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179 lines
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#pragma once
#include "skse64/GameTypes.h"
// SkyrimScript::Store, derived from BSScript::IStore, derived from BSStorage, derived from BSIntrusiveRefCounted
class VMDataStore
virtual ~VMDataStore();
virtual void Unk_01(void);
virtual void Unk_02(void);
virtual bool Seek(SInt32 offset, UInt32 base);
virtual bool Read(UInt32 len, void * buf);
virtual bool Write(UInt32 len, void * buf);
// BSScript::IStore
virtual bool Open(const char * name);
virtual void Unk_07(void);
virtual void Unk_08(void); // called on error
virtual void Unk_09(void);
virtual void Unk_0A(void);
virtual void Unk_0B(void);
// void ** _vtbl; // 00
UInt32 refCount; // 04
UInt8 byteSwapped; // 08
UInt8 pad09[3]; // 09
// 20
//template <typename Item, typename Key>
struct VMHashTable
typedef void * Item;
typedef void * Key;
typedef tHashSet <Item, Key> Table;
UInt32 unk00; // 00 - not init'd
Table data; // 04
// 58
class VMFunction
BSFixedString returnType; // 00
BSFixedString docString; // 04
UInt8 unk08; // 08
UInt8 unk09; // 09
UInt8 pad0A[2]; // 0A
UInt32 unk0C; // 0C
UInt32 unk10; // 10 - not init'd
UInt32 unk14; // 14
UInt32 unk18; // 18
UInt32 unk1C; // 1C
UInt32 unk20; // 20 - cleared via fn
UInt32 unk24; // 24
UInt32 unk28; // 28
UInt32 unk2C; // 2C
UInt32 unk30; // 30 - cleared via fn
UInt32 unk34; // 34
UInt32 unk38; // 38
UInt32 unk3C; // 3C
UInt32 unk40; // 40 - cleared via fn
UInt32 unk44; // 44
UInt32 unk48; // 48
UInt32 unk4C; // 4C
UInt32 unk50; // 50 - cleared via fn
// +2C
// 130+
class VMClass
// 18
struct DebugInfo
// 10
struct Unk08
// 1C
struct Unk00
UInt32 unk00; // 00
UInt32 unk04; // 04
void * unk08; // 08
UInt32 unk0C; // 0C
UInt32 unk10; // 10
UInt32 unk14; // 14
UInt32 unk18; // 18
Unk00 * unk00; // 00
UInt32 unk04; // 04
UInt32 unk08; // 08
UInt32 unk0C; // 0C
time_t srcModTime; // 00
Unk08 unk08; // 08
BSFixedString name; // 000
UInt32 unk004; // 004 - not init'd
time_t buildTime; // 008
BSFixedString buildUser; // 010
BSFixedString buildMachine; // 014
UInt8 debugFlags; // 018
UInt8 pad019[3]; // 019
UInt32 unk01C; // 01C - not init'd
DebugInfo debugInfo; // 020
VMHashTable userFlagTable; // 038
BSFixedString objectName; // 058
BSFixedString parentName; // 05C
BSFixedString docString; // 060
UInt32 userFlags; // 064
VMHashTable varTable; // 068
VMHashTable propertyTable; // 088
VMHashTable stateTable1; // 0A8
VMHashTable stateTable2; // 0C8
VMHashTable stateTable3; // 0E8
UInt32 unk108; // 108
VMHashTable varTable2; // 10C
BSFixedString autoStateName; // 12C
//STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(time_t) == 8);
//STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(VMClass) == 0x130);
//STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(VMClass, objectName) == 0x058);
//STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(VMClass, autoStateName) == 0x12C);
// 20
class VMClassLoader
virtual ~VMClassLoader();
virtual VMClassLoader * Create(void);
virtual void SetDataStore(VMDataStore ** dataStoreHandle); // probably a safe ptr
virtual bool Load(const char * name, VMClass * out);
bool Load_Hook(const char * name, VMClass * out);
// 10
struct StringTable
// 100C
struct Page
char data[0x1000]; // 0000
char * begin; // 1000
char * end; // 1004
Page * next; // 1008
char ** stringData; // 00
Page * dataPage; // 04
BSFixedString * fixedStrings; // 08 - populated on lookup
UInt16 numStrings; // 0C
UInt8 pad0E[2]; // 0E
// void ** _vtbl; // 00
void * unk04; // 04
VMDataStore * dataStore; // 08
StringTable stringTable; // 0C
UInt8 verMajor; // 1C
UInt8 verMinor; // 1D
UInt8 flags; // 1E
UInt8 pad1F; // 1F
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(Load_Impl, bool, 0x00000000, const char * name, VMClass * out);
//STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(VMClassLoader::StringTable::Page) == 0x100C);
//STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(VMClassLoader::StringTable) == 0x10);