
106 lines
2.8 KiB

#pragma once
#include <dinput.h>
#include <queue>
#include "InputMap.h"
#include "common/ICriticalSection.h"
void Hooks_DirectInput_Commit(void);
class DIHookControl : public ISingleton <DIHookControl>
// data sources
kFlag_GameState = 1 << 0, // input passed to game post-filtering
kFlag_RawState = 1 << 1, // user input
kFlag_InsertedState = 1 << 2, // keydown was inserted by script
// modifiers
kFlag_IgnoreDisabled_User = 1 << 3, // ignore user-disabled keys
kFlag_IgnoreDisabled_Script = 1 << 4, // ignore script-disabled keys
kFlag_DefaultBackCompat = kFlag_GameState,
kDisable_User = 1 << 0,
kDisable_Script = 1 << 1,
kDisable_All = kDisable_User | kDisable_Script,
bool IsKeyPressed(UInt32 keycode, UInt32 flags = 0);
bool IsKeyDisabled(UInt32 keycode);
bool IsKeyHeld(UInt32 keycode);
bool IsKeyTapped(UInt32 keycode);
UInt32 GetNumKeysPressed();
SInt32 GetNthKeyPressed(UInt32 n);
void SetKeyDisableState(UInt32 keycode, bool bDisable, UInt32 mask);
void SetKeyHeldState(UInt32 keycode, bool bHold);
void TapKey(UInt32 keycode);
void BufferedKeyTap(UInt32 key);
void BufferedKeyPress(UInt32 key);
void BufferedKeyRelease(UInt32 key);
// hook interface
void ProcessKeyboardData(UInt8 * data);
void ProcessMouseData(DIMOUSESTATE2 * data);
HRESULT ProcessBufferedData(IDirectInputDevice8 * device, DWORD dataSize, DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA * outData, DWORD * outDataLen, DWORD flags);
struct KeyInfo
bool rawState; // state from dinput last update
bool gameState; // state sent to the game last update
bool insertedState; // true if a script pushed/held this key down last update
bool hold; // key is held down
bool tap; // key is being tapped
bool userDisable; // key cannot be pressed by user
bool scriptDisable; // key cannot be pressed by script
bool Process(bool keyDown, UInt32 idx);
bool _IsKeyPressed(KeyInfo* info, UInt32 flags);
KeyInfo m_keys[InputMap::kMaxMacros];
ICriticalSection m_bufferedPressesLock; // hold this when modifying m_bufferedPresses
typedef std::queue <DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA> BufferedPressQueue;
BufferedPressQueue m_bufferedPresses;
class FramerateTracker
void Update(void);
kFrameTimeHistoryLength = 32
UInt32 m_lastTime;
float m_lastFrameLength; // frametime in seconds
float m_frameTimeHistory[kFrameTimeHistoryLength]; // last kFrameTimeHistoryLength frametimes
UInt32 m_frameTimeHistoryIdx; // slot that will be filled on the next update call
bool m_frameTimeHistoryPrimed; // true after history buffer is full
float m_averageFrameTime; // average of m_frameTimeHistory
extern FramerateTracker g_framerateTracker;