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#pragma once
namespace Papyrus::ArtifactTracker
inline bool is_excluded(RE::TESForm* a_form, RE::TESForm* a_excludeForm = NULL)
if (!a_excludeForm) {
return false;
const RE::BGSListForm* list = a_excludeForm->As<RE::BGSListForm>();
if (list) {
if (list->HasForm(a_form)) {
return true;
} else {
bool isExcluded = false;
list->ForEachForm([&](RE::TESForm& a_exform) {
const auto exlist = a_exform.As<RE::BGSListForm>();
if (exlist) {
if (exlist->forms.size() > 0) {
if (exlist->forms[0]->Is(RE::FormType::Keyword) ? a_form->HasKeywordInList(exlist, false) : exlist->HasForm(a_form)) {
isExcluded = true;
return false;
} else {
const auto exkeyword = a_exform.As<RE::BGSKeyword>();
if (exkeyword && a_form->As<RE::BGSKeywordForm>()->HasKeyword(exkeyword)) {
isExcluded = true;
return false;
return true;
return isExcluded;
const RE::BGSKeyword* keyword = a_excludeForm->As<RE::BGSKeyword>();
if (keyword) {
if (a_form->As<RE::BGSKeywordForm>()->HasKeyword(keyword)) {
return true;
return false;
inline bool is_artifact(RE::TESForm* a_form, RE::TESForm* a_excludeForm = NULL)
const auto formType = a_form->GetFormType();
if (formType != RE::FormType::Armor && formType != RE::FormType::Weapon && formType != RE::FormType::Book && formType != RE::FormType::Misc) {
return false;
if (!a_form->GetPlayable() || is_excluded(a_form, a_excludeForm)) {
return false;
return true;
inline std::int32_t AddAllFormsToList(RE::StaticFunctionTag*,
RE::BGSListForm* a_targetList,
short a_formType,
RE::TESForm* a_excludeForm = NULL)
const auto dataHandler = RE::TESDataHandler::GetSingleton();
if (!dataHandler) {
return a_targetList->forms.size();
const auto formType = static_cast<RE::FormType>(a_formType);
for (const auto& form : dataHandler->GetFormArray(formType)) {
if (!form || !form->GetPlayable()) {
if (a_excludeForm && is_excluded(form, a_excludeForm)) {
return a_targetList->forms.size();
inline std::int32_t AddArtifactsToList(VM* a_vm, StackID a_stackID, RE::StaticFunctionTag*,
RE::TESForm* a_refOrList,
RE::BGSListForm* a_targetList,
RE::TESForm* a_excludeForm = NULL,
bool excludeOnlyMisc = false)
if (!a_refOrList) {
a_vm->TraceStack("a_refOrList in AddItemsOfTypeAndKeywordToList is None", a_stackID);
return 0;
if (!a_targetList) {
a_vm->TraceStack("a_targetList in AddItemsOfTypeAndKeywordToList is None", a_stackID);
return 0;
if (a_refOrList->Is(RE::FormType::FormList)) {
a_refOrList->As<RE::BGSListForm>()->ForEachForm([&](RE::TESForm& a_exform) {
const auto refrItem = a_exform.As<RE::TESObjectREFR>();
if (refrItem) {
AddArtifactsToList(a_vm, a_stackID, {}, refrItem, a_targetList, a_excludeForm, excludeOnlyMisc);
return true;
return a_targetList->forms.size();
const auto containerRef = a_refOrList->As<RE::TESObjectREFR>();
if (!containerRef) {
a_vm->TraceStack("containerRef in AddItemsOfTypeAndKeywordToList is not a reference", a_stackID);
return 0;
auto inv = containerRef->GetInventory([&](RE::TESBoundObject& a_exform) {
return a_exform.GetPlayable()
&& (
a_exform.formType == RE::FormType::Armor
|| (a_exform.formType == RE::FormType::Weapon && a_exform.formID != 0x000001F4)
|| a_exform.formType == RE::FormType::Misc
|| a_exform.formType == RE::FormType::Book
&& (excludeOnlyMisc ? (a_exform.formType != RE::FormType::Misc || !is_excluded(&a_exform, a_excludeForm)) : !is_excluded(&a_exform, a_excludeForm));
for (const auto& [item, data] : inv) {
const auto& [count, entry] = data;
if (count > 0) {
return a_targetList->forms.size();
inline RE::TESObjectREFR* GetCellStorage(RE::StaticFunctionTag*,
RE::TESObjectREFR* a_ref,
RE::BGSListForm* a_refList,
