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#include "LockableDialogs.h"
namespace LockableDialogs
RE::UI_MESSAGE_RESULTS LockableDialogsEx::ProcessMessageEx(RE::UIMessage& a_message)
using Message = RE::UI_MESSAGE_TYPE; // this gives easy access to the message types, like kShow etc.
if (a_message.type == Message::kHide) {
if (auto ui = RE::UI::GetSingleton(); ui) {
if (auto menu = ui->GetMenu(RE::DialogueMenu::MENU_NAME); menu) {
RE::GFxValue bEnableTab;
const auto movie = RE::UI::GetSingleton()->GetMovieView(RE::DialogueMenu::MENU_NAME);
if (movie) {
if (movie->GetVariable(&bEnableTab, "_root.DialogueMenu_mc.bEnableTab") && !bEnableTab.GetBool()) {
return RE::UI_MESSAGE_RESULTS::kIgnore;
return _ProcessMessageFn(this, a_message);
void DialogueMenuEx::doAllowProgressFix()
if (auto ui = RE::UI::GetSingleton(); ui) {
if (auto menu = ui->GetMenu(RE::DialogueMenu::MENU_NAME); menu) {
const RE::GFxValue forceTrue = true;
menu->uiMovie->SetVariable("_root.DialogueMenu_mc.bAllowProgress", true, RE::GFxMovie::SetVarType::kSticky);
void LockableDialogsEx::Install()
REL::Relocation<uintptr_t> vtbl(RE::VTABLE_DialogueMenu[0]);
_ProcessMessageFn = vtbl.write_vfunc(0x4, &ProcessMessageEx);