormArray arrVOLI; // Form Type 137
TESRegionList * regionList; // D00
// NiTArray<TESObjectCELL*> cellList; // D08
UInt64 cellList[0x3]; // D08
// NiTArray<BGSAddonNode*> addonNodes; // D20
UInt64 addonNodes[0x3]; // D20
UInt64 unkD38[3]; // D38
UInt32 unkD50; // D50 - init'd to 0x800
UInt32 padD54; // D54
UInt64 unkD58; // D58
ModList modList; // D60
UInt8 unkDA0; // DA0
UInt8 unkDA1; // DA1
UInt8 unkDA2; // DA2
UInt8 unkDA3; // DA3
UInt8 unkDA4; // DA4
UInt8 unkDA5; // DA5
UInt8 unkDA6; // DA6
UInt8 unkDA7; // DA7
UInt8 unkDA8; // DA8
UInt8 unkDA9; // DA9
UInt8 unkDAA; // DAA
UInt8 padDAB[5]; // DAB
void * regionDataManager; // DB0 - TESRegionDataManager*, allocated in ctor
UInt64 unkDB8; // DB8
const ModInfo* LookupModByName(const char* modName);
static DataHandler * GetSingleton();
UInt32 LoadScripts_Hook();
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(LoadScripts, UInt32, 0x001713D0);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(DataHandler, regionList) == 0xD00);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(DataHandler, addonNodes) == 0xD20);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(DataHandler, modList) == 0xD60);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(DataHandler) == 0xDC0);
extern RelocPtr <DataHandler*> g_dataHandler;
extern RelocPtr <bool> g_isGameDataReady;
class MiscStatManager
static MiscStatManager * GetSingleton(void);
// 20
struct MiscStat
const char * name; // 00
const char * unk04; // 08
UInt32 value; // 10
UInt32 unk14; // 14
UInt8 unk18; // 18
UInt8 pad19[7]; // 19
class Visitor
virtual void Visit(MiscStat * stat, void * stat_unk04, UInt32 stat_unk0C, UInt32 value, UInt32 stat_unk10) = 0;
// SE: It looks like another inline victim. It wasn't used by anything else in SKSE.
//DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(Visit, void, 0x00000000, Visitor ** visitor);
tArray<MiscStat> m_stats; // 00
MiscStat * Get(const char * name);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(MiscStatManager::MiscStat) == 0x20);
class EquipManager
virtual ~EquipManager();
static EquipManager * GetSingleton(void);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(EquipItem, void, 0x00637A80, Actor * actor, TESForm * item, BaseExtraList * extraData, SInt32 count, BGSEquipSlot * equipSlot, bool withEquipSound, bool preventUnequip, bool showMsg, void * unk);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(UnequipItem, bool, 0x00638190, Actor * actor, TESForm * item, BaseExtraList * extraData, SInt32 count, BGSEquipSlot * equipSlot, bool unkFlag1, bool preventEquip, bool unkFlag2, bool unkFlag3, void * unk);
typedef BGSEquipSlot * (*_GetEitherHandSlot)();
extern RelocAddr<_GetEitherHandSlot> GetEitherHandSlot;
typedef BGSEquipSlot * (*_GetRightHandSlot)();
extern RelocAddr<_GetRightHandSlot> GetRightHandSlot;
typedef BGSEquipSlot * (*_GetLeftHandSlot)();
extern RelocAddr<_GetLeftHandSlot> GetLeftHandSlot;
typedef UInt32(*_LookupActorValueByName)(const char * name);
extern RelocAddr<_LookupActorValueByName> LookupActorValueByName;
typedef bool(*_HasLOS)(Actor* source, TESObjectREFR* target, UInt8 * unk1);
extern RelocAddr<_HasLOS> HasLOS;
typedef UInt32(*_GetRelationshipIndex)(TESForm * form1, TESForm * form2);
extern RelocAddr<_GetRelationshipIndex> GetRelationshipIndex;
class RelationshipRanks
static RelationshipRanks * GetSingleton(void);
kRelationshipLover = 0,
SInt32 value[kNumRelationships];
static SInt32 GetRelationshipRank(TESForm * form1, TESForm * form2);
