enderalse/source/Enderal DLL/src/MapMarkerPlacement.h

66 lines
2.2 KiB

#pragma once
namespace MapMarkerPlacement
struct IsFastTravelEnabled
static bool thunk(RE::PlayerCharacter* a_this, bool a_hideNotification)
const auto enabled = func(a_this, a_hideNotification);
if (!enabled) {
if (const auto mapMenu = RE::UI::GetSingleton()->GetMenu<RE::MapMenu>(); mapMenu) {
return enabled;
static inline REL::Relocation<decltype(thunk)> func;
// Based on powerofthree's Tweaks 1.8.1 by powerofthree (MIT)
void InstallPlacementDiscoveredFix()
// Place a marker, if a location has been discovered and fast travel is disabled
REL::Relocation<std::uintptr_t> target{ REL::RelocationID(52208, 53095), REL::Relocate(0x2C5, 0x328, 0x358) };
auto& trampoline = SKSE::GetTrampoline();
IsFastTravelEnabled::func = trampoline.write_call<5>(target.address(), IsFastTravelEnabled::thunk);
logger::info("Applied discovered map marker placement fix"sv);
void InstallPlacementUndiscoveredFix()
// Place a marker without asking, if a location isn't discovered yet
REL::Relocation<std::uintptr_t> target2{ REL::RelocationID(52208, 53095), REL::Relocate(0x17A, 0x183) };
std::uint8_t code[] = { 0xB0, 0x01, REL::NOP, REL::NOP, REL::NOP };
REL::safe_write(target2.address(), code, sizeof(code));
logger::info("Applied undiscovered map marker placement fix"sv);
void Install()
if (GetLoadInterface()->GetPluginInfo("DisableFastTravel")) {
logger::info("Detected Disable Fast Travel SKSE, skipping discovered map marker placement fix");
} else if (!GetLoadInterface()->GetPluginInfo("po3_Tweaks")) {
} else if (std::filesystem::exists("Data/SKSE/Plugins/po3_Tweaks.ini")) {
CSimpleIniA ini;
if (!ini.GetBoolValue("Fixes", "Map Marker Placement Fix", false)) {
logger::info("Detected po3's Tweaks with disabled discovered Map Marker Placement Fix");
} else {
logger::info("Detected po3's Tweaks with enabled discovered Map Marker Placement Fix");