
1687 lines
62 KiB

scriptName _00E_MQ11cCritterMainScript extends ObjectReference
; Imported for RandomFloat()
import Utility
import debug
; Properties to be set for this Critter
; Randomness added to location and orientation at a plant
float Property fPositionVarianceX = 20.0 auto
{When picking a destination reference, how much variance in he X coordinate the critter to travel to.}
float Property fPositionVarianceY = 20.0 auto
{When picking a destination reference, how much variance in he Y coordinate the critter to travel to.}
float Property fPositionVarianceZMin = 50.0 auto
{When picking a destination reference, how much variance in he Z coordinate the critter to travel to, lower bound}
float Property fPositionVarianceZMax = 100.0 auto
{When picking a destination reference, how much variance in he Z coordinate the critter to travel to, upper bound}
float Property fAngleVarianceZ = 90.0 auto
{When picking a destination reference, how much variance from the ref's Z angle the critter can end at}
float Property fAngleVarianceX = 20.0 auto
{When picking a destination reference, how much variance from the ref's X angle the critter can end at}
; Path Curviness
float Property fPathCurveMean = 100.0 auto
{When moving, how "curvy" the path can be, mean (see associated Variance)}
float Property fPathCurveVariance = 200.0 auto
{When moving, how "curvy" the path can be, variance (see associated Mean)}
; For bell-shaped paths, where along the path to place waypoints
float Property fBellShapedWaypointPercent = 0.2 auto
{When moving on a bell-shaped path, how far along the path to place the bell waypoint (so that the critter doesn't go straight up, but up and forward)}
; Animation events to be sent to the graph, and associated delays
string Property PathStartGraphEvent = "" auto
{Animation event to send when starting a path}
float Property fPathStartAnimDelay = 1.0 auto
{Duration of the path start animation (delay used before the critter actually moves)}
string Property PathEndGraphEvent = "" auto
{Animation event to send when ending a path}
float Property fPathEndAnimDelay = 1.0 auto
{Duration of the path end animation (delay used before the critter returns path complete)}
; properties relevant to collection items
ingredient property lootable auto
{ingredient gathered from this critter}
formlist property nonIngredientLootable auto
{Optional: If our loot item is not an ingredient, use this instead.}
formlist property fakeCorpse auto
{Optional: If we want to leave a fake "Corpse" behind, point to it here.}
bool property bPushOnDeath = FALSE auto
{apply a small push on death to add english to ingredients? Default: False}
explosion property deathPush auto
{a small explosion force to propel wings on death}
int property lootableCount = 1 auto
{How many lootables do I drop on Death? Default: 1}
bool property bIncrementsWingPluckStat = FALSE auto
{do I count towards the wings plucked misc stat? will be false for majority}
; properties relevant to landing behavior
Static property LandingMarkerForm auto
{What landing marker to use to compute offsets from landing position}
float property fLandingSpeedRatio = 0.33 auto
{The speed percentage to use when landing, Default = 0.33 (or 33% of flight speed)}
string property ApproachNodeName = "ApproachSmall01" auto
{The name of the approach node in the landing marker, Default=ApproachSmall01}
; Hidden Properties for AI Sim
bool property reserved auto hidden
{should this object be invalidated for searches?}
objectReference property hunter auto hidden
{if being hunted, by whom?}
bool bKilled = false
; if been killed once, don't do Die() a second time
; Properties set by the spawner
; The distance from the spawner this critter can be
float Property fLeashLength auto hidden
; The distance from the player this critter can be
float Property fMaxPlayerDistance auto hidden
; The Height above the spawner that critters be move to (when applicable: dragonfly)
float Property fHeight auto hidden
; The Depth below the spawner that critters be move to (when applicable: fish)
float Property fDepth auto hidden
; The spawner that owns this critter
CritterSpawn Property Spawner auto hidden
; Debugging
bool Property bCritterDebug = false auto hidden
; Events
if bKilled == false
bKilled = true
int i = 0
while i < lootableCount
i += 1
objectReference createdLootable
if fakeCorpse ; do we have the optional fakeCorpse parameter?
; we have to jump through a hoop here to get the more open-ended functionality of using a formlist
int total = fakeCorpse.getSize() ; it would unusual if this was > 1, but just in case...
int current = 0
while current < total
createdLootable = placeAtMe(fakeCorpse.getAt(current), 1)
current += 1
createdLootable = placeatMe(lootable, 1)
createdLootable.moveTo(createdLootable, randomFloat(self.getWidth(), 2*self.getWidth()), randomFloat(self.getWidth(), 2*self.getWidth()), -1*(randomFloat(self.getHeight(), 2*self.getHeight())), false)
if bPushOnDeath == TRUE
EVENT onActivate(objectReference actronaut)
if (bKilled == false)
bKilled = true
disableAndDelete(false) ; Nuke the critter as early as possible so the player knows something happened
;Player receives loot for direct activation? Probably need a bool here for other critters in future
if nonIngredientLootable ; do I have the optional non-ingredient lootable parameter set?
