Fork 0
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2039 lines
41 KiB

#pragma once
#include "skse64/GameForms.h"
#include "skse64/NiObjects.h"
#include "skse64/GameEvents.h"
class Character;
// TESObject and children
// 20
class TESObject : public TESForm
virtual UInt32 Unk_39(void);
virtual bool Unk_3A(void);
virtual UInt32 Unk_3B(void);
virtual bool Unk_3C(void);
virtual void Unk_3D(UInt32 arg);
virtual UInt32 Unk_3E(UInt32 arg0, UInt32 arg1);
virtual void Unk_3F(void * arg);
virtual bool Unk_40(void);
virtual bool Unk_41(void);
virtual void Unk_42(void);
virtual void Unk_43(UInt32 arg0, UInt32 arg1);
virtual UInt32 Unk_44(void);
virtual UInt32 Unk_45(void);
virtual void * Unk_46(void);
// 30
class TESBoundObject : public TESObject
struct Bound
UInt16 x;
UInt16 y;
UInt16 z;
virtual void Unk_47(UInt32 arg);
virtual UInt32 Unk_48(void);
virtual UInt32 Unk_49(UInt32 arg); // return Unk_3E(arg, 0);
// model-related?
virtual bool Unk_4A(void);
virtual bool Unk_4B(void * arg0, BSString * dst); // steal/take string
virtual bool Unk_4C(void * arg0, UInt8 arg1, UInt32 arg2, float arg3);
virtual void Unk_4D(UInt32 arg);
virtual void Unk_4E(UInt32 arg);
virtual void Unk_4F(void);
virtual void Unk_50(void);
virtual void Unk_51(void);
Bound bounds; // 20
Bound bounds2; // 26 (not 28!)
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(TESBoundObject, bounds2) == 0x26);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(TESBoundObject) == 0x30);
// 48
class BGSAcousticSpace : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_AcousticSpace };
TESForm * loopingSound; // 30
TESForm * soundRegion; // 38
TESForm * reverbType; // 40
// 80
class BGSAddonNode : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_AddonNode };
// parents
TESModelTextureSwap texSwap; // 30
// members
UInt32 unk68; // 68
UInt64 unk70; // 70
UInt8 unk78[4]; // 78
UInt32 unk7C; // 7C
// 70
class BGSArtObject : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Art };
// parents
TESModelTextureSwap texSwap; // 30
// members
UInt32 unk68; // 68
// This class was already removed in Skyrim32 and doesn't apply to SE, I'll leave it commented
// 34
class BGSCloudClusterForm : public TESBoundObject
// parents
TESModel model; // 20
// 60
class BGSDualCastData : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_DualCastData };
// 30
struct Data
UInt64 unk00; // 00
UInt64 unk08; // 08
UInt64 unk10; // 10
UInt64 unk18; // 18
UInt64 unk20; // 20
UInt32 unk28; // 28
UInt32 pad2C; // 2C
Data unk30; // 30
// E8
class BGSExplosion : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Explosion };
// parents
TESFullName fullName; // 30
TESModel model; // 40
TESEnchantableForm enchantment; // 68
BGSPreloadable preloadable; // 80
TESImageSpaceModifiableForm imageSpaceModifier; // 88
// members
// 50
struct Data
UInt64 unk00; // 00
UInt64 unk08; // 08
UInt64 unk10; // 10
UInt64 unk18; // 18
UInt64 unk20; // 20
UInt64 unk28; // 28
UInt32 unk30; // 30
UInt32 unk34; // 34
UInt32 unk38; // 38
UInt32 unk3C; // 3C
UInt32 unk40; // 40
UInt32 unk44; // 44
UInt32 unk48; // 48
UInt32 unk4C; // 4C
Data data; // 98
// B8
class BGSHazard : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Hazard };
// parents
TESFullName fullName; // 30
TESModel model; // 40
BGSPreloadable preloadable; // 68
TESImageSpaceModifiableForm imageSpaceModifier; // 70
// members
// 38
struct Data
UInt32 unk00; // 00
UInt32 unk04; // 04
UInt32 unk08; // 08
UInt32 unk0C; // 0C
float unk10; // 10
UInt32 unk14; // 14
UInt64 unk18; // 18
UInt64 unk20; // 20
UInt64 unk28; // 28
UInt64 unk30; // 30
Data unk80; // 80
// 78
class BGSIdleMarker : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_IdleMarker };
// parents
TESModel model; // 30
BGSIdleCollection idle; // 58
// B8
class BGSNote : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Note };
// parents
TESModel model; // 30
TESFullName fullName; // 58
TESIcon icon; // 68
BGSPickupPutdownSounds sounds; // 78
// members
struct Entry
void * data;
Entry * next;
UInt64 unk90; // 90
UInt64 unk98; // 98
Entry unkA0; // A0
UInt8 unkB0; // B0
UInt8 unkB1; // B1
UInt8 padB2[6]; // B2
// 138
class BGSProjectile : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Projectile };
// parents
TESFullName fullName; // 030
TESModel model; // 040
BGSPreloadable preloadable; // 068
BGSDestructibleObjectForm destructible; // 070
// members
// 88
struct Data
UInt32 unk00; // 00 - init'd to 65536
UInt32 unk04; // 04
float speed; // 08 - init'd to 1000
float range; // 0C - init'd to 10000
void* unk10; // 10
UInt32 unk18; // 18
UInt32 unk1C; // 1C
UInt64 unk20; // 20
UInt64 unk28; // 28
UInt64 unk30; // 30
BGSSoundDescriptorForm* sound; // 38
UInt32 unk40; // 40
