Scriptname PlayerBookShelfContainerScript extends ObjectReference import debug import utility Form Property LItemBookClutter Auto {Clutter item list to fill the shelf with} Keyword Property BookShelfBook01 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfBook02 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfBook03 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfBook04 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfBook05 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfBook06 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfBook07 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfBook08 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfBook09 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfBook10 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfBook11 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfBook12 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfBook13 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfBook14 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfBook15 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfBook16 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfBook17 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfBook18 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfTrigger01 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfTrigger02 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfTrigger03 Auto Keyword Property BookShelfTrigger04 Auto {List of required Keywords} ObjectReference Property BookMarker01 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookMarker02 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookMarker03 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookMarker04 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookMarker05 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookMarker06 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookMarker07 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookMarker08 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookMarker09 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookMarker10 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookMarker11 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookMarker12 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookMarker13 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookMarker14 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookMarker15 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookMarker16 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookMarker17 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookMarker18 Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookShelfTrigger01Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookShelfTrigger02Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookShelfTrigger03Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property BookShelfTrigger04Ref Auto Hidden Int Property MaxBooksAllowed Auto Hidden {Max books allowed on this partciular shelf} Int Property CurrentBookAmount Auto Hidden {The current amount of books placed on the shelf} Form Property EmptyForm Auto Hidden {Null Form} ObjectReference Property EmptyRef Auto Hidden {Null Ref} Form Property CurrentBookForm Auto Hidden {Book Form we are working with at any one time} ObjectReference Property CurrentBookRef Auto Hidden {Book Ref we are working with at any one time} Form Property PlacedBook01 Auto Hidden Form Property PlacedBook02 Auto Hidden Form Property PlacedBook03 Auto Hidden Form Property PlacedBook04 Auto Hidden Form Property PlacedBook05 Auto Hidden Form Property PlacedBook06 Auto Hidden Form Property PlacedBook07 Auto Hidden Form Property PlacedBook08 Auto Hidden Form Property PlacedBook09 Auto Hidden Form Property PlacedBook10 Auto Hidden Form Property PlacedBook11 Auto Hidden Form Property PlacedBook12 Auto Hidden Form Property PlacedBook13 Auto Hidden Form Property PlacedBook14 Auto Hidden Form Property PlacedBook15 Auto Hidden Form Property PlacedBook17 Auto Hidden Form Property PlacedBook16 Auto Hidden Form Property PlacedBook18 Auto Hidden {List of Placed Book Forms} ObjectReference Property PlacedBook01Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property PlacedBook02Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property PlacedBook03Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property PlacedBook04Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property PlacedBook05Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property PlacedBook06Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property PlacedBook07Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property PlacedBook08Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property PlacedBook09Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property PlacedBook10Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property PlacedBook11Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property PlacedBook12Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property PlacedBook13Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property PlacedBook14Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property PlacedBook15Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property PlacedBook17Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property PlacedBook16Ref Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property PlacedBook18Ref Auto Hidden {List of Placed Book Refs} Bool Property AlreadyLoaded = FALSE Auto Hidden {Whether this scritp has already went through it's OnCellLoad() Event} Bool Property BlockBooks = FALSE Auto Hidden {Used for when you can't place any more books} Message Property BookShelfFirstActivateMESSAGE Auto {Display message when the player activates a bookshelf for the first time. Only displays once.} Message Property BookShelfNoMoreRoomMESSAGE Auto {Displayed message for when the amount of books the player is placing excedes the shelf limit.} Message Property BookShelfNotABookMESSAGE Auto {Message displayed when the player places a non book form in the container.} Message Property BookShelfRoomLeftMESSAGE Auto {Notification that tells the player how much room is left on the shelf upon first activating it.