actronaut.additem(nonIngredientLootable, lootableCount)
actronaut.addItem(lootable, lootableCount)
if bIncrementsWingPluckStat == TRUE
game.IncrementStat("Wings Plucked", lootableCount)
EVENT onHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akWeapon, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)
; debug.trace(self + " got hit by " + akAggressor)
Event OnMagicEffectApply(ObjectReference akCaster, MagicEffect akEffect)
; debug.trace(self + " got hit by magic of " + akCaster)
; This event is called once the Critter is ready to kick off its processing
Event OnStart()
; Triggered when the critter is about to reach its destination
Event OnCritterGoalAlmostReached()
; Triggered when the critter reaches its destination
Event OnCritterGoalReached()
; Triggered if critter failed reaching the destination
Event OnCritterGoalFailed()
; Indicates whether the critter has had everything initialized
;bool b3DInitialized = false
bool bDefaultPropertiesInitialized = false
bool bSpawnerVariablesInitialized = false
; Prevent getting event for 3D loaded after move to
bool bfirstOnStart = true
; These are used to store location/orientation
ObjectReference landingMarker = none
ObjectReference dummyMarker = none
; Called as soon as the critter is loaded
;Event OnLoad()
; ; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " OnLoad() called!", bCritterDebug)
; if (bfirstOnStart)
; ; We know the 3D is good
; b3DInitialized = true
; ; If everything else is also good, start doing stuff
; CheckStateAndStart()
; bfirstOnStart = false
; endIf
; Called when properties for this object have been initialized
Event OnInit()
; We know default properties are good
bDefaultPropertiesInitialized = true
; If everything else is also good, start doing stuff
; Called by the spawner when it has set the initial variables
float fradiusPropVal
float fmaxPlayerDistPropVal
float fheightPropVal
float fdepthPropVal
CritterSpawn spawnerPropVal
Function SetInitialSpawnerProperties(float afRadius, float afHeight, float afDepth, float afMaxPlayerDistance, CritterSpawn arSpawner)
; Set initial variables to be set once default properties have been set
fradiusPropVal = afRadius
fheightPropVal = afHeight
fdepthPropVal = afDepth
fmaxPlayerDistPropVal = afMaxPlayerDistance
spawnerPropVal = arSpawner
; We know spawner-set variables are good now
bSpawnerVariablesInitialized = true
; If everything else is also good, start doing stuff
; Stores initial spawner properties temporarily until object is ready to have them overwritten
Function SetSpawnerProperties()
fLeashLength = fradiusPropVal
fHeight = fheightPropVal
fDepth = fDepthPropVal
fMaxPlayerDistance = fmaxPlayerDistPropVal
Spawner = spawnerPropVal
; Checks that the critter is all initialized, and if so, kick off the behavior
Function CheckStateAndStart()
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + "bDefaultPropertiesInitialized=" + bDefaultPropertiesInitialized + ", bSpawnerVariablesInitialized=" + bSpawnerVariablesInitialized, bCritterDebug)
if (bDefaultPropertiesInitialized && bSpawnerVariablesInitialized)
; Set actual properties from the spawner
; Do the next part asynchronously, to allow the spawner to keep creating more critters
state KickOffOnStart
Function OnUpdate()
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " is creating landing markers", bCritterDebug)
; Create our landing and dummy markers
landingMarker = PlaceAtMe(LandingMarkerForm)
while(!landingMarker.Is3DLoaded() && is3DLoaded())
dummyMarker = PlaceAtMe(LandingMarkerForm)
while(!dummyMarker.Is3DLoaded() && is3DLoaded())
; We're all set to go, start doing stuff
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " is triggering OnStart", bCritterDebug)
; Called to remove the critter
; This should be called when a critter is too far from the player to be seen for instance
Function DisableAndDelete(bool abFadeOut = true)
; Unregister for any kind of update
; Disable the critter - don't wait if we aren't fading
if !abFadeOut
; Stop Any movement
CurrentMovementState = "Idle"
if (GetParentCell())
; Delete dummy marker
if (landingMarker != none)
if (dummyMarker != none)
; And delete ourselves
if getParentCell()
; Notify spawner
if (Spawner != none)
; Debug
; ;Debug.Trace("Critter " + self + " just killed itself.")
; Variable used to store the desired state after translation
string CurrentTargetState = ""
; Target Node name
string CurrentTargetNode = ""
; Internal state used when moving
string CurrentMovementState = "Idle"
Function PlaceLandingMarker(ObjectReference arTarget, string asTargetNode)
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " placing landing marker " + landingMarker, bCritterDebug)
while(!landingMarker.Is3DLoaded() && is3DLoaded())
if (asTargetNode != "")
landingMarker.MoveToNode(arTarget, asTargetNode)
; Use random offset from ref pivot point
landingMarker.SetPosition(arTarget.X + RandomFloat(-fPositionVarianceX, fPositionVarianceX), arTarget.Y + RandomFloat(-fPositionVarianceY, fPositionVarianceY), arTarget.Z + RandomFloat(fPositionVarianceZMin, fPositionVarianceZMax))
landingMarker.SetAngle(arTarget.GetAngleX() + RandomFloat(-fAngleVarianceX, fAngleVarianceX), arTarget.GetAngleY(), arTarget.GetAngleZ() + RandomFloat(-fAngleVarianceZ, fAngleVarianceZ))
; MoveTo might have temporarily disabled 3D
while (!landingMarker.Is3DLoaded() && is3DLoaded())
Function PlaceDummyMarker(ObjectReference arTarget, string asTargetNode)
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " placing Dummy marker " + dummyMarker, bCritterDebug)
while(!dummyMarker.Is3DLoaded() && is3DLoaded())
dummyMarker.MoveToNode(arTarget, asTargetNode)
while(!dummyMarker.Is3DLoaded() && is3DLoaded())
; Variables used during spline paths
float fStraightLineTargetX
float fStraightLineTargetY
float fStraightLineTargetZ
float fStraightLineTargetAngleX
float fStraightLineTargetAngleY
float fStraightLineTargetAngleZ
float fStraightLineSpeed
float fStraightLineMaxRotationSpeed
; Travel to the given reference at a given speed
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function SplineTranslateToRefAtSpeed(ObjectReference arTarget, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Make sure we're keyframed so we can be moved around
SetMotionType(Motion_Keyframed, false)
; If applicable, play animation
; We're about to kick off a standard spline stranslation, so switch to that state
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state SplineTranslation", bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState = "SplineTranslation"
; Compute target location
float ftargetX
float ftargetY
float ftargetZ
; Use a dummy marker to get the node location
PlaceLandingMarker(arTarget, CurrentTargetNode)
; Place a dummy marker to store the position / orientation
PlaceDummyMarker(landingMarker, ApproachNodeName)
; Use the X,Y and Z of the dummy marker
fStraightLineTargetX = dummyMarker.X
fStraightLineTargetY = dummyMarker.Y
fStraightLineTargetZ = dummyMarker.Z
fStraightLineTargetAngleX = dummyMarker.GetAngleX()
fStraightLineTargetAngleY = dummyMarker.GetAngleY()
fStraightLineTargetAngleZ = dummyMarker.GetAngleZ()
float fdeltaX = fStraightLineTargetX - X
float fdeltaY = fStraightLineTargetY - Y
float fdeltaZ = fStraightLineTargetZ - Z
ftargetX = X + fdeltaX * 0.9
ftargetY = Y + fdeltaY * 0.9
ftargetZ = Z + fdeltaZ * 0.9
; Clear target node for next time
CurrentTargetNode = ""
fStraightLineSpeed = afSpeed
fStraightLineMaxRotationSpeed = afMaxRotationSpeed
; Kick off the the translation