float fadeDuration; // 44 - init'd to 0.5
float impactForce; // 48
UInt32 pad4C; // 4C
UInt64 unk50; // 50
UInt64 unk58; // 58
UInt64 unk60; // 60
float coneSpread; // 68
float collisionRadius; // 6C - init'd to 10
UInt32 unk70; // 70 - probably "lifetime" (float)
float relaunchInterval; // 74
UInt64 unk78; // 78
UInt64 unk80; // 80
Data data; // 080
TESModel model108; // 108
UInt32 unk130; // 130 - init'd to 1
// 68
class BGSStaticCollection : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_StaticCollection };
// parents
TESModelTextureSwap texSwap; // 30
class BSShaderTextureSet;
// 10
// TODO: virtual functions need check
class BSTextureSet : public NiObject
virtual const char * GetTexturePath(UInt32 index);
virtual void SetTexture(UInt32 index, /*NiSourceTexture*/void * texture);
virtual void SetTexturePath(UInt32 index, const char * path);
kTextureDiffuse = 0,
kTextureSubsurfaceTint = kTextureEnvironmentMask,
kTextureDetailMap = kTextureGlowMap,
kTextureSpecular = kTextureBacklightMask,
kNumTextures = 9
// 58
class BSShaderTextureSet : public BSTextureSet
// According to constructor, they are all in a fixed array of 9
const char * textures[9];
static BSShaderTextureSet * Create();
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(ctor, BSShaderTextureSet *, 0x012C9320);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(BSShaderTextureSet) == 0x58);
// 130
class BGSTextureSet : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_TextureSet };
// parents
BSTextureSet textureSet; // 30
// members
// 0C
struct Data
UInt32 unk00; // 00
UInt32 unk04; // 04
UInt32 unk08; // 08
kTextureDiffuse = 0,
kTextureSubsurfaceTint = kTextureEnvironmentMask,
kTextureDetailMap = kTextureGlowMap,
kTextureSpecular = kTextureBacklightMask,
//kTextureUnused08, // commented this one, it made the below array to be 9, not 8 as needed!
TESTexture texturePaths[kNumTextures]; // 40
UInt64 unkC0; // C0
UInt16 unkC8; // C8
UInt8 padCA[6]; // CA
Data unkD0[kNumTextures]; // D0
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(BGSTextureSet) == 0x130);
// 90
class MagicItem : public TESBoundObject
virtual UInt32 Unk_52(void); // pure
virtual void Unk_53(UInt32 arg);
virtual UInt32 Unk_54(void); // pure
virtual void Unk_55(UInt32 arg);
virtual UInt32 Unk_56(void); // pure
virtual bool Unk_57(UInt32 arg);
virtual float Unk_58(void);
virtual float Unk_59(void);
virtual bool Unk_5A(void);
virtual bool Unk_5B(void);
virtual bool Unk_5C(void);
virtual bool Unk_5D(void);
virtual bool Unk_5E(void);
virtual bool Unk_5F(UInt32 arg);
virtual bool Unk_60(void);
virtual bool Unk_61(void);
virtual void Unk_62(UInt32 arg0, UInt32 arg1);
virtual float Unk_63(void);
virtual UInt32 Unk_64(void);
virtual UInt32 Unk_65(void);
virtual bool Unk_66(void);
virtual UInt32 Unk_67(void); // pure, returns char code
virtual void Unk_68(MagicItem * src); // pure, copy data if possible?
virtual void Unk_69(UInt32 arg0, UInt32 arg1); // loading-related
virtual void Unk_6A(UInt32 arg);
virtual void * Unk_6B(void); // pure, returns data
virtual void * Unk_6C(void); // pure, returns data
virtual UInt32 Unk_6D(void); // pure, return size of data
virtual void Unk_6E(void); // pure, byteswap?
// parents
TESFullName fullName; // 30
BGSKeywordForm keyword; // 40
// members
struct EffectItem
float magnitude; // 00
UInt32 area; // 04
UInt32 duration; // 08
UInt32 pad0C; // 0C
EffectSetting* mgef; // 10
float cost; // 18 - ?
UInt32 unk1C; // 1C - probably pad
void *unk20; // 20 - looks like the condition
magnitude = 0;
area = 0;
duration = 0;
mgef = NULL;
cost = 0.0;
unk1C = 0;
unk20 = NULL;
DEFINE_STATIC_HEAP(Heap_Allocate, Heap_Free);
tArray<EffectItem*> effectItemList; // 58
UInt32 hostile; // 70
EffectSetting* effectTemplate; // 78
UInt32 unk80; // 80
UInt64 unk88; // 88
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(GetCostliestEffectItem, EffectItem *, 0x00101CC0, int arg1, bool arg2);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(GetEffectiveMagickaCost, float, 0x00101A30, Character* caster);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(MagicItem) == 0x90);
// 168
class AlchemyItem : public MagicItem
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Potion };
kFlag_ManualCalc = 0x00000001,
kFlag_Food = 0x00000002,
kFlag_Medicine = 0x00010000,
kFlag_Poison = 0x00020000,
// parents
TESModelTextureSwap texSwap; // 090
TESIcon icon; // 0C8
BGSMessageIcon messageIcon; // 0D8
TESWeightForm weight; // 0F0
BGSEquipType equipType; // 100
BGSDestructibleObjectForm destructibleObj; // 110
BGSPickupPutdownSounds sounds; // 120
// members
// 20
struct Data
UInt32 value; // 00 - init'd to FFFFFFFF
UInt32 flags; // 04
UInt64 unk08; // 08 addiction (legacy?)
