
41 lines
1.7 KiB

Scriptname EnderalFunctions Hidden
float function CalculateContentStrength(ObjectReference container) native global
Potion function CreatePotion(MagicEffect[] effects, float[] magnitudes, int[] areas, int[] durations, int arraySize) native global
ObjectReference function GetCurrentContainer() native global
int function GetNewGameCount() native global
Actor[] function GetPlayerFollowers() native global
; Gets the player hash used to uniquely identify the player's save profile.
; RETURN - Returns the player hash as an 8-digit string.
String Function GetPlayerHash() native global
; Converts the given string to it's hexadecimal equivalent. Preserves case.
; a_string - The string to convert to hexadecimal.
; RETURN - Returns the hexadecimal equivalent of the passed string.
String Function StringToHex(String a_string) native global
float function ComputeNeededExp(int CurrentLevel, float Slope, float Mult, float fExpAcc = 1.0, float fExpAcc_Level20 = 1.2, float fExpAcc_Level30 = 1.5, float fExpAcc_Level40 = 2.0) native global
; Disables the TAB Key during dialogue. Resets automatically upon dialogue exit via Goodbye.
Function DisableDialogueQuitting() native global
Function EnableDialogueQuitting() native global
bool function IsInRegion(Form region) native global
int function MoveItemsToCountByKeyword(ObjectReference sourceRef, ObjectReference targetRef, Keyword kword, int iCount = 1) native global
bool function IsDLLLoaded() global
return SKSE.GetPluginVersion("EnderalSE") > 0
String Function GetPlayerClassNameGlobal() global
{Called by EnderalSE.dll}
Quest AffinityQuest = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x1597B, "Enderal - Forgotten Stories.esm") as Quest
return (AffinityQuest.GetAlias(0) as _00E_AffinityControl).GetPlayerClassName()