SplineTranslateTo(ftargetX, ftargetY, ftargetZ, fStraightLineTargetAngleX, fStraightLineTargetAngleY, fStraightLineTargetAngleZ, RandomFloat(fPathCurveMean - fPathCurveVariance, fPathCurveMean + fPathCurveVariance), afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference's named node
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function SplineTranslateToRefNodeAtSpeed(ObjectReference arTarget, string arNode, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Set target node name
CurrentTargetNode = arNode
; Call base version
SplineTranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference and then switch to the given state
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function SplineTranslateToRefAtSpeedAndGotoState(ObjectReference arTarget, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed, string arTargetState)
; Set target state for the OnTranslationComplete event
CurrentTargetState = arTargetState
; Call base version
SplineTranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference's named node and then switch to the given state
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function SplineTranslateToRefNodeAtSpeedAndGotoState(ObjectReference arTarget, string arNode, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed, string arTargetState)
; Set target state for the OnTranslationComplete event
CurrentTargetState = arTargetState
; Set target node name
CurrentTargetNode = arNode
; Call base version
SplineTranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference at a given speed
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function TranslateToRefAtSpeed(ObjectReference arTarget, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Make sure we're keyframed so we can be moved around
SetMotionType(Motion_Keyframed, false)
; If applicable, play animation
; We're about to kick off a standard spline stranslation, so switch to that state
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state SplineTranslation", bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState = "Translation"
; Compute target location
float ftargetX
float ftargetY
float ftargetZ
; Use a dummy marker to get the node location
PlaceLandingMarker(arTarget, CurrentTargetNode)
; Place a dummy marker to store the position / orientation
PlaceDummyMarker(landingMarker, ApproachNodeName)
; Use the X,Y and Z of the dummy marker
fStraightLineTargetX = dummyMarker.X
fStraightLineTargetY = dummyMarker.Y
fStraightLineTargetZ = dummyMarker.Z
fStraightLineTargetAngleX = dummyMarker.GetAngleX()
fStraightLineTargetAngleY = dummyMarker.GetAngleY()
fStraightLineTargetAngleZ = dummyMarker.GetAngleZ()
float fdeltaX = fStraightLineTargetX - X
float fdeltaY = fStraightLineTargetY - Y
float fdeltaZ = fStraightLineTargetZ - Z
ftargetX = X + fdeltaX * 0.9
ftargetY = Y + fdeltaY * 0.9
ftargetZ = Z + fdeltaZ * 0.9
; Clear target node for next time
CurrentTargetNode = ""
fStraightLineSpeed = afSpeed
; Kick off the the translation
TranslateTo(ftargetX, ftargetY, ftargetZ, fStraightLineTargetAngleX, fStraightLineTargetAngleY, fStraightLineTargetAngleZ, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference's named node
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function TranslateToRefNodeAtSpeed(ObjectReference arTarget, string arNode, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Set target node name
CurrentTargetNode = arNode
; Call base version
TranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference and then switch to the given state
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function TranslateToRefAtSpeedAndGotoState(ObjectReference arTarget, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed, string arTargetState)
; Set target state for the OnTranslationComplete event
CurrentTargetState = arTargetState
; Call base version
TranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference's named node and then switch to the given state
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function TranslateToRefNodeAtSpeedAndGotoState(ObjectReference arTarget, string arNode, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed, string arTargetState)
; Set target state for the OnTranslationComplete event
CurrentTargetState = arTargetState
; Set target node name
CurrentTargetNode = arNode
; Call base version
TranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Variables used during bell-shaped paths
ObjectReference BellShapeTarget = none
float fBellShapeSpeed
float fBellShapeMaxRotationSpeed
float fBellShapeStartX
float fBellShapeStartY
float fBellShapeStartZ
float fBellShapeStartLandingPointX
float fBellShapeStartLandingPointY
float fBellShapeStartLandingPointZ
float fBellShapeTargetPointX
float fBellShapeTargetPointY
float fBellShapeTargetPointZ
float fBellShapeTargetAngleX
float fBellShapeTargetAngleY
float fBellShapeTargetAngleZ
float fBellShapeDeltaX
float fBellShapeDeltaY
float fBellShapeDeltaZ
float fBellShapeHeight
; Travel to the given reference in a bell-shaped path
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function BellShapeTranslateToRefAtSpeed(ObjectReference arTarget, float afBellHeight, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Make sure we're keyframed so we can be moved around
SetMotionType(Motion_Keyframed, false)
; If applicable, play animation
; We're about to kick off a bell-shaped stranslation, so switch to the first state
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state BellShapeGoingUp", bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState = "BellShapeGoingUp"
fBellShapeStartX = self.X
fBellShapeStartY = self.Y
fBellShapeStartZ = self.Z
; Use a dummy marker to get the node location
PlaceLandingMarker(arTarget, CurrentTargetNode)
; Place a dummy marker to store the position / orientation
PlaceDummyMarker(landingMarker, ApproachNodeName)
; Use the X,Y and Z of the dummy marker
fBellShapeStartLandingPointX = dummyMarker.X
fBellShapeStartLandingPointY = dummyMarker.Y
fBellShapeStartLandingPointZ = dummyMarker.Z
fBellShapeTargetPointX = landingMarker.X
fBellShapeTargetPointY = landingMarker.Y
fBellShapeTargetPointZ = landingMarker.Z
fBellShapeTargetAngleX = landingMarker.GetAngleX()
fBellShapeTargetAngleY = landingMarker.GetAngleY()
fBellShapeTargetAngleZ = landingMarker.GetAngleZ()
; Clear target node for next time
CurrentTargetNode = ""
; Compute location for the "UP" portion of the path
fBellShapeDeltaX = fBellShapeTargetPointX - fBellShapeStartX
fBellShapeDeltaY = fBellShapeTargetPointY - fBellShapeStartY
fBellShapeDeltaZ = fBellShapeTargetPointZ - fBellShapeStartZ
; Remember the bell height and the target
fBellShapeHeight = afBellHeight
BellShapeTarget = arTarget
fBellShapeSpeed = afSpeed
fBellShapeMaxRotationSpeed = afMaxRotationSpeed
; Compute point 1/5th of the way along (1/5 is an example, the percentage is defined by a property)
float fFirstWaypointX = fBellShapeStartX + fBellShapeDeltaX * fBellShapedWaypointPercent
float fFirstWaypointY = fBellShapeStartY + fBellShapeDeltaY * fBellShapedWaypointPercent
float fFirstWaypointZ = fBellShapeStartZ + fBellShapeDeltaZ * fBellShapedWaypointPercent + fBellShapeHeight
; Kick off the the translation
SplineTranslateTo(fFirstWaypointX, fFirstWaypointY, fFirstWaypointZ, GetAngleX(), GetAngleY(), GetAngleZ(), fPathCurveMean, fBellShapeSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference's named node in a bell-shaped path
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function BellShapeTranslateToRefNodeAtSpeed(ObjectReference arTarget, string arNode, float afBellHeight, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Set target node name
CurrentTargetNode = arNode
; Call base version
BellShapeTranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afBellHeight, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference in a bell-shaped path and then switch to the given state
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function BellShapeTranslateToRefAtSpeedAndGotoState(ObjectReference arTarget, float afBellHeight, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed, string arTargetState)
; Set target state for the OnTranslationComplete event
CurrentTargetState = arTargetState
; Call base version
BellShapeTranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afBellHeight, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference's named node in a bell-shaped path and then switch to the given state
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function BellShapeTranslateToRefNodeAtSpeedAndGotoState(ObjectReference arTarget, string arNode, float afBellHeight, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed, string arTargetState)
; Set target state for the OnTranslationComplete event
CurrentTargetState = arTargetState
; Set target node name
CurrentTargetNode = arNode
; Call base version
BellShapeTranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afBellHeight, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
Function WarpToRefAndGotoState(ObjectReference arTarget, string asState)
PlaceLandingMarker(arTarget, "")
; Switch state
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " Warping to ref (and switching to " + CurrentTargetState + " )", bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState == "Idle"
Function WarpToRefNodeAndGotoState(ObjectReference arTarget, string asNode, string asState)
PlaceLandingMarker(arTarget, asNode)
; Switch state
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " Warping to ref (and switching to " + CurrentTargetState + " )", bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState == "Idle"
; Internal bell-shaped path management
; Handle translation complete event
Event OnTranslationComplete()
if (CurrentMovementState == "BellShapeGoingUp")
; Switch state to the next segment
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state BellShapeGoingAcross", bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState = "BellShapeGoingAcross"
; Move to the 2nd waypoint
float fsecondWaypointPercent = 1.0 - fBellShapedWaypointPercent
float fSecondWaypointX = fBellShapeStartX + fBellShapeDeltaX * fsecondWaypointPercent
float fSecondWaypointY = fBellShapeStartY + fBellShapeDeltaY * fsecondWaypointPercent
float fSecondWaypointZ = fBellShapeStartZ + fBellShapeDeltaZ * fsecondWaypointPercent + fBellShapeHeight
; Kick off the the translation
SplineTranslateTo(fSecondWaypointX, fSecondWaypointY, fSecondWaypointZ, GetAngleX(), GetAngleY(), GetAngleZ(), fPathCurveMean, fBellShapeSpeed, fBellShapeMaxRotationSpeed)
elseif (CurrentMovementState == "BellShapeGoingAcross")
; Switch state to the last segment
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state BellShapeGoingDown", bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState = "BellShapeGoingDown"
; Move to the goal
SplineTranslateTo(fBellShapeStartLandingPointX, fBellShapeStartLandingPointY, fBellShapeStartLandingPointZ, fBellShapeTargetAngleX, fBellShapeTargetAngleY, fBellShapeTargetAngleZ, fPathCurveMean, fBellShapeSpeed, fBellShapeMaxRotationSpeed)
elseif (CurrentMovementState == "BellShapeGoingDown")
; Wait for the end event
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state BellShapeLanding", bCritterDebug)
; Play landing animation if applicable
CurrentMovementState = "BellShapeLanding"
; Move to the destination
TranslateTo(fBellShapeTargetPointX, fBellShapeTargetPointY, fBellShapeTargetPointZ, fBellShapeTargetAngleX, fBellShapeTargetAngleY, fBellShapeTargetAngleZ, fBellShapeSpeed * fLandingSpeedRatio, fBellShapeMaxRotationSpeed)
elseif (CurrentMovementState == "BellShapeLanding")
; Switch state
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state Idle (and switching to " + CurrentTargetState + " )", bCritterDebug)
if (CurrentTargetState != "")
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state " + CurrentTargetState, bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState == "Idle"
; Clear all global variables that we shouldn't use anymore, just for safety's sake
BellShapeTarget = none
CurrentTargetState = ""
; Trigger event for derived script to handle
elseif (CurrentMovementState == "SplineTranslation")
; Play landing animation if applicable
CurrentMovementState = "StraightLineLanding"
; Move to the destination
SplineTranslateTo(fStraightLineTargetX, fStraightLineTargetY, fStraightLineTargetZ, fStraightLineTargetAngleX, fStraightLineTargetAngleY, fStraightLineTargetAngleZ, RandomFloat(fPathCurveMean - fPathCurveVariance, fPathCurveMean + fPathCurveVariance), fStraightLineSpeed * fLandingSpeedRatio, fStraightLineMaxRotationSpeed)
elseif (CurrentMovementState == "StraightLineLanding")
; Switch state
if (CurrentTargetState != "")
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state " + CurrentTargetState, bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState == "Idle"
CurrentTargetState = ""
; Trigger event for derived script to handle
elseif (CurrentMovementState == "Translation")
; Play landing animation if applicable
; Switch state
if (CurrentTargetState != "")
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state " + CurrentTargetState, bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState == "Idle"
CurrentTargetState = ""
; Trigger event for derived script to handle
; Don't know this state, just trigger event for derived script to handle
Event OnTranslationAlmostComplete()
if ((CurrentMovementState != "BellShapeGoingUp") && (CurrentMovementState != "BellShapeGoingAcross") && (CurrentMovementState != "BellShapeGoingDown") && (CurrentMovementState != "SplineTranslation"))
; Trigger custom event
; Regardless of state, handle the translation failed event
Event OnTranslationFailed()
; Trigger event
; Debug.Trace("Critter " + self + " Translation Failed", 1)
; Debugging
Function PrintInitialProperties()
; Debug.Trace("Critter " + self + " initial properties")
; Debug.Trace("\tfRadius = " + fLeashLength)
; Debug.Trace("\tfMaxPlayerDistance = " + fMaxPlayerDistance)
; Debug.Trace("\tSpawner = " + Spawner)
Function DoPathStartStuff()
; Transition to the flight state
SetAnimationVariableFloat("fTakeOff", 1.0);
Function DoPathEndStuff()
; Transition to the hover/landed state
SetAnimationVariableFloat("fTakeOff", 0.0);
; Fly to a random point within the leash radius
FUNCTION flyAroundSpawner(float fminTravel, float fMaxTravel, float fSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed, bool bflyBelowSpawner = false)
{this function chooses and flies to a new, nearby point}
; if flybelowSpawner is
float fMinHeight = spawner.z
float fMaxheight = fMinHeight + (0.5*fLeashLength)
float oldX = self.x
float oldY = self.y
float oldZ = self.z
float newX = (self.x + randomFloat(fminTravel, fMaxTravel))
float newY = (self.Y + randomFloat(fminTravel, fMaxTravel))
float newZ = (self.Z + randomFloat(fminTravel, fMaxTravel))
; some safety checks to keep him from flying far from home
if newX > spawner.X
if newX > spawner.X + fLeashLength
newX = spawner.X + fLeashLength
if newX < spawner.X - fLeashLength
newX = spawner.X - fLeashLength
if newY > spawner.Y
if newY > spawner.Y + fLeashLength
newY = spawner.Y + fLeashLength
if newY < spawner.Y - fLeashLength
newY = spawner.Y - fLeashLength
if bFlyBelowSpawner == true
if newZ < fMinHeight
newZ = fMinHeight
if newZ > fMaxHeight
newZ = fMaxHeight
; now fly to that spot!
