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218 lines
7.4 KiB

#pragma once
#include "skse64/GameTypes.h"
#include "skse64/GameAPI.h"
#include "skse64/PapyrusArgs.h"
#include "skse64/PapyrusVM.h"
// native function bindings for papyrus
// all of this is originally in namespace BSScript
// use this for T_Base when there is no base
struct StaticFunctionTag
enum { kTypeID = 0 };
// stack frame?
class VMState
VMArgList * argList; // 00
UInt64 pad08[(0x38 - 0x08) >> 3]; // 08
UInt32 numArgs; // 38
// 08
class IFunction
IFunction() { }
virtual ~IFunction() { }
// void ** _vtbl; // 00
BSIntrusiveRefCounted refCount; // 08
virtual BSFixedString * GetName(void) = 0;
virtual BSFixedString * GetClassName(void) = 0;
virtual BSFixedString * GetStr10(void) = 0;
virtual UInt64 * GetReturnType(UInt64 * dst) = 0;
virtual UInt64 GetNumParams(void) = 0;
virtual UInt64 * GetParam(UInt32 idx, BSFixedString * nameOut, UInt64 * typeOut) = 0;
virtual UInt64 GetNumParams2(void) = 0;
virtual bool IsNative(void) = 0;
virtual UInt8 GetUnk40(void) = 0;
virtual bool Unk_0A(void) = 0;
virtual UInt32 Unk_0B(void) = 0;
virtual UInt32 GetUnk44(void) = 0;
virtual BSFixedString * GetStr48(void) = 0;
virtual void Unk_0E(UInt32 unk) = 0;
virtual UInt32 Invoke(UInt64 unk0, UInt64 unk1, VMClassRegistry * registry, VMState * unk3) = 0;
virtual BSFixedString * Unk_10(void) = 0;
virtual bool Unk_11(UInt32 unk0, UInt32 * unk1) = 0;
virtual bool GetParamName(UInt32 idx, UInt64 out) = 0; // param list stuff
virtual UInt8 GetUnk41(void) = 0;
virtual void SetUnk41(UInt8 arg) = 0;
virtual bool HasCallback(void) = 0;
virtual bool Run(VMValue * baseValue, VMClassRegistry * registry, UInt32 arg2, VMValue * resultValue, VMState * state) = 0; // unique to each type combination
// BSScript::NF_util::NativeFunctionBase
// 2C
class NativeFunctionBase : public IFunction
NativeFunctionBase() { }
virtual ~NativeFunctionBase() { }
// 08
struct ParameterInfo
// 08
struct Entry
StringCache::Ref name; // 00
UInt64 type; // 08 - shared with VMValue::type
VMClassInfo * typePtr; // 08
Entry * data; // 00 length = numParams + unk0A
UInt16 numParams; // 08
UInt16 unk0A; // 0A
virtual BSFixedString * GetName(void) override { return &m_fnName; }
virtual BSFixedString * GetClassName(void) override { return &m_className; }
virtual BSFixedString * GetStr10(void) override { return &unk10; }
virtual UInt64 * GetReturnType(UInt64 * dst) override { *dst = m_retnType; return dst; }
virtual UInt64 GetNumParams(void) override { return m_params.unk0A; }
virtual UInt64 * GetParam(UInt32 idx, BSFixedString * nameOut, UInt64 * typeOut)
{ return CALL_MEMBER_FN(this, Impl_GetParam)(idx, nameOut, typeOut); }
virtual UInt64 GetNumParams2(void) override { return m_params.unk0A; }
virtual bool IsNative(void) override { return true; }
virtual UInt8 GetUnk40(void) override { return unk40; }
virtual bool Unk_0A(void) override { return false; }
virtual UInt32 Unk_0B(void) override { return 0; }
virtual UInt32 GetUnk44(void) override { return unk44; }
virtual BSFixedString * GetStr48(void) override { return &unk48; }
virtual void Unk_0E(UInt32 unk) override { } // always nop?