class ActorValueList
enum {
kNumActorValues = 164
static ActorValueList * GetSingleton(void);
ActorValueInfo * GetActorValue(UInt32 id);
static UInt32 ResolveActorValueByName(const char * name);
UInt32 unk00; // 00
UInt32 pad04; // 04
ActorValueInfo * actorValues[kNumActorValues]; // 08
// 68 or 70
class FaceGen
static FaceGen * GetSingleton(void);
struct Action {
BSFixedString name;
UInt32 unk04;
float delta;
// 40
class MorphDatabase
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(GetFaceGenModelMapEntry, bool, 0x003D4F90, const char * meshPath, BSFaceGenModelMap ** entry);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(SetFaceGenModelMapEntry, void, 0x003D4D80, const char * meshPath, BSFaceGenModel * model);
UInt64 unk00; // 00
UInt32 unk08; // 08
UInt32 unk0C; // 0C
UInt32 unk10; // 10
UInt32 unk14; // 14
void *unk18; // 18
UInt64 unk20; // 20
UInt64 unk28; // 28
struct Data30
UInt32 unk00;
UInt32 unk04;
Data30 unk30; // 30
UInt8 unk38; // 38
UInt8 pad39[7]; // 39
UInt32 unk00; // 00
UInt32 unk04; // 04
UInt8 unk08; // 08
UInt8 pad09[7]; // 09
UInt64 unk10; // 10
MorphDatabase morphDatabase; // 18
UInt8 isReset; // 58
UInt8 pad59[3]; // 59
UInt32 unk5C; // 5C
UInt8 unk60; // 60
UInt8 pad61[7]; // 61
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(RegenerateHead, void, 0x003D2A60, BSFaceGenNiNode * headNode, BGSHeadPart * head, TESNPC * npc);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(ApplyMorph, void, 0x003D2380, BSFaceGenNiNode * faceGenNode, BGSHeadPart * headPart, BSFixedString * morphName, float relative);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(FaceGen, isReset) == 0x58);
// Changes one HeadPart to another
typedef void(*_ChangeActorHeadPart)(Actor*, BGSHeadPart* oldPart, BGSHeadPart* newPart);
extern RelocAddr<_ChangeActorHeadPart> ChangeActorHeadPart;
// Regenerates dynamic tints
typedef UInt32(*_UpdatePlayerTints)();
extern RelocAddr<_UpdatePlayerTints> UpdatePlayerTints;
typedef BGSHeadPart ** (*_GetActorBaseOverlays)(TESNPC * npc);
extern RelocAddr<_GetActorBaseOverlays> GetActorBaseOverlays;
typedef UInt32(*_GetNumActorBaseOverlays)(TESNPC * npc);
extern RelocAddr<_GetNumActorBaseOverlays> GetNumActorBaseOverlays;
typedef bool(*_ApplyMasksToRenderTarget)(tArray<TintMask*> * tintMask, NiTexture * renderTarget);
extern RelocAddr<_ApplyMasksToRenderTarget> ApplyMasksToRenderTarget;
typedef UInt32(*_UpdateModelSkin)(NiAVObject*, NiColorA**);
extern RelocAddr<_UpdateModelSkin> UpdateModelSkin;
typedef UInt32(*_UpdateModelHair)(NiAVObject*, NiColorA**);
extern RelocAddr<_UpdateModelHair> UpdateModelHair;
typedef UInt32(*_UpdateModelFace)(NiAVObject*);
extern RelocAddr<_UpdateModelFace> UpdateModelFace;
typedef void(*_UpdateHarvestModel)(TESObjectREFR*, NiAVObject*);
extern RelocAddr<_UpdateHarvestModel> UpdateHarvestModel;
// 40
class MagicFavorites
// void ** _vtbl; // 00
UInt64 unk008; // 08
UnkFormArray spells; // 10
UnkFormArray hotkeys; // 28
virtual ~MagicFavorites();
void SetHotkey(TESForm * form, SInt8 idx);
void ClearHotkey(SInt8 idx);
TESForm * GetSpell(SInt8 idx);
bool IsFavorited(TESForm * form);
static MagicFavorites * GetSingleton(void);
// D0
class PersistentFormManager
// 10
struct EnchantData
EnchantmentItem * enchantment; // 00
volatile SInt32 refCount; // 08
UInt32 pad; // 0C
UInt64 unk00; // 00
tArray<EnchantData> weaponEnchants; // 08
tArray<EnchantData> armorEnchants; // 20
UInt64 unk38; // 38
UInt32 unk40; // 40
