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#include "ArtifactTracker.h"
#include "EventListener.h"
using namespace SKSE;
using namespace SKSE::log;
using namespace SKSE::stl;
namespace {
void InitializeLogging() {
auto path = logger::log_directory();
if (!path) {
stl::report_and_fail("Failed to find standard logging directory"sv);
*path /= "ArtifactTracker.log"sv;
auto sink = std::make_shared<spdlog::sinks::basic_file_sink_mt>(path->string(), true);
auto log = std::make_shared<spdlog::logger>("global log"s, std::move(sink));
spdlog::set_pattern("[%l] %v"s);
void InitializeMessaging()
GetMessagingInterface()->RegisterListener([](MessagingInterface::Message* message) {
if (message->type == MessagingInterface::kPostLoad) {
SKSE::GetModCallbackEventSource()->AddEventSink(EventListener::GetSingleton()); // runs, if KID is installed
} else if (message->type == MessagingInterface::kDataLoaded) {
if (const auto pluginInfo = ArtifactTracker::g_loadInterface->GetPluginInfo("po3_KeywordItemDistributor"); !pluginInfo) {
ArtifactTracker::Init(); // if KID is not installed
} else if (message->type == MessagingInterface::kPreLoadGame) {
ArtifactTracker::g_bSaveLoaded = false; // block cell load events
} else if (message->type == MessagingInterface::kPostLoadGame) {
SKSE::GetTaskInterface()->AddTask([]() {
ArtifactTracker::OnGameLoad(); // save-specific updates
ArtifactTracker::g_bSaveLoaded = true;
const auto cell = RE::PlayerCharacter::GetSingleton()->GetParentCell();
ArtifactTracker::OnCellEnter(cell->GetLocation(), cell);
SKSEPluginLoad(const LoadInterface* skse) {
auto* plugin = PluginDeclaration::GetSingleton();
auto version = plugin->GetVersion();
log::info("{} {} is loading...", plugin->GetName(), version);
ArtifactTracker::g_loadInterface = skse;
log::info("{} has finished loading.", plugin->GetName());
return true;