;gotoMarker.setPosition(newX, newY, newZ)
TranslateTo(newX, newY, newZ, self.getAngleX(), self.getAngleY(), self.getAngleZ(), fSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; traceConditional(self + " flying to point at: " + newX as int + ", " + newY as int + ", " + newZ as int, bCritterDebug)
; Imported for RandomFloat()
import Utility
import debug
; Properties to be set for this Critter
; Randomness added to location and orientation at a plant
float Property fPositionVarianceX = 20.0 auto
{When picking a destination reference, how much variance in he X coordinate the critter to travel to.}
float Property fPositionVarianceY = 20.0 auto
{When picking a destination reference, how much variance in he Y coordinate the critter to travel to.}
float Property fPositionVarianceZMin = 50.0 auto
{When picking a destination reference, how much variance in he Z coordinate the critter to travel to, lower bound}
float Property fPositionVarianceZMax = 100.0 auto
{When picking a destination reference, how much variance in he Z coordinate the critter to travel to, upper bound}
float Property fAngleVarianceZ = 90.0 auto
{When picking a destination reference, how much variance from the ref's Z angle the critter can end at}
float Property fAngleVarianceX = 20.0 auto
{When picking a destination reference, how much variance from the ref's X angle the critter can end at}
; Path Curviness
float Property fPathCurveMean = 100.0 auto
{When moving, how "curvy" the path can be, mean (see associated Variance)}
float Property fPathCurveVariance = 200.0 auto
{When moving, how "curvy" the path can be, variance (see associated Mean)}
; For bell-shaped paths, where along the path to place waypoints
float Property fBellShapedWaypointPercent = 0.2 auto
{When moving on a bell-shaped path, how far along the path to place the bell waypoint (so that the critter doesn't go straight up, but up and forward)}
; Animation events to be sent to the graph, and associated delays
string Property PathStartGraphEvent = "" auto
{Animation event to send when starting a path}
float Property fPathStartAnimDelay = 1.0 auto
{Duration of the path start animation (delay used before the critter actually moves)}
string Property PathEndGraphEvent = "" auto
{Animation event to send when ending a path}
float Property fPathEndAnimDelay = 1.0 auto
{Duration of the path end animation (delay used before the critter returns path complete)}
; properties relevant to collection items
MiscObject property lootable auto
MiscObject property Glas auto
{ingredient gathered from this critter}
formlist property nonIngredientLootable auto
{Optional: If our loot item is not an ingredient, use this instead.}
formlist property fakeCorpse auto
{Optional: If we want to leave a fake "Corpse" behind, point to it here.}
bool property bPushOnDeath = FALSE auto
{apply a small push on death to add english to ingredients? Default: False}
explosion property deathPush auto
{a small explosion force to propel wings on death}
int property lootableCount = 1 auto
{How many lootables do I drop on Death? Default: 1}
bool property bIncrementsWingPluckStat = FALSE auto
{do I count towards the wings plucked misc stat? will be false for majority}
; properties relevant to landing behavior
Static property LandingMarkerForm auto
{What landing marker to use to compute offsets from landing position}
float property fLandingSpeedRatio = 0.33 auto
{The speed percentage to use when landing, Default = 0.33 (or 33% of flight speed)}
string property ApproachNodeName = "ApproachSmall01" auto
{The name of the approach node in the landing marker, Default=ApproachSmall01}
GlobalVariable Property _00E_MQ11c_ButterfliesGlobal Auto
; Hidden Properties for AI Sim
bool property reserved auto hidden
{should this object be invalidated for searches?}
objectReference property hunter auto hidden
{if being hunted, by whom?}
bool bKilled = false
; if been killed once, don't do Die() a second time
; Properties set by the spawner
; The distance from the spawner this critter can be
float Property fLeashLength auto hidden
; The distance from the player this critter can be
float Property fMaxPlayerDistance auto hidden
; The Height above the spawner that critters be move to (when applicable: dragonfly)
float Property fHeight auto hidden
; The Depth below the spawner that critters be move to (when applicable: fish)
float Property fDepth auto hidden
; The spawner that owns this critter
CritterSpawn Property Spawner auto hidden
; Debugging
bool Property bCritterDebug = false auto hidden
; Events
if bKilled == false
bKilled = true
int i = 0
while i < lootableCount
i += 1
objectReference createdLootable
if fakeCorpse ; do we have the optional fakeCorpse parameter?
; we have to jump through a hoop here to get the more open-ended functionality of using a formlist
int total = fakeCorpse.getSize() ; it would unusual if this was > 1, but just in case...
int current = 0
while current < total
createdLootable = placeAtMe(fakeCorpse.getAt(current), 1)
current += 1
createdLootable = placeatMe(lootable, 1)
createdLootable.moveTo(createdLootable, randomFloat(self.getWidth(), 2*self.getWidth()), randomFloat(self.getWidth(), 2*self.getWidth()), -1*(randomFloat(self.getHeight(), 2*self.getHeight())), false)
if bPushOnDeath == TRUE
EVENT onActivate(objectReference actronaut)
if actronaut.GetItemCount(Glas) > 0
if (bKilled == false)
bKilled = true
disableAndDelete(false) ; Nuke the critter as early as possible so the player knows something happened
;Player receives loot for direct activation? Probably need a bool here for other critters in future
actronaut.addItem(lootable, lootableCount)
actronaut.removeItem(Glas, 1)
_00E_MQ11c_ButterfliesGlobal.SetValue(_00E_MQ11c_ButterfliesGlobal.GetValue() + 1)
if bIncrementsWingPluckStat == TRUE
game.IncrementStat("Wings Plucked", lootableCount)
EVENT onHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akWeapon, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)
; debug.trace(self + " got hit by " + akAggressor)
Event OnMagicEffectApply(ObjectReference akCaster, MagicEffect akEffect)
; debug.trace(self + " got hit by magic of " + akCaster)
; This event is called once the Critter is ready to kick off its processing
Event OnStart()
; Triggered when the critter is about to reach its destination
Event OnCritterGoalAlmostReached()
; Triggered when the critter reaches its destination
Event OnCritterGoalReached()
; Triggered if critter failed reaching the destination
Event OnCritterGoalFailed()
; Indicates whether the critter has had everything initialized
;bool b3DInitialized = false
bool bDefaultPropertiesInitialized = false
bool bSpawnerVariablesInitialized = false
; Prevent getting event for 3D loaded after move to
bool bfirstOnStart = true
; These are used to store location/orientation
ObjectReference landingMarker = none
ObjectReference dummyMarker = none
; Called as soon as the critter is loaded
;Event OnLoad()
; ; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " OnLoad() called!", bCritterDebug)
; if (bfirstOnStart)
; ; We know the 3D is good
; b3DInitialized = true
; ; If everything else is also good, start doing stuff
; CheckStateAndStart()
; bfirstOnStart = false