UInt32 unk10; // 10 addiction chance (legacy?)
UInt32 pad14; // 14
BGSSoundDescriptorForm * useSound; // 18
Data itemData; // 138
TESIcon unkB8; // 158
bool IsFood() { return (itemData.flags & kFlag_Food) != 0; }
bool IsPoison() { return (itemData.flags & kFlag_Poison) != 0; }
// C0
class EnchantmentItem : public MagicItem
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Enchantment };
kFlag_ManualCalc = 0x00000001,
// 30
struct Data
struct Calculations
UInt32 cost; // 00 - init'd to FFFFFFFF
UInt32 flags; // 04
Calculations calculations; // 00
UInt32 unk08; // 08
UInt32 amount; // 0C - init'd to FFFFFFFF
UInt32 deliveryType; // 10 - init'd to 5
UInt32 castingType; // 14 - init'd to 6
float castTime; // 18
UInt32 pad1C; // 1C
EnchantmentItem * baseEnchantment; // 20
BGSListForm * restrictions; // 28
Data data; // 90
// 140
class IngredientItem : public MagicItem
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Ingredient };
// parents
TESModelTextureSwap texSwap; // 090
TESIcon icon; // 0C8
TESWeightForm weight; // 0D8
BGSEquipType equipType; // 0E8
BGSDestructibleObjectForm destructible; // 0F8
BGSPickupPutdownSounds sounds; // 108
TESValueForm value; // 120
// members
// SE: I'm taking members out of the several structures, they break alignment
UInt32 unk130; // 00 - init'd to FFFFFFFF
UInt32 unk134; // 04
// ahzaab 8-25-13
enum // type - these are flags
kType_NoEffect = 0,
kType_FirstEffect = 1 << 0,
kType_SecondEffect = 1 << 1,
kType_ThirdEffect = 1 << 2,
kType_FourthEffect = 1 << 3
UInt8 knownEffects; // 138 //The lower nibble contains the known effects, the upper nibble is unknown
UInt8 unk139; // 139
UInt16 unk13A; // 13A
UInt32 pad13C; // 13C
class Character;
// E8
class SpellItem : public MagicItem
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Spell };
// parents
BGSEquipType equipType; // 90
BGSMenuDisplayObject dispObj; // A0
TESDescription description; // B0
// members
kTypeSpell = 0,
// 24-28
struct Data
struct Data0
UInt32 cost; // 00 - init'd to FFFFFFFF
UInt32 flags; // 04
Data0 unk00; // 00
UInt32 type; // 08
float castTime; // 0C
UInt32 castType; // 10 - init'd to 3
UInt32 unk14; // 14 - init'd to 5
UInt32 unk18; // 18
UInt32 unk1C; // 1C
BGSPerk* spellPerk; // 20
Data data; // C0
UInt32 GetMagickaCost() { return data.unk00.cost; }
// 168
class ScrollItem : public SpellItem
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_ScrollItem };
// parents
TESModelTextureSwap texSwap; // E8
BGSDestructibleObjectForm destructible; // 120
BGSPickupPutdownSounds sounds; // 130
TESWeightForm weight; // 148
TESValueForm value; // 158
// 128
class TESAmmo : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Ammo };
// parents
TESFullName fullName; // 030
TESModelTextureSwap texSwap; // 040
TESIcon icon; // 078
BGSMessageIcon messageIcon; // 088
TESValueForm value; // 0A0
TESWeightForm weight; // 0B0
BGSDestructibleObjectForm destructible; // 0C0
BGSPickupPutdownSounds sounds; // 0D0
TESDescription description; // 0E8
BGSKeywordForm keyword; // 0F8
// members
// 10
struct AmmoSettings
BGSProjectile * projectile; // 0
UInt32 flags; // 8
float damage; // C
enum {
kIgnoreNormalResist = (1 << 0),
kNotPlayable = (1 << 1),
kNotBolt = (1 << 2)
bool isBolt() { return (settings.flags & kNotBolt) != kNotBolt; }
bool isPlayable() { return (settings.flags & kNotPlayable) != kNotPlayable; }
AmmoSettings settings; // 110
BSFixedString unk120; // 120
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(TESAmmo) == 0x128);
// 30
class TESBoundAnimObject : public TESBoundObject
// 150
class TESActorBase : public TESBoundAnimObject
// parents
TESActorBaseData actorData; // 030
TESContainer container; // 088
TESSpellList spellList; // 0A0
TESAIForm aiForm; // 0B0
TESFullName fullName; // 0D8
ActorValueOwner actorValueOwner; // 0E8
BGSDestructibleObjectForm destructible; // 0F0
BGSSkinForm skinForm; // 100
BGSKeywordForm keyword; // 110
BGSAttackDataForm attackData; // 128
BGSPerkRankArray perkRanks; // 138
virtual bool Unk_52(void);
virtual UInt32 Unk_53(void);
virtual void Unk_54(UInt32 arg);
virtual TESActorBase * Unk_55(void);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(TESActorBase, keyword) == 0x110);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(TESActorBase) == 0x150);
class BSFaceGenNiNode;
// 268
class TESNPC : public TESActorBase
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_NPC };
struct FaceMorphs
kNumOptions = 19,
kNumPresets = 4,
float option[kNumOptions];
UInt32 presets[kNumPresets];
struct HeadData {
BGSColorForm * hairColor;
BGSTextureSet * headTexture; // Only seems to apply to the player
// parents
TESRaceForm race; // 150
BGSOverridePackCollection overridePacks; // 160
/*BSTEventSink <void *>*/void* menuOpenCloseEvent; // 188 - MenuOpenCloseEvent
// members @190
UInt8 unk190[0x12]; // 190 - init'd to 5
UInt8 unk1A2[0x12]; // 1A2 - init'd to 0
UInt8 pad1B4[0x1BA - 0x1B4]; // 1B4
UInt16 unk1BA; // 1BA
UInt32 pad1BC; // 1BC
TESClass* npcClass; // 1C0
HeadData * headData; // 1C8
UInt64 unk1D0; // 1D0
TESCombatStyle* combatStyle; // 1D8
UInt32 unk1E0; // 1E0
UInt32 pad1E4; // 1E4
TESRace * overlayRace; // 1E8
TESNPC * nextTemplate; // 1F0
float height; // 1F8 - init'd to 1
float weight; // 1FC - init'd to 50
UInt64 unk200; // 200
BSFixedString shortName; // 208
TESObjectARMO* skinFar; // 210
BGSOutfit* defaultOutfit; // 218
BGSOutfit* sleepOutfit; // 220
UInt64 unk228; // 228
TESFaction* faction; // 230
BGSHeadPart ** headparts; // 238
UInt8 numHeadParts; // 240
UInt8 unk241; // 241 - init'd to 1
UInt8 unk242; // 242 - New in SE?