virtual UInt32 Invoke(UInt64 unk0, UInt64 unk1, VMClassRegistry * registry, VMState * unk3) override
{ return CALL_MEMBER_FN(this, Impl_Invoke)(unk0, unk1, registry, unk3); }
virtual BSFixedString * Unk_10(void) override { return CALL_MEMBER_FN(this, Impl_Fn10)(); }
virtual bool Unk_11(UInt32 unk0, UInt32 * unk1) override
{ *unk1 = 0; return false; }
virtual bool GetParamName(UInt32 idx, UInt64 out) override // ### param list stuff
{ return CALL_MEMBER_FN(this, Impl_Fn12)(idx, out); }
virtual UInt8 GetUnk41(void) override { return unk41; }
virtual void SetUnk41(UInt8 arg) override { unk41 = arg; }
virtual bool HasCallback(void) = 0;
virtual bool Run(VMValue * baseValue, VMClassRegistry * registry, UInt32 arg2, VMValue * resultValue, VMState * state) = 0;
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(Impl_dtor, void, 0x01250ED0);
// ??_7?$NativeFunction1@VActiveEffect@@XPEAVTESForm@@@BSScript@@6B@ entry 6
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(Impl_GetParam, UInt64 *, 0x01250670, UInt32 idx, BSFixedString * nameOut, UInt64 * typeOut);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(Impl_Invoke, UInt32, 0x012507F0, UInt64 unk0, UInt64 unk1, VMClassRegistry * registry, VMState * unk3);
// ??_7?$NativeFunction1@VActiveEffect@@XPEAVTESForm@@@BSScript@@6B@ entry 0x10
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(Impl_Fn10, BSFixedString *, 0x01250750);
// ??_7?$NativeFunction1@VActiveEffect@@XPEAVTESForm@@@BSScript@@6B@ entry 0x12
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(Impl_Fn12, bool, 0x01250770, UInt32 idx, UInt64 out);
DEFINE_STATIC_HEAP(Heap_Allocate, Heap_Free);
BSFixedString m_fnName; // 10
BSFixedString m_className; // 18
BSFixedString unk10; // 20
UInt64 m_retnType; // 28 - return type
ParameterInfo m_params; // 30
UInt8 unk40; // 40 - related to extra entries in m_params
UInt8 unk41; // 41
UInt8 m_isLatent; // 42
UInt8 pad43; // 43
UInt32 unk44; // 44
BSFixedString unk48; // 48
// 30
// this should be fully functional for deriving
class NativeFunction : public NativeFunctionBase
NativeFunction(const char * fnName, const char * className, UInt8 isStatic, UInt32 numParams)
{ CALL_MEMBER_FN(this, Impl_ctor)(fnName, className, isStatic, numParams); }
// lower class destructors are invoked by this call
virtual ~NativeFunction() { CALL_MEMBER_FN(this, Impl_dtor)(); }
virtual bool HasCallback(void) { return m_callback != 0; }
virtual bool Run(VMValue * baseValue, VMClassRegistry * registry, UInt32 arg2, VMValue * resultValue, VMState * state) = 0;
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(Impl_ctor, NativeFunction *, 0x01250C80, const char * fnName, const char * className, UInt32 unk0, UInt32 numParams);
DEFINE_MEMBER_FN(Impl_dtor, void, 0x01250ED0);
void DebugRunHook(VMValue * baseValue, VMClassRegistry * registry, UInt32 arg2, VMValue * resultValue, VMState * state);
void * m_callback; // 2C
// hide
#define NUM_PARAMS 0
#include "skse64/PapyrusNativeFunctionDef.inl"
#define NUM_PARAMS 1
#include "skse64/PapyrusNativeFunctionDef.inl"
#define NUM_PARAMS 2
#include "skse64/PapyrusNativeFunctionDef.inl"
#define NUM_PARAMS 3
#include "skse64/PapyrusNativeFunctionDef.inl"
#define NUM_PARAMS 4
#include "skse64/PapyrusNativeFunctionDef.inl"
#define NUM_PARAMS 5
#include "skse64/PapyrusNativeFunctionDef.inl"
#define NUM_PARAMS 6
#include "skse64/PapyrusNativeFunctionDef.inl"
#define NUM_PARAMS 7
#include "skse64/PapyrusNativeFunctionDef.inl"
#define NUM_PARAMS 8
#include "skse64/PapyrusNativeFunctionDef.inl"
#define NUM_PARAMS 9
#include "skse64/PapyrusNativeFunctionDef.inl"
#define NUM_PARAMS 10
#include "skse64/PapyrusNativeFunctionDef.inl"
// Less boilerplate for checking of input parameters in native function callbacks.
#define ERROR_AND_RETURN_IF(condition, message, registry, stackId) \
if (condition) \
{ \
registry->LogError(message, stackId); \
return; \
#define ERROR_AND_RETURN_0_IF(condition, message, registry, stackId) \
if (condition) \
{ \
registry->LogError(message, stackId); \
return 0; \