
366 lines
10 KiB

#pragma once
#include "skse64/NiRTTI.h"
#include "skse64/NiTypes.h"
#include "skse64_common/Utilities.h"
#include "skse64/GameTypes.h"
// NiRefObject/NiObject and important children
// generally other children should go in other files
// especially if they can be grouped
// SE notice: all definitions updated except BSRenderTargetGroup
class NiCloningProcess;
class NiStream;
class NiObjectGroup;
class NiExtraData;
class NiTimeController;
class NiNode;
class NiGeometry;
class BSGeometry;
class NiRenderedTexture;
class NiSwitchNode;
class NiTriBasedGeom;
class NiTriShape;
class NiTriStrips;
class BSSegmentedTriShape;
class NiRenderTargetGroup;
class NiProperty;
class NiSourceTexture;
class BSTriShape;
class TESObjectCELL;
class TESModelTri;
class BSFaceGenMorphData;
class TESObjectREFR;
extern RelocPtr<float> g_worldToCamMatrix;
extern RelocPtr<NiRect<float>> g_viewPort;
typedef bool (* _WorldPtToScreenPt3_Internal)(float * worldToCamMatrix, NiRect<float> * port, NiPoint3 * p_in, float * x_out, float * y_out, float * z_out, float zeroTolerance);
extern RelocAddr<_WorldPtToScreenPt3_Internal> WorldPtToScreenPt3_Internal;
typedef void * (*_NiAllocate)(size_t size);
extern RelocAddr<_NiAllocate> NiAllocate;
typedef void(*_NiFree)(void * ptr);
extern RelocAddr<_NiFree> NiFree;
// 10
class NiRefObject
virtual ~NiRefObject();
virtual void DeleteThis(void); // calls virtual dtor
void IncRef(void);
void DecRef(void);
bool Release(void);
// void ** _vtbl; // 00
volatile SInt32 m_uiRefCount; // 08
UInt32 pad0C; // 0C
// ### not all of this is verified, I'm just assuming that little has changed from other
// ### games using previous versions of NetImmerse that have released .pdb files for reference
// 10
class NiObject : public NiRefObject
// standard NetImmerse
virtual NiRTTI* GetRTTI(void);
// then a bunch of attempts to avoid dynamic_cast?
// unverified, do not use
virtual NiNode * GetAsNiNode(void);
virtual NiSwitchNode * GetAsNiSwitchNode(void);
virtual void * Unk_05(void);
virtual UInt32 Unk_06(void);
virtual BSGeometry * GetAsBSGeometry(void);
virtual void * Unk_08(void);
virtual BSTriShape * GetAsBSTriShape(void);
virtual void * Unk_0A(void);
virtual void * Unk_0B(void);
virtual void * Unk_0C(void);
virtual NiGeometry * GetAsNiGeometry(void);
virtual NiTriBasedGeom * GetAsNiTriBasedGeom(void);
virtual NiTriShape * GetAsNiTriShape(void);
virtual void * Unk_10(void);
virtual void * Unk_11(void);
virtual void * Unk_12(void);
// SE: these 4 were added
virtual UInt32 Unk_13(void);
virtual UInt32 Unk_14(void);
virtual UInt32 Unk_15(void);
virtual UInt32 Unk_16(void);
// then back to NetImmerse
virtual NiObject * CreateClone(NiCloningProcess cloner);
virtual void LoadBinary(NiStream * stream);
virtual void LinkObject(NiStream * stream);
virtual bool RegisterStreamables(NiStream * stream);
virtual void SaveBinary(NiStream * stream);
virtual bool IsEqual(NiObject * object);
// viewer appears to be disabled sadly
// why did you do that? it was really useful for figuring out class data