; endIf
; Called when properties for this object have been initialized
Event OnInit()
; We know default properties are good
bDefaultPropertiesInitialized = true
; If everything else is also good, start doing stuff
; Called by the spawner when it has set the initial variables
float fradiusPropVal
float fmaxPlayerDistPropVal
float fheightPropVal
float fdepthPropVal
CritterSpawn spawnerPropVal
Function SetInitialSpawnerProperties(float afRadius, float afHeight, float afDepth, float afMaxPlayerDistance, CritterSpawn arSpawner)
; Set initial variables to be set once default properties have been set
fradiusPropVal = afRadius
fheightPropVal = afHeight
fdepthPropVal = afDepth
fmaxPlayerDistPropVal = afMaxPlayerDistance
spawnerPropVal = arSpawner
; We know spawner-set variables are good now
bSpawnerVariablesInitialized = true
; If everything else is also good, start doing stuff
; Stores initial spawner properties temporarily until object is ready to have them overwritten
Function SetSpawnerProperties()
fLeashLength = fradiusPropVal
fHeight = fheightPropVal
fDepth = fDepthPropVal
fMaxPlayerDistance = fmaxPlayerDistPropVal
Spawner = spawnerPropVal
; Checks that the critter is all initialized, and if so, kick off the behavior
Function CheckStateAndStart()
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + "bDefaultPropertiesInitialized=" + bDefaultPropertiesInitialized + ", bSpawnerVariablesInitialized=" + bSpawnerVariablesInitialized, bCritterDebug)
if (bDefaultPropertiesInitialized && bSpawnerVariablesInitialized)
; Set actual properties from the spawner
; Do the next part asynchronously, to allow the spawner to keep creating more critters
state KickOffOnStart
Function OnUpdate()
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " is creating landing markers", bCritterDebug)
; Create our landing and dummy markers
landingMarker = PlaceAtMe(LandingMarkerForm)
while(!landingMarker.Is3DLoaded() && is3DLoaded())
dummyMarker = PlaceAtMe(LandingMarkerForm)
while(!dummyMarker.Is3DLoaded() && is3DLoaded())
; We're all set to go, start doing stuff
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " is triggering OnStart", bCritterDebug)
; Called to remove the critter
; This should be called when a critter is too far from the player to be seen for instance
Function DisableAndDelete(bool abFadeOut = true)
; Unregister for any kind of update
; Disable the critter - don't wait if we aren't fading
if !abFadeOut
; Stop Any movement
CurrentMovementState = "Idle"
if (GetParentCell())
; Delete dummy marker
if (landingMarker != none)
if (dummyMarker != none)
; And delete ourselves
if getParentCell()
; Notify spawner
if (Spawner != none)
; Debug
; ;Debug.Trace("Critter " + self + " just killed itself.")
; Variable used to store the desired state after translation
string CurrentTargetState = ""
; Target Node name
string CurrentTargetNode = ""
; Internal state used when moving
string CurrentMovementState = "Idle"
Function PlaceLandingMarker(ObjectReference arTarget, string asTargetNode)
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " placing landing marker " + landingMarker, bCritterDebug)
while(!landingMarker.Is3DLoaded() && is3DLoaded())
if (asTargetNode != "")
landingMarker.MoveToNode(arTarget, asTargetNode)
; Use random offset from ref pivot point
landingMarker.SetPosition(arTarget.X + RandomFloat(-fPositionVarianceX, fPositionVarianceX), arTarget.Y + RandomFloat(-fPositionVarianceY, fPositionVarianceY), arTarget.Z + RandomFloat(fPositionVarianceZMin, fPositionVarianceZMax))
landingMarker.SetAngle(arTarget.GetAngleX() + RandomFloat(-fAngleVarianceX, fAngleVarianceX), arTarget.GetAngleY(), arTarget.GetAngleZ() + RandomFloat(-fAngleVarianceZ, fAngleVarianceZ))
; MoveTo might have temporarily disabled 3D
while (!landingMarker.Is3DLoaded() && is3DLoaded())
Function PlaceDummyMarker(ObjectReference arTarget, string asTargetNode)
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " placing Dummy marker " + dummyMarker, bCritterDebug)
while(!dummyMarker.Is3DLoaded() && is3DLoaded())
dummyMarker.MoveToNode(arTarget, asTargetNode)
while(!dummyMarker.Is3DLoaded() && is3DLoaded())
; Variables used during spline paths
float fStraightLineTargetX
float fStraightLineTargetY
float fStraightLineTargetZ
float fStraightLineTargetAngleX
float fStraightLineTargetAngleY
float fStraightLineTargetAngleZ
float fStraightLineSpeed
float fStraightLineMaxRotationSpeed
; Travel to the given reference at a given speed
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function SplineTranslateToRefAtSpeed(ObjectReference arTarget, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Make sure we're keyframed so we can be moved around
SetMotionType(Motion_Keyframed, false)
; If applicable, play animation
; We're about to kick off a standard spline stranslation, so switch to that state
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state SplineTranslation", bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState = "SplineTranslation"
; Compute target location
float ftargetX
float ftargetY
float ftargetZ
; Use a dummy marker to get the node location
PlaceLandingMarker(arTarget, CurrentTargetNode)
; Place a dummy marker to store the position / orientation
PlaceDummyMarker(landingMarker, ApproachNodeName)
; Use the X,Y and Z of the dummy marker
fStraightLineTargetX = dummyMarker.X
fStraightLineTargetY = dummyMarker.Y
fStraightLineTargetZ = dummyMarker.Z
fStraightLineTargetAngleX = dummyMarker.GetAngleX()
fStraightLineTargetAngleY = dummyMarker.GetAngleY()
fStraightLineTargetAngleZ = dummyMarker.GetAngleZ()
float fdeltaX = fStraightLineTargetX - X
float fdeltaY = fStraightLineTargetY - Y
float fdeltaZ = fStraightLineTargetZ - Z
ftargetX = X + fdeltaX * 0.9
ftargetY = Y + fdeltaY * 0.9
ftargetZ = Z + fdeltaZ * 0.9
; Clear target node for next time
CurrentTargetNode = ""
fStraightLineSpeed = afSpeed
fStraightLineMaxRotationSpeed = afMaxRotationSpeed
; Kick off the the translation
SplineTranslateTo(ftargetX, ftargetY, ftargetZ, fStraightLineTargetAngleX, fStraightLineTargetAngleY, fStraightLineTargetAngleZ, RandomFloat(fPathCurveMean - fPathCurveVariance, fPathCurveMean + fPathCurveVariance), afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference's named node
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function SplineTranslateToRefNodeAtSpeed(ObjectReference arTarget, string arNode, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Set target node name
CurrentTargetNode = arNode
; Call base version
SplineTranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference and then switch to the given state
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function SplineTranslateToRefAtSpeedAndGotoState(ObjectReference arTarget, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed, string arTargetState)
; Set target state for the OnTranslationComplete event
CurrentTargetState = arTargetState
; Call base version
SplineTranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference's named node and then switch to the given state
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function SplineTranslateToRefNodeAtSpeedAndGotoState(ObjectReference arTarget, string arNode, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed, string arTargetState)