UInt8 unk243; // 243
UInt8 unk244; // 244 - New in SE?
UInt8 unk245; // 245 - init'd to 1
struct Color { // 797979 Transparent
UInt8 red, green, blue; // 246 - 248 - Skin Color
} color;
UInt8 pad249[7]; // 249
UInt64 unk250; // 250 // Relationships?
FaceMorphs * faceMorph; // 258
UInt64 unk260; // 260
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(GetSex, char, 0x003512A0);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(HasOverlays, bool, 0x00368A20);
// Swaps a headPart of the same type as target with target
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(ChangeHeadPart, void, 0x00365BF0, BGSHeadPart * target);
struct MorphAction {
BSFaceGenNiNode * faceNode;
TESNPC * npc;
const char ** morphName;
float value;
// Updates the neck seam when weight changed
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(UpdateNeck, void, 0x003606D0, BSFaceGenNiNode * faceNode);
// Computes RGB SkinTone from RGBA TintMask
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(SetSkinFromTint, void, 0x00360480, NiColorA * result, TintMask * tintMask, bool fromTint);
void SetFaceTexture(BGSTextureSet * textureSet);
void SetHairColor(BGSColorForm * hairColor);
BGSHeadPart * GetHeadPartByType(UInt32 type);
BGSHeadPart * GetHeadPartOverlayByType(UInt32 type);
BGSHeadPart * GetCurrentHeadPartByType(UInt32 type);
TESNPC * GetRootTemplate();
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(TESNPC, nextTemplate) == 0x1F0);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(TESNPC) == 0x268);
// 90
class TESLevCharacter : public TESBoundAnimObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_LeveledCharacter };
TESLeveledList leveledList; // 30
TESModelTextureSwap texSwap; // 58
// C8
class TESObjectACTI : public TESBoundAnimObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Activator };
// parents
TESFullName fullName; // 20-30
TESModelTextureSwap texSwap; // 28-40
BGSDestructibleObjectForm destructible; // 44-78
BGSOpenCloseForm openClose; // 4C-88
BGSKeywordForm keyword; // 50-90
// members
UInt64 unkA8; // A8
UInt64 unkB0; // B0
UInt64 unkB8; // B8
UInt16 unkC0; // C0
UInt8 padC2[6]; // C2
// D8
class BGSTalkingActivator : public TESObjectACTI
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_TalkingActivator };
void * unkC8; // C8
BGSVoiceType * unkD0; // D0
// E8
class TESFlora : public TESObjectACTI
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Flora };
// parents
TESProduceForm produce; // C8
// F0
class TESFurniture : public TESObjectACTI
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Furniture };
// 4
struct DataE0
UInt8 unk0; // 0
UInt8 unk1; // 1 - init'd to FF
UInt8 pad2[2]; // 2
UnkArray unkC8; // C8
DataE0 unkE0; // E0
UInt32 unkE4; // E4
UInt64 unkE8; // E8
// D0
class TESObjectCONT : public TESBoundAnimObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Container };
// parents
TESContainer container; // 30
TESFullName fullName; // 48
TESModelTextureSwap texSwap; // 58
TESWeightForm weight; // 90
BGSDestructibleObjectForm destructible; // A0
BGSOpenCloseForm openClose; // B0
// members
UInt8 unkB8; // B8
UInt8 unkB9; // B9
UInt8 padBA[6]; // BA
UInt64 padC0; // C0
UInt64 padC8; // C8
// D0
class TESObjectDOOR : public TESBoundAnimObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Door };
// parents
TESFullName fullName; // 30
TESModelTextureSwap texSwap; // 40
BGSDestructibleObjectForm destructible; // 78
BGSOpenCloseForm openClose; // 88
// members
UInt64 unk90; // 90
UInt64 unk98; // 98
UInt64 unkA0; // A0
UInt64 unkA8; // A8
UInt8 unkB0; // B0
UInt8 padB1[7]; // B1
UnkArray unkB8; // 64-B8
// B4-130
class TESObjectLIGH : public TESBoundAnimObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Light };
// parents
TESFullName fullName; // 20-030
TESModelTextureSwap texSwap; // 28-040
TESIcon icon; // 44-078
BGSMessageIcon messageIcon; // 4C-088
TESWeightForm weight; // 58-0A0
TESValueForm value; // 60-0B0
BGSDestructibleObjectForm destructible; // 68-0C0
BGSEquipType equipType; // 70-0D0
// members (78)
// 28
struct DataE0
SInt32 time; // 00 time ?