// and it's not like it totally bloated up the executa... er never mind
virtual void ProcessClone(NiCloningProcess * cloner);
virtual void PostLinkObject(NiStream * stream);
virtual bool StreamCanSkip(void);
virtual const /*NiRTTI*/void * GetStreamableRTTI(void) const;
virtual UInt32 GetBlockAllocationSize(void) const;
virtual NiObjectGroup * GetGroup(void) const;
virtual void SetGroup(NiObjectGroup * group);
// begin bethesda extensions? possibly just stuff we can't match up
virtual UInt32 Unk_20(void); // SE: function 24
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(DeepCopy, NiStream *, 0x00C529A0, NiObject ** result);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(NiObject) == 0x10);
// 30
class NiObjectNET : public NiObject
const char * m_name; // 10
NiTimeController * m_controller; // 18 next pointer at +0x30
NiExtraData ** m_extraData; // 20 extra data
UInt16 m_extraDataLen; // 28 max valid entry
UInt16 m_extraDataCapacity; // 2A array len
UInt32 pad2C;
void AddExtraData(NiExtraData * extraData);
bool RemoveExtraData(NiExtraData * extraData);
SInt32 GetIndexOf(NiExtraData * extraData);
NiExtraData * GetExtraData(BSFixedString name);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(NiObjectNET) == 0x30);
// 110
class NiAVObject : public NiObjectNET
kFlag_SelectiveUpdate = 0x00000002,
kFlag_UpdatePropertyControllers = 0x00000004,
kFlag_SelectiveUpdateRigid = 0x00000010,
kFlag_OverrideSelectiveTransforms = 0x00000080,
struct ControllerUpdateContext
kDirty = 1 << 0,
float delta;
UInt32 flags;
virtual void UpdateControllers(ControllerUpdateContext * ctx); // calls controller vtbl+0x8C
virtual void UpdateNodeBound(ControllerUpdateContext * ctx);
// SE: one of these 4 functions was deleted. Until figuring out which one, assuming it was Unk_26
virtual void ApplyTransform(NiMatrix33 * mtx, NiPoint3 * translate, bool postTransform);
virtual void SetPropertyState(NiProperty * prop);
virtual void Unk_25(UInt32 arg0); // SE: function 29
//virtual void Unk_26(UInt32 arg0);
virtual NiAVObject * GetObjectByName(const char ** name); // BSFixedString? alternatively BSFixedString is a typedef of a netimmerse type
virtual void SetSelectiveUpdateFlags(bool * selectiveUpdate, bool selectiveUpdateTransforms, bool * rigid);
virtual void UpdateDownwardPass(ControllerUpdateContext * ctx, void *unk1); // SE: changed unk to void*
virtual void UpdateSelectedDownwardPass(ControllerUpdateContext * ctx, void *unk1); // SE: changed unk to void*
virtual void UpdateRigidDownwardPass(ControllerUpdateContext * ctx, void *unk1); // SE: changed unk to void*
virtual void UpdateWorldBound(void);
virtual void UpdateWorldData(ControllerUpdateContext * ctx); // SE: function 30 (vtable+0x180)
virtual void UpdateNoControllers(ControllerUpdateContext * ctx);
virtual void UpdateDownwardPassTempParent(NiNode * parent, ControllerUpdateContext * ctx);
virtual void Unk_30(void); // calls virtual function on parent - SE: function 33
// SE: one of these functions was deleted. Doesn't matter which, they are unks, assuming Unk_32.
