
345 lines
9.8 KiB

#pragma once
#include "common/IErrors.h"
#pragma warning(disable: 4221)
#include <cmath>
typedef unsigned char UInt8; //!< An unsigned 8-bit integer value
typedef unsigned short UInt16; //!< An unsigned 16-bit integer value
typedef unsigned long UInt32; //!< An unsigned 32-bit integer value
typedef unsigned long long UInt64; //!< An unsigned 64-bit integer value
typedef signed char SInt8; //!< A signed 8-bit integer value
typedef signed short SInt16; //!< A signed 16-bit integer value
typedef signed long SInt32; //!< A signed 32-bit integer value
typedef signed long long SInt64; //!< A signed 64-bit integer value
typedef float Float32; //!< A 32-bit floating point value
typedef double Float64; //!< A 64-bit floating point value
inline UInt32 Extend16(UInt32 in)
return (in & 0x8000) ? (0xFFFF0000 | in) : in;
inline UInt32 Extend8(UInt32 in)
return (in & 0x80) ? (0xFFFFFF00 | in) : in;
inline UInt16 Swap16(UInt16 in)
return ((in >> 8) & 0x00FF) |
((in << 8) & 0xFF00);
inline UInt32 Swap32(UInt32 in)
return ((in >> 24) & 0x000000FF) |
((in >> 8) & 0x0000FF00) |
((in << 8) & 0x00FF0000) |
((in << 24) & 0xFF000000);
inline UInt64 Swap64(UInt64 in)
UInt64 temp;
temp = Swap32(in);
temp <<= 32;
temp |= Swap32(in >> 32);
return temp;
inline void SwapFloat(float * in)
UInt32 * temp = (UInt32 *)in;
*temp = Swap32(*temp);
inline void SwapDouble(double * in)
UInt64 * temp = (UInt64 *)in;
*temp = Swap64(*temp);
inline bool IsBigEndian(void)
UInt16 u16;
UInt8 u8[2];
} temp;
temp.u16 = 0x1234;
return temp.u8[0] == 0x12;
inline bool IsLittleEndian(void)
return !IsBigEndian();
#define CHAR_CODE(a, b, c, d) (((a & 0xFF) << 0) | ((b & 0xFF) << 8) | ((c & 0xFF) << 16) | ((d & 0xFF) << 24))
#define MACRO_SWAP16(a) ((((a) & 0x00FF) << 8) | (((a) & 0xFF00) >> 8))
#define MACRO_SWAP32(a) ((((a) & 0x000000FF) << 24) | (((a) & 0x0000FF00) << 8) | (((a) & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) | (((a) & 0xFF000000) >> 24))
#define VERSION_CODE(primary, secondary, sub) (((primary & 0xFFF) << 20) | ((secondary & 0xFFF) << 8) | ((sub & 0xFF) << 0))
#define VERSION_CODE_PRIMARY(in) ((in >> 20) & 0xFFF)
#define VERSION_CODE_SECONDARY(in) ((in >> 8) & 0xFFF)
#define VERSION_CODE_SUB(in) ((in >> 0) & 0xFF)
#define MAKE_COLOR(a, r, g, b) (((a & 0xFF) << 24) | ((r & 0xFF) << 16) | ((g & 0xFF) << 8) | ((b & 0xFF) << 0))
#define COLOR_ALPHA(in) ((in >> 24) & 0xFF)
#define COLOR_RED(in) ((in >> 16) & 0xFF)
#define COLOR_GREEN(in) ((in >> 8) & 0xFF)
#define COLOR_BLUE(in) ((in >> 0) & 0xFF)
* A 64-bit variable combiner
* Useful for endian-independent value extraction.
