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Scriptname _00E_MQ07b_SC02_Failsave02SC extends ObjectReference
; failsafe for http://sureai.net:9898/browse/ERB-2045, moves Lishari and the guards to their respective markers
Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
If (akActionRef == PlayerREF) && (MQ07b.GetStage() == 35) && (bDone == False)
bDone = True
If _00E_MC_CaliaREF == None
_00E_MC_CaliaREF = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00035825, "Skyrim.esm") as Actor
_00E_QuestFunctions.SetNPCAsCompanion(_00E_MC_CaliaREF, False)
bool bDone = false
Actor Property PlayerREF Auto
Actor Property _00E_MC_LishariREF Auto
Actor Property _00E_MC_CaliaREF Auto
Actor Property _00E_MQ07OrdenskriegerREF Auto
Actor Property _00E_MQ07Ordenskrieger02REF Auto
ObjectReference Property MQ07_SC02_LishariStartMarker Auto
ObjectReference Property MQ07b_SC02_GuardStandMarker Auto
ObjectReference Property MQ07b_SC02_GuardStandMarker02 Auto
Quest Property MQ07b Auto