UInt32 unk44; // 44
UInt32 unk48; // 48
UInt32 unk4C; // 4C
// 30
struct Data
void* unk00; // 00
UInt64 unk08; // 08
void* unk10; // 10
UInt64 unk18; // 18
UInt32 unk20; // 20
UInt32 unk24; // 24
UInt32 unk28; // 28
UInt32 unk2C; // 2C
Data unk50; // 50
Data unk80; // 80
void* unkB0; // B0
UInt64 unkB8; // B8
UInt64 unkC0; // C0
UInt64 unkC8; // C8
static PersistentFormManager * GetSingleton(void);
void IncRefEnchantment(EnchantmentItem * enchantment)
if (enchantment && enchantment->formID >= 0xFF000000) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < weaponEnchants.count; i++) {
EnchantData foundData;
weaponEnchants.GetNthItem(i, foundData);
if (foundData.enchantment == enchantment) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < armorEnchants.count; i++) {
EnchantData foundData;
armorEnchants.GetNthItem(i, foundData);
if (foundData.enchantment == enchantment) {
// The game doesn't bother to dec ref or even delete custom enchants
// when they are no longer used, maybe we can fix this?
void DecRefEnchantment(EnchantmentItem * enchantment)
if (enchantment && enchantment->formID >= 0xFF000000) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < weaponEnchants.count; i++) {
EnchantData foundData;
weaponEnchants.GetNthItem(i, foundData);
if (foundData.enchantment == enchantment) {
if (!InterlockedDecrement(&weaponEnchants[i].refCount))
CALL_MEMBER_FN(this, ScheduleForDeletion)(enchantment);
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < armorEnchants.count; i++) {
EnchantData foundData;
armorEnchants.GetNthItem(i, foundData);
if (foundData.enchantment == enchantment) {
if (!InterlockedDecrement(&armorEnchants[i].refCount))
CALL_MEMBER_FN(this, ScheduleForDeletion)(enchantment);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(CreateOffensiveEnchantment, EnchantmentItem *, 0x0059F0F0, tArray<MagicItem::EffectItem> * effectArray);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(CreateDefensiveEnchantment, EnchantmentItem *, 0x0059F190, tArray<MagicItem::EffectItem> * effectArray);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(CreatePoison, void, 0x0059F2E0, tArray<MagicItem::EffectItem> * effectArray, AlchemyItem ** poison);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(CreatePotion, void, 0x0059F230, AlchemyItem ** potion, tArray<MagicItem::EffectItem> * effectArray);
//DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(AddPersistentForm, void, 0x0068A0F0, TESForm *);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(ScheduleForDeletion, void, 0x0059F6E0, TESForm *);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(PersistentFormManager) == 0xD0);
// D8 or E0
class MenuTopicManager
virtual ~MenuTopicManager();
virtual void Unk_01(void);
NiPointer<TESObjectREFR> GetDialogueTarget();
static MenuTopicManager * GetSingleton(void);
BSTEventSink<void> playerPositionEvent; // 08
UInt64 unk10[6]; // 10
CRITICAL_SECTION critSection; // 40
UInt32 talkingHandle; // 68 - init'd to g_InvalidRefHandler
UInt32 handle2; // 6C - init'd to g_InvalidRefHandler
void* unk70; // 70
UInt64 unk78; // 78
tArray<void *> unk80; // 80
tArray<void *> unk98; // 98
UInt8 unkB0;
UInt8 unkB1;
UInt8 unkB2;
UInt8 unkB3;
UInt8 unkB4;
UInt8 unkB5;
UInt8 unkB6;
UInt8 unkB7;
UInt8 unkB8;
UInt8 unkB9;
UInt8 unkBA;
UInt8 unkBB;
UInt16 padBC;
tArray<void *> unkC0;
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(MenuTopicManager, talkingHandle) == 0x68);
// 3D0
// Note: this class heavily changed in SE!