union VarCombiner
UInt64 u64;
SInt64 s64;
double f64;
struct { UInt32 b; UInt32 a; } u32;
struct { SInt32 b; SInt32 a; } s32;
struct { float b; float a; } f32;
struct { UInt16 d; UInt16 c; UInt16 b; UInt16 a; } u16;
struct { SInt16 d; SInt16 c; SInt16 b; SInt16 a; } s16;
struct { UInt8 h; UInt8 g; UInt8 f; UInt8 e;
UInt8 d; UInt8 c; UInt8 b; UInt8 a; } u8;
struct { SInt8 h; SInt8 g; SInt8 f; SInt8 e;
SInt8 d; SInt8 c; SInt8 b; SInt8 a; } s8;
* A bitfield.
template <typename T>
class Bitfield
Bitfield() { }
~Bitfield() { }
void Clear(void) { field = 0; } //!< Clears all bits
void RawSet(UInt32 data) { field = data; } //!< Modifies all bits
void Set(UInt32 data) { field |= data; } //!< Sets individual bits
void Clear(UInt32 data) { field &= ~data; } //!< Clears individual bits
void UnSet(UInt32 data) { Clear(data); } //!< Clears individual bits
void Mask(UInt32 data) { field &= data; } //!< Masks individual bits
void Toggle(UInt32 data) { field ^= data; } //!< Toggles individual bits
void Write(UInt32 data, bool state)
{ if(state) Set(data); else Clear(data); }
T Get(void) const { return field; } //!< Gets all bits
T Get(UInt32 data) const { return field & data; } //!< Gets individual bits
T Extract(UInt32 bit) const { return (field >> bit) & 1; } //!< Extracts a bit
T ExtractField(UInt32 shift, UInt32 length) //!< Extracts a series of bits
{ return (field >> shift) & (0xFFFFFFFF >> (32 - length)); }
bool IsSet(UInt32 data) const { return ((field & data) == data) ? true : false; } //!< Are all these bits set?
bool IsUnSet(UInt32 data) const { return (field & data) ? false : true; } //!< Are all these bits clear?
bool IsClear(UInt32 data) const { return IsUnSet(data); } //!< Are all these bits clear?
T field; //!< bitfield data
typedef Bitfield <UInt8> Bitfield8; //!< An 8-bit bitfield
typedef Bitfield <UInt16> Bitfield16; //!< A 16-bit bitfield
typedef Bitfield <UInt32> Bitfield32; //!< A 32-bit bitfield
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Bitfield8) == 1);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Bitfield16) == 2);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Bitfield32) == 4);
* A bitstring
* Essentially a long bitvector.
class Bitstring
Bitstring(UInt32 inLength);
void Alloc(UInt32 inLength);
void Dispose(void);
void Clear(void);
void Clear(UInt32 idx);
void Set(UInt32 idx);
bool IsSet(UInt32 idx);
bool IsClear(UInt32 idx);
UInt8 * data;
UInt32 length; //!< length in bytes
* Time storage
class Time
Time() { Clear(); }
~Time() { }
//! Deinitialize the class
void Clear(void) { seconds = minutes = hours = 0; hasData = false; }
//! Sets the class to the current time
//! @todo implement this
void SetToNow(void) { Set(1, 2, 3); }
//! Sets the class to the specified time
void Set(UInt8 inS, UInt8 inM, UInt8 inH)
{ seconds = inS; minutes = inM; hours = inH; hasData = true; }
//! Gets whether the class has been initialized or not
bool IsSet(void) { return hasData; }
UInt8 GetSeconds(void) { return seconds; } //!< return the seconds portion of the time
UInt8 GetMinutes(void) { return minutes; } //!< return the minutes portion of the time
UInt8 GetHours(void) { return hours; } //!< return the hours portion of the time
UInt8 seconds, minutes, hours;
bool hasData;
const float kFloatEpsilon = 0.0001f;
inline bool FloatEqual(float a, float b) { float magnitude = a - b; if(magnitude < 0) magnitude = -magnitude; return magnitude < kFloatEpsilon; }