UInt32 radius; // 04
struct Color {
UInt8 red, green, blue;
} color; // 08
UInt32 unk0C; // 0C
float unk10; // 10
float FOV; // 14 - 90
float unk18; // 18 - .001
float unk1C; // 1C
UInt32 unk20; // 20
UInt32 unk24; // 24
// 18
struct Data118
UInt64 unk0; // 00
UInt32 unk4; // 08
UInt32 padC; // 0C
UInt64 unk8; // 10
DataE0 unkE0; // 78-0E0
float fade; // A0-108 - init'd to
UInt32 pad10C; // 10C
UInt64 unkA4; // A4-110
Data118 unk118; // 118
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(TESObjectLIGH) == 0x130);
// 38
class TESSound : public TESBoundAnimObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Sound };
BGSSoundDescriptorForm * descriptor; // 30
// 78
class TESGrass : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Grass };
virtual UInt8 GetUnk34(void); // return unk34;
virtual bool SetUnk34(UInt8 data); // if(data > 100) return false;
// unk34 = data; return true;
virtual UInt8 GetUnk35(void); // return unk35;
virtual bool SetUnk35(UInt8 data); // if(data > 90) return false;
// if(data > unk36) return false;
// unk35 = data; return true;
virtual UInt8 GetUnk36(void); // return unk36;
virtual bool SetUnk36(UInt8 data); // if(data > 90) return false;
// if(data < unk35) return false;
// unk36 = data; return true;
virtual float GetUnk35_Float(void); // return unk35 * (M_PI / 180);
virtual float GetUnk36_Float(void); // return unk36 * (M_PI / 180);
virtual UInt16 GetUnk38(void); // return unk38;
virtual void SetUnk38(UInt16 data); // unk38 = data;
virtual UInt32 GetUnk3C(void); // return unk3C;
virtual void SetUnk3C(UInt32 data); // unk3C = data;
virtual float GetUnk40(void); // return unk40;
virtual bool SetUnk40(float data); // if((data < 0) || (data > 512)) return false;
// unk40 = data; return true;
virtual float GetUnk44(void); // return unk44;
virtual bool SetUnk44(float data); // if((data < 0) || (data > 1)) return false;
// unk44 = data; return true;
virtual float GetUnk48(void); // return unk48;
virtual bool GetUnk48(float data); // if((data < 0) || (data > 1)) return false;
// unk48 = data; return true;
virtual float GetUnk4C(void); // return unk4C;
virtual bool SetUnk4C(float data); // if(data <= 0) return false;
// unk4C = data; return true;
virtual bool GetUnk50_01(void); // return (unk50 & 1) != 0;
virtual void SetUnk50_01(UInt8 data); // if(data) unk50 |= 1; else unk50 &= ~1;
virtual bool GetUnk50_02(void); // return (unk50 & 2) != 0;
virtual void SetUnk50_02(UInt8 data); // if(data) unk50 |= 2; else unk50 &= ~2;
virtual bool GetUnk50_04(void); // return (unk50 & 4) != 0;
virtual void SetUnk50_04(UInt8 data); // if(data) unk50 |= 4; else unk50 &= ~4;
// parents
TESModel model; // 30
// members
UInt8 unk58; // 58 - init'd to 30
UInt8 unk59; // 59 - degrees
UInt8 unk5A; // 5A - init'd to 90 - degrees
UInt8 pad5B; // 5B
UInt16 unk5C; // 5C
UInt8 pad5E[2]; // 5E
UInt32 unk60; // 60
float unk64; // 64 - init'd to 32
float unk68; // 68 - init'd to 0.2
float unk6C; // 6C - init'd to 0.5
float unk70; // 70 - init'd to 10
UInt8 unk74; // 74
UInt8 pad75[3]; // 75
// 58
class TESLevItem : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_LeveledItem };
// parents
TESLeveledList leveledList; // 30
// 58
class TESLevSpell : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_LeveledSpell };
// parents
TESLeveledList leveledList; // 30
class TESObjectARMA;
// 228
class TESObjectARMO : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Armor };
// parents
TESFullName fullName; // 030
TESRaceForm race; // 040
TESEnchantableForm enchantable; // 050
TESValueForm value; // 068
TESWeightForm weight; // 078
BGSDestructibleObjectForm destructible; // 088
BGSPickupPutdownSounds pickupSounds; // 098
TESBipedModelForm bipedModel; // 0B0
BGSEquipType equipType; // 1A0
BGSBipedObjectForm bipedObject; // 1B0
BGSBlockBashData blockBash; // 1C0
BGSKeywordForm keyword; // 1D8
TESDescription description; // 1F0
// members
UInt32 armorValTimes100; // 200
UInt32 pad204; // 204
tArray<TESObjectARMA *> armorAddons; // 208
TESObjectARMO * templateArmor; // 220 - enchantment related?