virtual void Unk_31(UInt32 arg0); // SE: function 34
//virtual void Unk_32(UInt32 arg0);
NiNode * m_parent; // 30
UInt32 unk038; // 38 - New in SE, init'd to FFFFFFFF
UInt32 pad03C; // 3C
NiAVObject * unk040; // 40
NiTransform m_localTransform; // 48
NiTransform m_worldTransform; // 7C
NiTransform m_oldWorldTransform; // B0 - SE: this one is new
float unkE4; // E4
float unkE8; // E8
float unkEC; // EC
float unkF0; // F0
UInt32 m_flags; // F4 - bitfield
TESObjectREFR* m_owner; // F8
float unk100; // 100 - New in SE? init's to 1.0
UInt32 unk104; // 104 - New in SE? init'd to 0
UInt8 unk108; // 108
UInt8 unk109; // 109 - bitfield
UInt8 pad10A[6]; // 10A
// 3239A102C6E8818F0FBFEF58A1B6EA724A237258+26
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(UpdateNode, void, 0x00C56B50, ControllerUpdateContext * ctx);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(NiAVObject, m_localTransform) == 0x48);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(NiAVObject, m_worldTransform) == 0x7C);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(NiAVObject) == 0x110);
// SE: TODO this class needs update, if it still exists
// Bethesda class, unknown name
class BSRenderTargetGroup : public NiObject
virtual ~BSRenderTargetGroup();
NiRenderTargetGroup * unk08[6]; // 08
UInt32 unk20; // 20
UInt32 unk24; // 24
UInt32 unk28; // 28
UInt32 unk2C; // 2C inited to FFFFFFFF
NiRenderedTexture * renderedTexture[4]; // 30
static BSRenderTargetGroup * GetPlayerFaceMask(void)
return *((BSRenderTargetGroup **)0x00000000);
// 20
class BSFaceGenModel : public NiRefObject
struct Data10
UInt32 unk00; // 00
UInt32 pad04; // 04
NiAVObject * unk08; // 08
NiAVObject * unk10; // 10
void * unk18; // 18
BSFaceGenMorphData * unk20; // 20
Data10 * unk10; // 10
UInt32 unk18; // 18
UInt32 pad1C; // 1C
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(ctor, void, 0x003D4070);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(CopyFrom, void, 0x003D4150, BSFaceGenModel * other);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(SetModelData, bool, 0x003D47C0, const char * meshPath, void * unk1, UInt8 unk2);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(ApplyMorph, UInt8, 0x003D4630, BSFixedString * morphName, TESModelTri * triModel, NiAVObject ** headNode, float relative, UInt8 unk1);
// 18
class BSFaceGenMorphData : public NiRefObject
void * unk10; // 10
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(ApplyMorph, UInt8, 0x003D7860, const char ** morphName, NiAVObject * faceTrishape, float relative, UInt8 unk2);
// 20
class BSFaceGenModelMap : public NiRefObject
struct Entry
BSFaceGenModel * unk00; // 00
UInt64 unk08; // 08
Entry unk10; // 10
// A0
class LoadedAreaBound : public NiRefObject
virtual ~LoadedAreaBound();
UInt64 unk10[6]; // 10
UInt64 unk40; // 40
TESObjectCELL * cell; // 48
UInt32 unk50;
UInt32 unk54;
UInt32 unk58;
UInt32 unk5C;
void* unk60; // 60 - inited 0xDEADBEEF
UInt64 unk68;
UInt64 unk70;
NiPoint3 boundsMax; // 78
NiPoint3 boundsMin; // 84
float unk90; // 90 - init'd from constructor arg (xmm1)
float unk94; // 94 - init'd from constructor arg (xmm2)
float unk98; // 98 - init'd from constructor arg (xmm3)
float unk9C; // 9C - init'd from constructor last arg (stack)
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(LoadedAreaBound) == 0xA0);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(LoadedAreaBound, boundsMax) == 0x78);
// 68
class BSFaceGenMorphDataHead : public BSFaceGenMorphData
UInt8 unk18[0x50 - 0x18]; // 18 - 18-4A -> init'd to FF
UInt64 unk50;
UInt64 unk58;
UInt32 unk60;
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(BSFaceGenMorphDataHead) == 0x68);
// 20
class BSFaceGenMorphDataHair : public BSFaceGenMorphData
UInt32 unk18;
UInt32 pad;
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(BSFaceGenMorphDataHair) == 0x20);
// 188
class NiCamera : public NiAVObject
float m_aafWorldToCam[4][4]; // 110
NiFrustum m_frustum; // 150
float m_fMinNearPlaneDist; // 16C
float m_fMaxFarNearRatio; // 170
NiRect<float> m_kPort; // 174
float m_fLODAdjust; // 184
bool WorldPtToScreenPt3(NiPoint3 * p_in, float * x_out, float * y_out, float * z_out, float zeroTolerance = 1e-5);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(NiCamera, m_frustum) == 0x150);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(NiCamera, m_fMinNearPlaneDist) == 0x16C);
STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(NiCamera, m_fLODAdjust) == 0x184);