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Scriptname ETR_Functions Hidden
int function AddAllFormsToList(FormList targetList, int formType, Form excludeForm = None) native global
int function AddArtifactsToList(Form refOrList, FormList targetList, Form excludeForm = None, bool excludeOnlyMisc = false) native global
int function GetItemCountInList(FormList refList, Form baseForm) native global
int function GetItemCountInActors(Actor[] refArray, Form baseForm) native global
Actor[] function GetPlayerFollowers() native global
ObjectReference function GetCellStorage(ObjectReference ref, FormList refList, Form refToCreate, bool autoCreate = true) native global
bool function HasRefInCell(Form item, Cell currentCell = None, bool checkContainers = true, FormList excludeList = None) native global
function SyncCellStorage(ObjectReference cellStorage, Form excludeForm = None) native global