class Vector2
Vector2() { }
Vector2(const Vector2 & in) { x = in.x; y = in.y; }
Vector2(float inX, float inY) { x = inX; y = inY; }
~Vector2() { }
void Set(float inX, float inY) { x = inX; y = inY; }
void SetX(float inX) { x = inX; }
void SetY(float inY) { y = inY; }
void Get(float * outX, float * outY) { *outX = x; *outY = y; }
float GetX(void) { return x; }
float GetY(void) { return y; }
void Normalize(void) { float mag = Magnitude(); x /= mag; y /= mag; }
float Magnitude(void) { return sqrt(x*x + y*y); }
void Reverse(void) { float temp = -x; x = -y; y = temp; }
void Scale(float scale) { x *= scale; y *= scale; }
void SwapBytes(void) { SwapFloat(&x); SwapFloat(&y); }
Vector2 & operator+=(const Vector2 & rhs) { x += rhs.x; y += rhs.y; return *this; }
Vector2 & operator-=(const Vector2 & rhs) { x -= rhs.x; y -= rhs.y; return *this; }
Vector2 & operator*=(float rhs) { x *= rhs; y *= rhs; return *this; }
Vector2 & operator/=(float rhs) { x /= rhs; y /= rhs; return *this; }
float x;
float y;
inline Vector2 operator+(const Vector2 & lhs, const Vector2 & rhs)
return Vector2(lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y);
inline Vector2 operator-(const Vector2 & lhs, const Vector2 & rhs)
return Vector2(lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y);
inline Vector2 operator*(const Vector2 & lhs, float rhs)
return Vector2(lhs.x * rhs, lhs.y * rhs);
inline Vector2 operator/(const Vector2 & lhs, float rhs)
return Vector2(lhs.x / rhs, lhs.y / rhs);
inline bool MaskCompare(void * lhs, void * rhs, void * mask, UInt32 size)
UInt8 * lhs8 = (UInt8 *)lhs;
UInt8 * rhs8 = (UInt8 *)rhs;
UInt8 * mask8 = (UInt8 *)mask;
for(UInt32 i = 0; i < size; i++)
if((lhs8[i] & mask8[i]) != (rhs8[i] & mask8[i]))
return false;
return true;
class Vector3
Vector3() { }
Vector3(const Vector3 & in) { x = in.x; y = in.y; z = in.z; }
Vector3(float inX, float inY, float inZ) { x = inX; y = inY; z = inZ; }
~Vector3() { }
void Set(float inX, float inY, float inZ) { x = inX; y = inY; z = inZ; }
void Get(float * outX, float * outY, float * outZ) { *outX = x; *outY = y; *outZ = z; }
void Normalize(void) { float mag = Magnitude(); x /= mag; y /= mag; z /= mag; }
float Magnitude(void) { return sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z); }
void Scale(float scale) { x *= scale; y *= scale; z *= scale; }
void SwapBytes(void) { SwapFloat(&x); SwapFloat(&y); SwapFloat(&z); }
Vector3 & operator+=(const Vector3 & rhs) { x += rhs.x; y += rhs.y; z += rhs.z; return *this; }
Vector3 & operator-=(const Vector3 & rhs) { x -= rhs.x; y -= rhs.y; z -= rhs.z; return *this; }
Vector3 & operator*=(const Vector3 & rhs) { x *= rhs.x; y *= rhs.y; z *= rhs.z; return *this; }
Vector3 & operator/=(const Vector3 & rhs) { x /= rhs.x; y /= rhs.y; z /= rhs.z; return *this; }
float x, y, z;
float d[3];
inline Vector3 operator+(const Vector3 & lhs, const Vector3 & rhs)
return Vector3(lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y, lhs.z + rhs.z);
inline Vector3 operator-(const Vector3 & lhs, const Vector3 & rhs)
return Vector3(lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y, lhs.z - rhs.z);
inline Vector3 operator*(const Vector3 & lhs, const Vector3 & rhs)
return Vector3(lhs.x * rhs.x, lhs.y * rhs.y, lhs.z * rhs.z);
inline Vector3 operator/(const Vector3 & lhs, const Vector3 & rhs)
return Vector3(lhs.x / rhs.x, lhs.y / rhs.y, lhs.z / rhs.z);