RE::TESBoundObject* a_objectToCreate,
bool a_autoCreate = true)
RE::TESObjectREFR* result = NULL;
if (!a_ref || !a_refList || !a_objectToCreate) {
return result;
RE::TESObjectCELL* cell = a_ref->GetParentCell();
a_refList->ForEachForm([&result, &cell, &a_objectToCreate](RE::TESForm& a_exform) {
const auto ref = a_exform.As<RE::TESObjectREFR>();
if (ref && ref->GetParentCell() == cell && ref->GetBaseObject()->formID == a_objectToCreate->formID) {
result = ref;
return false;
return true;
if (!result && a_autoCreate) {
result = a_ref->PlaceObjectAtMe(a_objectToCreate, true).get();
return result;
inline bool HasRefInCell(VM* a_vm, StackID a_stackID, RE::StaticFunctionTag*,
RE::TESBoundObject* a_item,
RE::TESObjectCELL* a_cell = NULL,
bool a_checkInContainers = true,
RE::BGSListForm* a_excludeList = NULL)
bool bResult = false;
if (!a_cell) {
a_cell = RE::PlayerCharacter::GetSingleton()->GetParentCell();
a_cell->ForEachReference([&](RE::TESObjectREFR& a_ref) {
const auto baseObj = a_ref.GetBaseObject();
if (a_item->formID == baseObj->formID) {
if (a_ref.IsDisabled() || a_ref.IsMarkedForDeletion()) {
return true;
if (a_excludeList && a_excludeList->HasForm(a_ref.formID)) {
return true;
bResult = true;
return false;
} else if (a_checkInContainers) {
if (baseObj->formType == RE::FormType::Container || (baseObj->formType == RE::FormType::NPC && !a_ref.IsDisabled() && baseObj->As<RE::TESNPC>()->GetRace()->formID == 0x0010760A)) {
if (a_excludeList && a_excludeList->HasForm(a_ref.formID)) {
return true;
const auto inv = a_ref.GetInventory([&](RE::TESBoundObject& a_object) -> bool {
return a_item->formID == a_object.formID;
const auto it = inv.find(a_item);
if (it != inv.end() ? it->second.first : 0) {
bResult = true;
return false;
return true;
return bResult;
inline void SyncCellStorage(VM* a_vm, StackID a_stackID, RE::StaticFunctionTag*,
RE::TESObjectREFR* a_cellStorage,
RE::TESForm* a_excludeForm = NULL)
if (!a_cellStorage) {
std::unordered_map<RE::FormID, bool> cellItems;
const auto storageBase = a_cellStorage->GetBaseObject();
const auto cell = a_cellStorage->GetParentCell();
const auto inv = a_cellStorage->GetInventory();
for (const auto a_ref : cell->references) {
const auto baseObj = a_ref->GetBaseObject();
if (baseObj->formType == RE::FormType::Container || (baseObj->formType == RE::FormType::NPC && !a_ref->IsDisabled() && baseObj->As<RE::TESNPC>()->GetRace()->formID == 0x0010760A)) {
if (a_ref->GetBaseObject()->formID == storageBase->formID) {
const auto contInv = a_ref->GetInventory([&](RE::TESBoundObject& a_object) -> bool {
return !cellItems.contains(a_object.formID);
for (const auto& [item, data] : contInv) {
const auto& [count, entry] = data;
if (count > 0) {
cellItems[item->formID] = true;
if (inv.find(item) == inv.end()) {
if (is_artifact(item, a_excludeForm)) {
a_cellStorage->AddObjectToContainer(item, nullptr, 1, nullptr);
if (a_ref->IsDisabled() || a_ref->IsMarkedForDeletion()) {
if (cellItems.contains(baseObj->formID)) {
cellItems[baseObj->formID] = true;
if (!is_artifact(baseObj, a_excludeForm)) {
if (inv.find(baseObj) == inv.end()) {
a_cellStorage->AddObjectToContainer(baseObj, nullptr, 1, nullptr);
for (const auto& [item, data] : inv) {
const auto& [count, entry] = data;
if (count > 0 && !cellItems.contains(item->formID)) {
a_cellStorage->RemoveItem(item, count, RE::ITEM_REMOVE_REASON::kRemove, nullptr, nullptr);
inline void Bind(VM& a_vm)
logger::info("Registered AddAllFormsToList"sv);
logger::info("Registered AddArtifactsToList"sv);
logger::info("Registered GetCellStorage"sv);
logger::info("Registered HasRefInCell"sv);
logger::info("Registered SyncCellStorage"sv);