} GlobalVariable Property BookShelfGlobal Auto {Global showing whether or not the player has ever activated a bookshelf} EVENT OnCellLoad() if AlreadyLoaded == FALSE ;Trace("BOOKCASE - Running OnCellLoad()") ; Get all the book markers BookMarker01 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook01) BookMarker02 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook02) BookMarker03 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook03) BookMarker04 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook04) BookMarker05 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook05) BookMarker06 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook06) BookMarker07 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook07) BookMarker08 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook08) BookMarker09 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook09) BookMarker10 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook10) BookMarker11 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook11) BookMarker12 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook12) BookMarker13 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook13) BookMarker14 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook14) BookMarker15 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook15) BookMarker16 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook16) BookMarker17 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook17) BookMarker18 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook18) BookShelfTrigger01Ref = (GetLinkedRef(BookShelfTrigger01) as PlayerBookShelfTriggerSCRIPT) BookShelfTrigger02Ref = (GetLinkedRef(BookShelfTrigger02) as PlayerBookShelfTriggerSCRIPT) BookShelfTrigger03Ref = (GetLinkedRef(BookShelfTrigger03) as PlayerBookShelfTriggerSCRIPT) BookShelfTrigger04Ref = (GetLinkedRef(BookShelfTrigger04) as PlayerBookShelfTriggerSCRIPT) ; Count how many books can be placed on this shelf CountMaxBooks() AlreadyLoaded = TRUE endif endEVENT EVENT OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) ; Removing all items from container as a precaution ;Trace("BOOKCASE - I've been ACTIVATED!") BlockActivate() ;Trace("BOOKCASE - Blocking activate on all books") ;Trace("BOOKCASE - BookShelfTrigger01Ref = " + BookShelfTrigger01Ref) BookShelfRoomLeftMESSAGE.Show((MaxBooksAllowed - CurrentBookAmount)) ;debug.Notification("You can place " + (MaxBooksAllowed - CurrentBookAmount) + " more books on this shelf.") if (BookShelfGlobal.GetValue() == 0) BookShelfFirstActivateMESSAGE.Show() BookShelfGlobal.SetValue(1) endif ;CurrentBookAmount = 0 if BookShelfTrigger01Ref ;Trace("BOOKCASE - Setting FIRST trigger to GoToState IgnoreBooks") BookShelfTrigger01Ref.GoToState("IgnoreBooks") endif if BookShelfTrigger02Ref ;Trace("BOOKCASE - Setting SECOND trigger to GoToState IgnoreBooks") BookShelfTrigger02Ref.GoToState("IgnoreBooks") endif if BookShelfTrigger03Ref ;Trace("BOOKCASE - Setting THIRD trigger to GoToState IgnoreBooks") BookShelfTrigger03Ref.GoToState("IgnoreBooks") endif if BookShelfTrigger04Ref ;Trace("BOOKCASE - Setting FOURTH trigger to GoToState IgnoreBooks") BookShelfTrigger04Ref.GoToState("IgnoreBooks") endif Wait(0.25) ; The following will fire when the player leaves inventory ;Trace("BOOKCASE - Out of Inventory so placing all the books") UpdateBooks() if BookShelfTrigger01Ref ;Trace("BOOKCASE - Setting FIRST trigger to GoToState WaitForBooks") BookShelfTrigger01Ref.GoToState("WaitForBooks") endif if BookShelfTrigger02Ref ;Trace("BOOKCASE - Setting SECOND trigger to GoToState WaitForBooks") BookShelfTrigger02Ref.GoToState("WaitForBooks") endif if BookShelfTrigger03Ref ;Trace("BOOKCASE - Setting THIRD trigger to GoToState WaitForBooks") BookShelfTrigger03Ref.GoToState("WaitForBooks") endif if BookShelfTrigger04Ref ;Trace("BOOKCASE - Setting FOURTH trigger to GoToState WaitForBooks") BookShelfTrigger04Ref.GoToState("WaitForBooks") endif endEVENT Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer) if (akBaseItem as Book) if BlockBooks == FALSE ; If the item is a book find the corresponding book reference and remove it. ;Trace("BOOKCASE - Form being Removed " + akBaseItem + " is a Book! Remove it from the list") RemoveBooks(akBaseItem, aiItemCount) CurrentBookAmount = CurrentBookAmount - aiItemCount else BlockBooks = FALSE endif endif endEvent Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) ;Trace("BOOKCASE - Adding " + akBaseItem + " to the Book Container") if (akBaseItem as Book) ; If the item being added is a book then check to see if there is room in on the shelf. ;Trace("BOOKCASE - Form being Added " + akBaseItem + " is a Book!") if ((aiItemCount + CurrentBookAmount) <= MaxBooksAllowed) ; There's room on teh shelf, manage the book placement ;Trace("BOOKCASE - " + CurrentBookAmount + "/" + MaxBooksAllowed + " There is room for another book, lets place it on the shelf.") AddBooks(akBaseItem, aiItemCount) CurrentBookAmount = CurrentBookAmount + aiItemCount else ; There is no room on the shelf. Tell the player this and give him his book back. ;Trace("BOOKCASE - " + CurrentBookAmount + "/" + MaxBooksAllowed + " There's no more room for books on this shelf.") utility.waitMenuMode(0) ;MessageBox("You can't place that many books on this shelf") BookShelfNoMoreRoomMESSAGE.Show() ;Trace("BOOKCASE - Remove it from this container...") BlockBooks = TRUE self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true, Game.GetPlayer()) ;Trace("BOOKCASE - ...and give it back to the player") endif else ; The item placed in the container isn't a book, so give the player back and tell him only books are allowed. ;Trace("BOOKCASE - Form " + akBaseItem + " is NOT a Book!") ;Trace("BOOKCASE - Since the placed item wasn't a book remove it from the container...") self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true, Game.GetPlayer()) ;Trace("BOOKCASE - ...and give it back to the player") ;(Game.GetPlayer()).AddItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, True) utility.WaitMenuMode(0) ;MessageBox("You can only place books on this shelf") BookShelfNotABookMESSAGE.Show() endif endEvent Function BlockActivate() if Placedbook01Ref PlacedBook01Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif if Placedbook02Ref PlacedBook02Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif if Placedbook03Ref PlacedBook03Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif if Placedbook04Ref PlacedBook04Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif if Placedbook05Ref PlacedBook05Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif if Placedbook06Ref PlacedBook06Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif if Placedbook07Ref PlacedBook07Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif if Placedbook08Ref PlacedBook08Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif if Placedbook09Ref PlacedBook09Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif if Placedbook10Ref PlacedBook10Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif if Placedbook11Ref PlacedBook11Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif if Placedbook12Ref PlacedBook12Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif if Placedbook13Ref PlacedBook13Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif if Placedbook14Ref PlacedBook14Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif if Placedbook15Ref PlacedBook15Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif if Placedbook16Ref PlacedBook16Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif if Placedbook17Ref PlacedBook17Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif if Placedbook18Ref PlacedBook18Ref.BlockActivation(TRUE) endif ;Trace("BOOKCASE - All book activation has been blocked") endFunction Function UnBlockActivate() if Placedbook01Ref PlacedBook01Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif if Placedbook02Ref PlacedBook02Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif if Placedbook03Ref PlacedBook03Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif if Placedbook04Ref PlacedBook04Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif if Placedbook05Ref PlacedBook05Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif if Placedbook06Ref PlacedBook06Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif if Placedbook07Ref PlacedBook07Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif if Placedbook08Ref PlacedBook08Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif if Placedbook09Ref PlacedBook09Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif if Placedbook10Ref PlacedBook10Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif if Placedbook11Ref PlacedBook11Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif if Placedbook12Ref PlacedBook12Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif if Placedbook13Ref PlacedBook13Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif if Placedbook14Ref PlacedBook14Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif if Placedbook15Ref PlacedBook15Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif if Placedbook16Ref PlacedBook16Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif if Placedbook17Ref PlacedBook17Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif if Placedbook18Ref PlacedBook18Ref.BlockActivation(FALSE) endif ;Trace("BOOKCASE - All book activation has been UNblocked") endFunction Function RemoveBooks(Form BookBase, Int BookAmount) ; Find an empty book form and place the new book there While BookAmount > 0 if PlacedBook01 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook01 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook01 = EmptyForm elseif PlacedBook02 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook02 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook02 = EmptyForm elseif PlacedBook03 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook03 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook03 = EmptyForm elseif PlacedBook04 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook04 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook04 = EmptyForm elseif PlacedBook05 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook05 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook05 = EmptyForm elseif PlacedBook06 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook06 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook06 = EmptyForm elseif PlacedBook07 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook07 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook07 = EmptyForm elseif PlacedBook08 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook08 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook08 = EmptyForm elseif PlacedBook09 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook09 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook09 = EmptyForm elseif PlacedBook10 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook10 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook10 = EmptyForm elseif PlacedBook11 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook11 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook11 = EmptyForm elseif PlacedBook12 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook12 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook12 = EmptyForm elseif PlacedBook13 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook13 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook13 = EmptyForm elseif PlacedBook14 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook14 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook14 = EmptyForm elseif PlacedBook15 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook15 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook15 = EmptyForm elseif PlacedBook16 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook16 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook16 = EmptyForm elseif PlacedBook17 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook17 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook17 = EmptyForm elseif PlacedBook18 == BookBase ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook18 matches, Removing this book") PlacedBook18 = EmptyForm endif BookAmount = BookAmount - 1 endWhile endFunction Function AddBooks(Form BookBase, Int BookAmount) ; Find an empty book form and place the new book there While BookAmount > 0 if PlacedBook01 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook01 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook01 = BookBase elseif PlacedBook02 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook02 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook02 = BookBase elseif PlacedBook03 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook03 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook03 = BookBase elseif PlacedBook04 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook04 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook04 = BookBase