; Set target state for the OnTranslationComplete event
CurrentTargetState = arTargetState
; Set target node name
CurrentTargetNode = arNode
; Call base version
SplineTranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference at a given speed
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function TranslateToRefAtSpeed(ObjectReference arTarget, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Make sure we're keyframed so we can be moved around
SetMotionType(Motion_Keyframed, false)
; If applicable, play animation
; We're about to kick off a standard spline stranslation, so switch to that state
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state SplineTranslation", bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState = "Translation"
; Compute target location
float ftargetX
float ftargetY
float ftargetZ
; Use a dummy marker to get the node location
PlaceLandingMarker(arTarget, CurrentTargetNode)
; Place a dummy marker to store the position / orientation
PlaceDummyMarker(landingMarker, ApproachNodeName)
; Use the X,Y and Z of the dummy marker
fStraightLineTargetX = dummyMarker.X
fStraightLineTargetY = dummyMarker.Y
fStraightLineTargetZ = dummyMarker.Z
fStraightLineTargetAngleX = dummyMarker.GetAngleX()
fStraightLineTargetAngleY = dummyMarker.GetAngleY()
fStraightLineTargetAngleZ = dummyMarker.GetAngleZ()
float fdeltaX = fStraightLineTargetX - X
float fdeltaY = fStraightLineTargetY - Y
float fdeltaZ = fStraightLineTargetZ - Z
ftargetX = X + fdeltaX * 0.9
ftargetY = Y + fdeltaY * 0.9
ftargetZ = Z + fdeltaZ * 0.9
; Clear target node for next time
CurrentTargetNode = ""
fStraightLineSpeed = afSpeed
; Kick off the the translation
TranslateTo(ftargetX, ftargetY, ftargetZ, fStraightLineTargetAngleX, fStraightLineTargetAngleY, fStraightLineTargetAngleZ, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference's named node
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function TranslateToRefNodeAtSpeed(ObjectReference arTarget, string arNode, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Set target node name
CurrentTargetNode = arNode
; Call base version
TranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference and then switch to the given state
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function TranslateToRefAtSpeedAndGotoState(ObjectReference arTarget, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed, string arTargetState)
; Set target state for the OnTranslationComplete event
CurrentTargetState = arTargetState
; Call base version
TranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference's named node and then switch to the given state
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function TranslateToRefNodeAtSpeedAndGotoState(ObjectReference arTarget, string arNode, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed, string arTargetState)
; Set target state for the OnTranslationComplete event
CurrentTargetState = arTargetState
; Set target node name
CurrentTargetNode = arNode
; Call base version
TranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Variables used during bell-shaped paths
ObjectReference BellShapeTarget = none
float fBellShapeSpeed
float fBellShapeMaxRotationSpeed
float fBellShapeStartX
float fBellShapeStartY
float fBellShapeStartZ
float fBellShapeStartLandingPointX
float fBellShapeStartLandingPointY
float fBellShapeStartLandingPointZ
float fBellShapeTargetPointX
float fBellShapeTargetPointY
float fBellShapeTargetPointZ
float fBellShapeTargetAngleX
float fBellShapeTargetAngleY
float fBellShapeTargetAngleZ
float fBellShapeDeltaX
float fBellShapeDeltaY
float fBellShapeDeltaZ
float fBellShapeHeight
; Travel to the given reference in a bell-shaped path
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function BellShapeTranslateToRefAtSpeed(ObjectReference arTarget, float afBellHeight, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Make sure we're keyframed so we can be moved around
SetMotionType(Motion_Keyframed, false)
; If applicable, play animation
; We're about to kick off a bell-shaped stranslation, so switch to the first state
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state BellShapeGoingUp", bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState = "BellShapeGoingUp"
fBellShapeStartX = self.X
fBellShapeStartY = self.Y
fBellShapeStartZ = self.Z
; Use a dummy marker to get the node location
PlaceLandingMarker(arTarget, CurrentTargetNode)
; Place a dummy marker to store the position / orientation
PlaceDummyMarker(landingMarker, ApproachNodeName)
; Use the X,Y and Z of the dummy marker
fBellShapeStartLandingPointX = dummyMarker.X
fBellShapeStartLandingPointY = dummyMarker.Y
fBellShapeStartLandingPointZ = dummyMarker.Z
fBellShapeTargetPointX = landingMarker.X
fBellShapeTargetPointY = landingMarker.Y
fBellShapeTargetPointZ = landingMarker.Z
fBellShapeTargetAngleX = landingMarker.GetAngleX()
fBellShapeTargetAngleY = landingMarker.GetAngleY()
fBellShapeTargetAngleZ = landingMarker.GetAngleZ()
; Clear target node for next time
CurrentTargetNode = ""
; Compute location for the "UP" portion of the path
fBellShapeDeltaX = fBellShapeTargetPointX - fBellShapeStartX
fBellShapeDeltaY = fBellShapeTargetPointY - fBellShapeStartY
fBellShapeDeltaZ = fBellShapeTargetPointZ - fBellShapeStartZ
; Remember the bell height and the target
fBellShapeHeight = afBellHeight
BellShapeTarget = arTarget
fBellShapeSpeed = afSpeed
fBellShapeMaxRotationSpeed = afMaxRotationSpeed
; Compute point 1/5th of the way along (1/5 is an example, the percentage is defined by a property)
float fFirstWaypointX = fBellShapeStartX + fBellShapeDeltaX * fBellShapedWaypointPercent
float fFirstWaypointY = fBellShapeStartY + fBellShapeDeltaY * fBellShapedWaypointPercent
float fFirstWaypointZ = fBellShapeStartZ + fBellShapeDeltaZ * fBellShapedWaypointPercent + fBellShapeHeight
; Kick off the the translation
SplineTranslateTo(fFirstWaypointX, fFirstWaypointY, fFirstWaypointZ, GetAngleX(), GetAngleY(), GetAngleZ(), fPathCurveMean, fBellShapeSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference's named node in a bell-shaped path
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function BellShapeTranslateToRefNodeAtSpeed(ObjectReference arTarget, string arNode, float afBellHeight, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Set target node name
CurrentTargetNode = arNode
; Call base version
BellShapeTranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afBellHeight, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference in a bell-shaped path and then switch to the given state
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function BellShapeTranslateToRefAtSpeedAndGotoState(ObjectReference arTarget, float afBellHeight, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed, string arTargetState)
; Set target state for the OnTranslationComplete event
CurrentTargetState = arTargetState
; Call base version
BellShapeTranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afBellHeight, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; Travel to the given reference's named node in a bell-shaped path and then switch to the given state