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(TESObjectARMO, armorValTimes100) == 0x200);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(TESObjectARMO) == 0x228);
// 138
class TESObjectBOOK : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Book };
// parents
TESFullName fullName; // 30
TESModelTextureSwap texSwap; // 40
TESIcon icon; // 78
TESValueForm value; // 88
TESWeightForm weight; // 98
TESDescription description; // A8
BGSDestructibleObjectForm destructible; // B8
BGSMessageIcon messageIcon; // C8
BGSPickupPutdownSounds pickupSounds; // E0
BGSKeywordForm keyword; // F8
// members
struct Data
enum // type - these are technically flags
kType_None = 0,
kType_Skill = 1 << 0,
kType_CantBeTaken = 1 << 1,
kType_Spell = 1 << 2, // takes priority over skill
kType_Read = 1 << 3, // set once the book is equipped by the player, along with the CHANGE_BOOK_READ (0x40) change flag
UInt8 flags; // 0
UInt8 type; // 1
UInt16 unk02; // 2, probably padding too
UInt32 unk04; // 4, probably padding (SE)
UInt32 skill;
SpellItem * spell;
} teaches; // 8
// make some sense of the flags field so we know what's in the union
UInt32 GetSanitizedType(void);
Data data; // 110
TESObjectSTAT * bookStat; // 120
TESDescription description2; // 128
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(TESObjectBOOK) == 0x138);
// 100
class TESObjectMISC : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Misc };
// parents
TESFullName fullName; // 30
TESModelTextureSwap texSwap; // 40
TESIcon icon; // 78
TESValueForm value; // 88
TESWeightForm weight; // 98
BGSDestructibleObjectForm destructible; // A8
BGSMessageIcon messageIcon; // B8
BGSPickupPutdownSounds pickupSounds; // D0
BGSKeywordForm keyword; // E8
virtual void Unk_52(void);
virtual void Unk_53(UInt32 arg0, UInt32 arg1);
virtual void Unk_54(void);
// 120
class BGSApparatus : public TESObjectMISC
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Apparatus };
// parents
TESQualityForm quality; // 100
TESDescription description; // 110
// 100
class TESKey : public TESObjectMISC
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Key };
// 110
class TESSoulGem : public TESObjectMISC
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_SoulGem };
UInt64 unk100; // 100
UInt8 soulSize; // 108
UInt8 gemSize; // 109
UInt8 pad10A[6]; // 10A
// 80
class TESObjectSTAT : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Static };
// parents
TESModelTextureSwap texSwap; // 30
// members
float unk68; // 68 - init'd to 90
UInt64 unk70; // 70
// New members in SE:
UInt8 unk78; // 78
UInt8 unk79; // 79
UInt8 unk7A; // 7A
UInt8 unk7B; // 7B
UInt32 pad7C; // 7C
// B0
// they probably wanted this to derive from TESObjectSTAT first
// doesn't really hurt anything except performance (shims)
class BGSMovableStatic : public TESFullName
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_MovableStatic };
// parents
BGSDestructibleObjectForm destructible; // 10
TESObjectSTAT staticObj; // 20
// members
void* unkA0; // A0 - New in SE?
UInt8 unkA8; // A8
UInt8 pad59[7]; // A9
// C8
class TESObjectTREE : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Tree };
// parents
TESModel model; // 30
TESFullName fullName; // 58
TESProduceForm produce; // 68
// members
// 40
struct Data88
float unk00; // 00 - init'd to 1
float unk04; // 04 - init'd to 1
float unk08; // 08 - init'd to .03
float unk0C; // 0C - init'd to .6
float unk10; // 10 - init'd to .2
float unk14; // 14 - init'd to .4
float unk18; // 18 - init'd to .075
float unk1C; // 1C - init'd to .025
float unk20; // 20 - init'd to .035
float unk24; // 24 - init'd to 1
float unk28; // 28 - init'd to 1
float unk2C; // 2C - init'd to 1
UInt64 unk30; // 30
UInt32 unk38; // 38 - init'd to 2
UInt32 pad3C; // 3C
Data88 unk88; // 88
// 220
class TESObjectWEAP : public TESBoundObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_Weapon };
// parents
TESFullName fullName; // 030
TESModelTextureSwap texSwap; // 040
TESIcon icon; // 078
TESEnchantableForm enchantable; // 088
TESValueForm value; // 0A0
TESWeightForm weight; // 0B0
TESAttackDamageForm damage; // 0C0
BGSDestructibleObjectForm destructible; // 0D0
BGSEquipType equipType; // 0E0
BGSPreloadable preloadable; // 0F0
BGSMessageIcon messageIcon; // 0F8
BGSPickupPutdownSounds pickupSounds; // 110
BGSBlockBashData blockBash; // 128
BGSKeywordForm keyword; // 140
TESDescription description; // 158
// members
// 38
struct GameData
enum // type
kType_HandToHandMelee = 0,
enum Flags1 {
kFlags_PlayerOnly = 0x01,
kFlags_NPCUseAmmo = 0x02,
kFlags_NoJamAfterReload = 0x04,
kFlags_MinorCrime = 0x10,
kFlags_NotUsedInNormalCombat = 0x40,
kFlags_Unknown1 = 0x100,
kFlags_LongBursts = 0x800,
kFlags_NonHostile = 0x1000,
kFlags_BoundWeapon = 0x2000,
enum Flags2 {
kFlags_Hidebackpack = 0x01,
kFlags_Automatic = 0x02,
kFlags_CantDrop = 0x08,
kFlags_EmbeddedWeapon = 0x20,
kFlags_Unknown2 = 0x40,
kFlags_NotPlayable = 0x80,
void *unk00; // 00
float speed; // 08
float reach; // 0C
float minRange; // 10 - init'd to 500
float maxRange; // 14 - init'd to 2000
float animationMult; // 18
float unk18; // 1C
float stagger;// 20 - init'd to 1
UInt32 unk24; // 24
UInt32 skill; // 28 - init'd to FFFFFFFF