class BGSSaveLoadManager
kEvent_Autosave = 1 << 0,
kEvent_Save = 1 << 1,
kEvent_Unk02 = 1 << 2,
kEvent_Unk03 = 1 << 3,
kEvent_Unk04 = 1 << 4,
kEvent_Unk07 = 1 << 7,
static BGSSaveLoadManager * GetSingleton(void);
void Save(const char * name);
void Load(const char * name);
// used by Hooks_SaveLoad
void SaveGame_Hook(UInt64 *unk0);
bool LoadGame_Hook(UInt64 *unk0, UInt32 unk1, UInt32 unk2, void *unk3);
void ProcessEvents_Hook(void);
void DeleteSavegame_Hook(const char * saveName, UInt32 unk1);
// use these when calling from a papyrus thread
void RequestSave(const char * name);
void RequestLoad(const char * name);
BSTEventSink<void*> unk000; // 000 - .?AV?$BSTEventSink@VBSSaveDataEvent@@@@
BSTEventSink<void*> unk008; // 008 - .?AV?$BSTEventSink@UNameChangedEvent@RaceSexMenuEvent@@@@
void* unk010; // 010
// 58
struct Data018
UnkArray unk00; // 00
UnkArray unk18; // 18
UnkArray unk30; // 30
UInt64 unk48; // 48
UInt8 unk50; // 50
UInt8 pad51[7]; // 51
Data018 unk018; // 018
UInt32 unk070; // 070
UInt32 unk074; // 074
UInt32 unk078; // 078
UInt32 unk07C; // 07C
UInt32 unk080; // 080
UInt32 unk084; // 084
void* unk088; // 088
UInt32 unk090; // 090
UInt32 unk094; // 094
void* unk098; // 098
UInt32 unk0A0; // 0A0
UInt32 unk0A4; // 0A4
UInt32 unk0A8; // 0A8
UInt32 unk0AC; // 0AC
UInt32 unk0B0; // 0B0
UInt32 unk0B4; // 0B4
void* unk0B8; // 0B8
UInt32 unk0C0; // 0C0
UInt32 unk0C4; // 0C4
UInt32 unk0C8; // 0C8
UInt32 unk0CC; // 0CC
UInt32 unk0D0; // 0D0
UInt32 unk0D4; // 0D4
UInt32 unk0D8; // 0D8 - init'd to 0xFFFFFFFF
UInt32 unk0DC; // 0DC
UInt32 unk0E0; // 0E0
UInt32 unk0E4; // 0E4
UnkArray unk0E8; // 0E8 - TODO: it is really a tArray of a structure of 0x48 bytes
UnkArray unk100; // 100
UInt8 unk118; // 118
UInt8 pad119[3]; // 119
UInt32 unk11C; // 11C
UInt16 unk120; // 120
UInt16 pad122; // 122
UInt32 unk124; // 124
UInt64 startTickCount; // 128 - GetTickCount when constructed, casted to 64 bits
UInt8 unk130; // 130 - init'd to 1
UInt8 pad131[7]; // 131
// 118
struct Data138
char latestSaveFileName[0x104]; // 000
UInt32 pad104; // 104
Data138* unk108; // 108 - Init'd as self ptr. Might has been intended as a ptr to the char[] instead
UInt8 unk110; // 110 - init'd to 0
UInt8 unk111; // 111 - init'd to 0
UInt8 unk112; // 112 - init'd to 4
UInt8 unk113; // 113 - init'd to 1
UInt32 pad114; // 114
Data138 unk138; // 138
UInt32 unk250; // 250 - init'd to FFFFFFFF (unk28 in Skyrim32)
bool unk254; // 254 (unk2C in Skyrim32)
UInt8 pad255[3]; // 255
void* unk258; // 258 (unk30 in Skyrim32)
UInt8 unk260; // 260 - init'd to 1 (unk34 in Skyrim32)
UInt8 unk261; // 261 (unk35 in Skyrim32)
UInt8 pad262[2]; // 262
UInt32 unk264; // 264
UInt32 unk268; // 268
UInt32 unk26C; // 26C
UInt8 unk270[0x2B0 - 0x270]; // 270
// C0 .?AVThread@BGSSaveLoadManager@@