; This function will call the OnCritterGoalReached() event upon completion
Function BellShapeTranslateToRefNodeAtSpeedAndGotoState(ObjectReference arTarget, string arNode, float afBellHeight, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed, string arTargetState)
; Set target state for the OnTranslationComplete event
CurrentTargetState = arTargetState
; Set target node name
CurrentTargetNode = arNode
; Call base version
BellShapeTranslateToRefAtSpeed(arTarget, afBellHeight, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
Function WarpToRefAndGotoState(ObjectReference arTarget, string asState)
PlaceLandingMarker(arTarget, "")
; Switch state
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " Warping to ref (and switching to " + CurrentTargetState + " )", bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState == "Idle"
Function WarpToRefNodeAndGotoState(ObjectReference arTarget, string asNode, string asState)
PlaceLandingMarker(arTarget, asNode)
; Switch state
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " Warping to ref (and switching to " + CurrentTargetState + " )", bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState == "Idle"
; Internal bell-shaped path management
; Handle translation complete event
Event OnTranslationComplete()
if (CurrentMovementState == "BellShapeGoingUp")
; Switch state to the next segment
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state BellShapeGoingAcross", bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState = "BellShapeGoingAcross"
; Move to the 2nd waypoint
float fsecondWaypointPercent = 1.0 - fBellShapedWaypointPercent
float fSecondWaypointX = fBellShapeStartX + fBellShapeDeltaX * fsecondWaypointPercent
float fSecondWaypointY = fBellShapeStartY + fBellShapeDeltaY * fsecondWaypointPercent
float fSecondWaypointZ = fBellShapeStartZ + fBellShapeDeltaZ * fsecondWaypointPercent + fBellShapeHeight
; Kick off the the translation
SplineTranslateTo(fSecondWaypointX, fSecondWaypointY, fSecondWaypointZ, GetAngleX(), GetAngleY(), GetAngleZ(), fPathCurveMean, fBellShapeSpeed, fBellShapeMaxRotationSpeed)
elseif (CurrentMovementState == "BellShapeGoingAcross")
; Switch state to the last segment
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state BellShapeGoingDown", bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState = "BellShapeGoingDown"
; Move to the goal
SplineTranslateTo(fBellShapeStartLandingPointX, fBellShapeStartLandingPointY, fBellShapeStartLandingPointZ, fBellShapeTargetAngleX, fBellShapeTargetAngleY, fBellShapeTargetAngleZ, fPathCurveMean, fBellShapeSpeed, fBellShapeMaxRotationSpeed)
elseif (CurrentMovementState == "BellShapeGoingDown")
; Wait for the end event
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state BellShapeLanding", bCritterDebug)
; Play landing animation if applicable
CurrentMovementState = "BellShapeLanding"
; Move to the destination
TranslateTo(fBellShapeTargetPointX, fBellShapeTargetPointY, fBellShapeTargetPointZ, fBellShapeTargetAngleX, fBellShapeTargetAngleY, fBellShapeTargetAngleZ, fBellShapeSpeed * fLandingSpeedRatio, fBellShapeMaxRotationSpeed)
elseif (CurrentMovementState == "BellShapeLanding")
; Switch state
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state Idle (and switching to " + CurrentTargetState + " )", bCritterDebug)
if (CurrentTargetState != "")
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state " + CurrentTargetState, bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState == "Idle"
; Clear all global variables that we shouldn't use anymore, just for safety's sake
BellShapeTarget = none
CurrentTargetState = ""
; Trigger event for derived script to handle
elseif (CurrentMovementState == "SplineTranslation")
; Play landing animation if applicable
CurrentMovementState = "StraightLineLanding"
; Move to the destination
SplineTranslateTo(fStraightLineTargetX, fStraightLineTargetY, fStraightLineTargetZ, fStraightLineTargetAngleX, fStraightLineTargetAngleY, fStraightLineTargetAngleZ, RandomFloat(fPathCurveMean - fPathCurveVariance, fPathCurveMean + fPathCurveVariance), fStraightLineSpeed * fLandingSpeedRatio, fStraightLineMaxRotationSpeed)
elseif (CurrentMovementState == "StraightLineLanding")
; Switch state
if (CurrentTargetState != "")
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state " + CurrentTargetState, bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState == "Idle"
CurrentTargetState = ""
; Trigger event for derived script to handle
elseif (CurrentMovementState == "Translation")
; Play landing animation if applicable
; Switch state
if (CurrentTargetState != "")
; ; Debug.TraceConditional("Critter " + self + " going to state " + CurrentTargetState, bCritterDebug)
CurrentMovementState == "Idle"
CurrentTargetState = ""
; Trigger event for derived script to handle
; Don't know this state, just trigger event for derived script to handle
Event OnTranslationAlmostComplete()
if ((CurrentMovementState != "BellShapeGoingUp") && (CurrentMovementState != "BellShapeGoingAcross") && (CurrentMovementState != "BellShapeGoingDown") && (CurrentMovementState != "SplineTranslation"))
; Trigger custom event
; Regardless of state, handle the translation failed event
Event OnTranslationFailed()
; Trigger event
; Debug.Trace("Critter " + self + " Translation Failed", 1)
; Debugging
Function PrintInitialProperties()
; Debug.Trace("Critter " + self + " initial properties")
; Debug.Trace("\tfRadius = " + fLeashLength)
; Debug.Trace("\tfMaxPlayerDistance = " + fMaxPlayerDistance)
; Debug.Trace("\tSpawner = " + Spawner)
Function DoPathStartStuff()
; Transition to the flight state
SetAnimationVariableFloat("fTakeOff", 1.0);
Function DoPathEndStuff()
; Transition to the hover/landed state
SetAnimationVariableFloat("fTakeOff", 0.0);
; Fly to a random point within the leash radius
FUNCTION flyAroundSpawner(float fminTravel, float fMaxTravel, float fSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed, bool bflyBelowSpawner = false)
{this function chooses and flies to a new, nearby point}
; if flybelowSpawner is
float fMinHeight = spawner.z
float fMaxheight = fMinHeight + (0.5*fLeashLength)
float oldX = self.x
float oldY = self.y
float oldZ = self.z
float newX = (self.x + randomFloat(fminTravel, fMaxTravel))
float newY = (self.Y + randomFloat(fminTravel, fMaxTravel))
float newZ = (self.Z + randomFloat(fminTravel, fMaxTravel))
; some safety checks to keep him from flying far from home
if newX > spawner.X
if newX > spawner.X + fLeashLength
newX = spawner.X + fLeashLength
if newX < spawner.X - fLeashLength
newX = spawner.X - fLeashLength
if newY > spawner.Y
if newY > spawner.Y + fLeashLength
newY = spawner.Y + fLeashLength
if newY < spawner.Y - fLeashLength
newY = spawner.Y - fLeashLength
if bFlyBelowSpawner == true
if newZ < fMinHeight
newZ = fMinHeight
if newZ > fMaxHeight
newZ = fMaxHeight
; now fly to that spot!
;gotoMarker.setPosition(newX, newY, newZ)
TranslateTo(newX, newY, newZ, self.getAngleX(), self.getAngleY(), self.getAngleZ(), fSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)
; traceConditional(self + " flying to point at: " + newX as int + ", " + newY as int + ", " + newZ as int, bCritterDebug)