UInt32 resist; // 2C - init'd to FFFFFFFF
UInt16 flags1; // 30
UInt8 vatsChance; // 32 - init'd to 5
UInt8 unk33; // 33 - init'd to FF
UInt8 unk34; // 34
UInt8 type; // 35
UInt8 flags2; // 36
UInt8 unk37; // 37
// 18
struct CritData
float critMult; // 00 - init'd to 1
UInt32 pad04; // 04
SpellItem * critEffect; // 08
UInt16 critDamage; // 10
UInt8 effectOnDeath; // 12 - init'd to 1
UInt8 pad13[5]; // 13
GameData gameData; // 168
CritData critData; // 1A0
TESForm * scopeEffect; // 1B8
BGSSoundDescriptorForm * attackSound; // 1C0
BGSSoundDescriptorForm * attackSound2D; // 1C8
BGSSoundDescriptorForm * attackLoopSound; // 1D0
BGSSoundDescriptorForm * attackFailSound; // 1D8
BGSSoundDescriptorForm * idleSound; // 1E0
BGSSoundDescriptorForm * equipSound; // 1E8
BGSSoundDescriptorForm * unequipSound; // 1F0
BGSImpactDataSet * impactDataSet; // 1F8
TESObjectSTAT * model; // 200
TESObjectWEAP * templateForm; // 208 - Non-weapon templates don't make sense here and would probably crash anyway so assume it
BSFixedString embeddedNode; // 210
UInt32 unk218; // 218
UInt32 pad21C; // 21C
float speed() { return gameData.speed; }
float reach() { return gameData.reach; }
float stagger() { return gameData.stagger; }
float minRange() { return gameData.minRange; }
float maxRange() { return gameData.maxRange; }
UInt8 type() { return gameData.type; }
UInt16 critDamage() { return critData.critDamage; }
void GetNodeName(char * dstBuff);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(TESObjectWEAP, messageIcon) == 0xF8);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(TESObjectWEAP) == 0x220);
// 178
class TESObjectARMA : public TESObject
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_ARMA };
// parents
TESRaceForm race; // 20
BGSBipedObjectForm biped; // 30
// members
// 10
struct Data40
UInt8 priority[2]; // 00
UInt8 unk02; // 02
UInt8 unk03; // 03
UInt8 unk04; // 04
UInt8 unk05; // 05
UInt8 unk06; // 06
UInt8 pad07; // 07
UInt32 unk08; // 08
UInt32 pad0C; // 0C
Data40 data; // 40
TESModelTextureSwap models[2][2]; // 50
UInt64 unk130; // 130
UInt64 unk138; // 138
UInt64 unk140; // 140
UInt64 unk148; // 148
tArray<TESRace*> additionalRaces; // 150
BGSFootstepSet * footstepSet; // 168
UInt64 unk170; // 170
bool isValidRace(TESRace * race) const;
void GetNodeName(char * dstBuff, TESObjectREFR * refr, TESObjectARMO * armor, float weightOverride);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(TESObjectARMA) == 0x178);
class ActiveEffect;
// 10
class ActiveEffectReferenceEffectController
virtual ~ActiveEffectReferenceEffectController();
// void ** _vtbl; // 00
ActiveEffect * effect; // 08
// possibly more
class ActiveEffect
enum { kTypeID = kFormType_ActiveMagicEffect };
kFlag_Inactive = 0x8000
virtual ~ActiveEffect();
// void ** _vtbl; // 00
ActiveEffectReferenceEffectController controller; // 08
UInt32 unk18; // 18
float unk1C; // 1C
float unk20; // 20
float unk24; // 24
UInt32 unk28; // 28 - init'd to FFFFFFFF
UInt8 unk2C; // 2C
UInt8 pad2D[3]; // 2D
UInt32 unk30; // 30
UInt32 unk34; // 34
void * niNode; // 38
MagicItem * item; // 40 - init'd to ctor argument
MagicItem::EffectItem * effect; // 48 - init'd to ctor argumet
TESObjectREFR * reference; // 50
TESForm * sourceItem; // 58
UInt64 unk60; // 60
UInt64 un68; // 68
float elapsed; // 70
float duration; // 74
float magnitude; // 78
UInt32 flags; // 7C
UInt32 unk80; // 80 - init'd to 1
UInt32 effectNum; // 84 - Somekind of counter used to determine whether the ActiveMagicEffect handle is valid
UInt32 unk88; // 88 - init'd to 4
UInt32 pad8C; // 8C
UInt32 actorValue; // 90 - Only seems to appear on value modifiers
UInt32 unk94; // 94
UInt64 unk98; // 98
class ScriptEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~ScriptEffect();
// ??
class ScriptedRefEffect : public ScriptEffect
virtual ~ScriptedRefEffect();
// ??
class SlowTimeEffect : public ScriptEffect
virtual ~SlowTimeEffect();
// ??
class ValueModifierEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~ValueModifierEffect();
// ??
class BoundItemEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~BoundItemEffect();
// ??
class CloakEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~CloakEffect();
// ??
class CommandEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~CommandEffect();
// ??
class ReanimateEffect : public CommandEffect
virtual ~ReanimateEffect();
// ??
class CommandSummonedEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~CommandSummonedEffect();
// ??
class SummonCreatureEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~SummonCreatureEffect();
// ??
class CureEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~CureEffect();
// ??
class DetectLifeEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~DetectLifeEffect();
// ??
class StaggerEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~StaggerEffect();
// ??
class DisarmEffect : public StaggerEffect
virtual ~DisarmEffect();
// ??
class DisguiseEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~DisguiseEffect();
// ??
class DispelEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~DispelEffect();
// ??
class EtherealizationEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~EtherealizationEffect();
// ??
class GuideEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~GuideEffect();
// ??
class LightEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~LightEffect();
// ??
class LockEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~LockEffect();
// ??
class OpenEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~OpenEffect();
// ??
class SoulTrapEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~SoulTrapEffect();
// ??
class TelekinesisEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~TelekinesisEffect();
// ??
class VampireLordEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~VampireLordEffect();
// ??
class WerewolfEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~WerewolfEffect();
// ??
class WerewolfFeedEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~WerewolfFeedEffect();
// ??
class SpawnHazardEffect : public ActiveEffect
virtual ~SpawnHazardEffect();
// ??
class PeakValueModifierEffect : public ValueModifierEffect
virtual ~PeakValueModifierEffect();
// ??
class DualValueModifierEffect : public ValueModifierEffect
virtual ~DualValueModifierEffect();
// ??
class EnhanceWeaponEffect : public DualValueModifierEffect
virtual ~EnhanceWeaponEffect();
// ??
class AccumulatingValueModifierEffect : public ValueModifierEffect
virtual ~AccumulatingValueModifierEffect();
// ??
class InvisibilityEffect : public ValueModifierEffect
virtual ~InvisibilityEffect();
// ??
class NightEyeEffect : public ValueModifierEffect
virtual ~NightEyeEffect();
// ??
class ParalysisEffect : public ValueModifierEffect
virtual ~ParalysisEffect();
// ??
class DarknessEffect : public ValueModifierEffect
virtual ~DarknessEffect();
// ??
class AbsorbEffect : public ValueModifierEffect
virtual ~AbsorbEffect();
// ??
class ValueAndConditionsEffect : public ValueModifierEffect
virtual ~ValueAndConditionsEffect();
// ??
class TargetValueModifierEffect : public ValueModifierEffect
virtual ~TargetValueModifierEffect();
// ??
class RallyEffect : public TargetValueModifierEffect
virtual ~RallyEffect();
// ??
class DemoralizeEffect : public TargetValueModifierEffect
virtual ~DemoralizeEffect();
// ??
class CalmEffect : public TargetValueModifierEffect
virtual ~CalmEffect();
// ??
class FrenzyEffect : public TargetValueModifierEffect
virtual ~FrenzyEffect();
// ??
class TurnUndeadEffect : public DemoralizeEffect
virtual ~TurnUndeadEffect();
// ??
class BanishEffect : public DemoralizeEffect
virtual ~BanishEffect();
// ??
class BGSEntryPointFunctionData
virtual ~BGSEntryPointFunctionData();
class BGSEntryPointFunctionDataTwoValue : public BGSEntryPointFunctionData
virtual ~BGSEntryPointFunctionDataTwoValue();
enum {
kNumValues = 2
float value[kNumValues];
class BGSEntryPointFunctionDataOneValue : public BGSEntryPointFunctionData
virtual ~BGSEntryPointFunctionDataOneValue();
float value;
class BGSEntryPointFunctionDataText : public BGSEntryPointFunctionData
virtual ~BGSEntryPointFunctionDataText();
StringCache::Ref text;
class BGSEntryPointFunctionDataSpellItem : public BGSEntryPointFunctionData
virtual ~BGSEntryPointFunctionDataSpellItem();
SpellItem * spellItem;
class BGSEntryPointFunctionDataLeveledList : public BGSEntryPointFunctionData
virtual ~BGSEntryPointFunctionDataLeveledList();
TESLevItem * leveledList;
class BGSEntryPointFunctionDataActivateChoice : public BGSEntryPointFunctionData
virtual ~BGSEntryPointFunctionDataActivateChoice();
StringCache::Ref label;
BGSPerk * perk;
SpellItem * appliedSpell;
UInt32 flags;
UInt32 unk14;
class BGSEntryPointFunctionDataBooleanGraphVariable : public BGSEntryPointFunctionData
virtual ~BGSEntryPointFunctionDataBooleanGraphVariable();
StringCache::Ref variable;
// 10
class BGSPerkEntry
virtual ~BGSPerkEntry();
UInt8 rank; //8
UInt8 priority; // 9
UInt16 unk0A;
UInt32 pad0C;
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(BGSPerkEntry) == 0x10);
class BGSQuestPerkEntry : public BGSPerkEntry
virtual ~BGSQuestPerkEntry();
TESQuest * quest; // 10
UInt8 stage; // 18
UInt8 pad[7]; // 19
class BGSAbilityPerkEntry : public BGSPerkEntry
virtual ~BGSAbilityPerkEntry();
SpellItem * spellItem; // 10
class BGSEntryPointPerkEntry : public BGSPerkEntry
virtual ~BGSEntryPointPerkEntry(); // Has a number of virtuals, don't know what they are yet
UInt32 unk10;
UInt32 pad14;
BGSEntryPointFunctionData * data; // 18
void * unk20;
BGSPerk * perk; // 28
class BGSPrimitive
virtual ~BGSPrimitive();
enum {
kPrimitive_None = 0,
kPrimitive_Box = 1,
kPrimitive_Sphere = 2
UInt32 type;
float bounds_x; // Div 2 from CK
float bounds_y; // Div 2 from CK
float bounds_z; // Div 2 from CK
class BGSPrimitiveBox : public BGSPrimitive
virtual ~BGSPrimitiveBox();
class BGSPrimitiveLine : public BGSPrimitiveBox
virtual ~BGSPrimitiveLine();
class BGSPrimitivePlane : public BGSPrimitive
virtual ~BGSPrimitivePlane();
class BGSPrimitiveSphere : public BGSPrimitive
virtual ~BGSPrimitiveSphere();