class Thread
virtual ~Thread();
virtual UInt32 Unk01();
virtual void SetEvent(); // Just calls Windows SetEvent on hEvent
CRITICAL_SECTION criticalSection; // 08
HANDLE hThread; // 30
HANDLE currentThread; // 38
DWORD threadId; // 40
DWORD currentThreadId; // 44
UInt8 unk48; // 48
UInt8 pad49[3]; // 49
UInt8 unk50; // 50 - init'd to 1
UInt8 unk51; // 51
UInt16 pad52; // 52
UInt32 unk54; // 54 - init'd to 1
HANDLE hEvent; // 58
UInt8 unk60[0x60]; // 60 - TODO: .?AV?$BSTCommonStaticMessageQueue@V?$BSTSmartPointer@VRequest@saveload@bgs@@UBSTSmartPointerIntrusiveRefCount@@@@$07@@
Thread thread; // 2B0
UInt8 unk370[0x60]; // 370 - TODO: .?AV?$BSTCommonStaticMessageQueue@V?$BSTSmartPointer@VRequest@saveload@bgs@@UBSTSmartPointerIntrusiveRefCount@@@@$07@@
// SE: Save_Internal signature changed! Normal save: unk1=2, unk2=0
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(Save_Internal, bool, 0x00586DE0, int unk1, UInt32 unk2, const char * name);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(Load_Internal, bool, 0x00587350, const char * name, int unk1, UInt32 unk2, UInt32 unk3);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(SaveGame_HookTarget, void, 0x0057CCC0, UInt64 *unk0);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(LoadGame_HookTarget, bool, 0x0057D1A0, UInt64 *unk0, UInt32 unk1, UInt32 unk2, void *unk3);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(ProcessEvents_Internal, void, 0x00589A60);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(DeleteSavegame, void, 0x00586D70, const char * saveName, UInt32 unk1);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(BGSSaveLoadManager, thread) == 0x2B0);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(BGSSaveLoadManager::Thread, hThread) == 0x30);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(BGSSaveLoadManager::Thread) == 0xC0);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(BGSSaveLoadManager) == 0x3D0);
class DefaultObjectList
enum {
kNumDefaultObjects = 0x15B // SE: there is one more than in Skyrim32 ("Mods Help FormList")
// 18 - Verified
struct DefaultObject
const char * description; // 00
UInt32 unk08; // 08
UInt32 key; // 0C
UInt32 unk10; // 10
UInt32 pad; // 14
static DefaultObjectList * GetSingleton(void);
DefaultObject objects[kNumDefaultObjects];
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(DefaultObjectList::DefaultObject) == 0x18);
class FacePresetList
enum {
kNumPresets = 4
enum {
struct Preset
const char * presetName;
Setting * gameSetting;
Preset presets[kNumPresets];
static FacePresetList * GetSingleton(void);
class FaceMorphList
enum {
kNumMorphs = 19
enum {
kMorph_NoseShortLong = 0,
struct Morph
UInt32 type;
const char * lowerName;
const char * upperName;
Morph morphs[kNumMorphs];