elseif PlacedBook05 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook05 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook05 = BookBase elseif PlacedBook06 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook06 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook06 = BookBase elseif PlacedBook07 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook07 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook07 = BookBase elseif PlacedBook08 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook08 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook08 = BookBase elseif PlacedBook09 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook09 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook09 = BookBase elseif PlacedBook10 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook10 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook10 = BookBase elseif PlacedBook11 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook11 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook11 = BookBase elseif PlacedBook12 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook12 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook12 = BookBase elseif PlacedBook13 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook13 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook13 = BookBase elseif PlacedBook14 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook14 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook14 = BookBase elseif PlacedBook15 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook15 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook15 = BookBase elseif PlacedBook16 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook16 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook16 = BookBase elseif PlacedBook17 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook17 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook17 = BookBase elseif PlacedBook18 == EmptyForm ;Trace("BOOKCASE - PlacedBook18 is empty, placing book there") PlacedBook18 = BookBase endif BookAmount = BookAmount - 1 endWhile endFunction Function CountMaxBooks() ; Checks how many books can be placed on this shelf if BookMarker01 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 0 elseif BookMarker02 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 1 elseif BookMarker03 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 2 elseif BookMarker04 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 3 elseif BookMarker05 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 4 elseif BookMarker06 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 5 elseif BookMarker07 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 6 elseif BookMarker08 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 7 elseif BookMarker09 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 8 elseif BookMarker10 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 9 elseif BookMarker11 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 10 elseif BookMarker12 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 11 elseif BookMarker13 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 12 elseif BookMarker14 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 13 elseif BookMarker15 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 14 elseif BookMarker16 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 15 elseif BookMarker17 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 16 elseif BookMarker18 == EmptyRef MaxBooksAllowed = 17 elseif BookMarker18 MaxBooksAllowed = 18 endif ;Trace("BOOKCASE - " + MaxBooksAllowed + " books can be placed on this shelf") endFunction ObjectReference Function UpdateSingleBook(Form TargetBook, ObjectReference PlacedBookRef, ObjectReference TargetMarker) ObjectReference retVal ; We return the book we placed (or None) ; Note - it would be more efficient to move the book to its home position if the desired ; book matches the placed book, but MoveTo doesn't work correctly with multi-part dynamic ; objects. So we sidestep the issue by always deleting and placing if PlacedBookRef PlacedBookRef.Disable() PlacedBookRef.Delete() endIf if TargetBook retVal = TargetMarker.PlaceAtMe(TargetBook) retVal.BlockActivation() endIf return retVal EndFunction Function UpdateBooks() GoToState("PlacingBooks") ; Future calls should not mess with this stuff PlacedBook01Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook01, PlacedBook01Ref, BookMarker01) PlacedBook02Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook02, PlacedBook02Ref, BookMarker02) PlacedBook03Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook03, PlacedBook03Ref, BookMarker03) PlacedBook04Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook04, PlacedBook04Ref, BookMarker04) PlacedBook05Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook05, PlacedBook05Ref, BookMarker05) PlacedBook06Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook06, PlacedBook06Ref, BookMarker06) PlacedBook07Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook07, PlacedBook07Ref, BookMarker07) PlacedBook08Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook08, PlacedBook08Ref, BookMarker08) PlacedBook09Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook09, PlacedBook09Ref, BookMarker09) PlacedBook10Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook10, PlacedBook10Ref, BookMarker10) PlacedBook11Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook11, PlacedBook11Ref, BookMarker11) PlacedBook12Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook12, PlacedBook12Ref, BookMarker12) PlacedBook13Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook13, PlacedBook13Ref, BookMarker13) PlacedBook14Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook14, PlacedBook14Ref, BookMarker14) PlacedBook15Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook15, PlacedBook15Ref, BookMarker15) PlacedBook16Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook16, PlacedBook16Ref, BookMarker16) PlacedBook17Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook17, PlacedBook17Ref, BookMarker17) PlacedBook18Ref = UpdateSingleBook(PlacedBook18, PlacedBook18Ref, BookMarker18) UnBlockActivate() ; Allow the player to mess with them GoToState("") ; Now allow books to be updated again EndFunction State PlacingBooks Function UpdateBooks() ; Already updating books, so ignore EndFunction EndState