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#pragma once
inline void ListRemoveItem(RE::BGSListForm* a_List, RE::TESForm* a_form)
using func_t = decltype(&ListRemoveItem);
REL::Relocation<func_t> func{ REL::RelocationID(20471, 20914) };
return func(a_List, a_form);
inline void ListRevert(RE::BGSListForm* a_form)
using func_t = decltype(&ListRevert);
REL::Relocation<func_t> func{ REL::RelocationID(20469, 20912) };
return func(a_form);
inline bool RefHasItem(RE::TESForm* a_refOrList, RE::FormID a_formID)
if (!a_refOrList || !a_formID) {
SKSE::log::warn("Invalid arguments in RefHasItem");
return false;
const auto refr = a_refOrList->As<RE::TESObjectREFR>();
if (refr) {
const auto invChanges = refr->GetInventoryChanges();
if (invChanges && invChanges->entryList) {
for (auto& entry : *invChanges->entryList) {
if (entry && entry->object && entry->object->formID == a_formID) {
return entry->countDelta > 0;
return false;
const auto list = a_refOrList->As<RE::BGSListForm>();
if (list) {
for (const auto& ref : list->forms) {
if (ref && RefHasItem(ref, a_formID)) {
return true;
return false;
inline bool FollowersHaveItem(RE::TESForm* a_form)
if (const auto processLists = RE::ProcessLists::GetSingleton(); processLists) {
for (auto& actorHandle : processLists->highActorHandles) {
if (auto actor = actorHandle.get(); actor && actor->IsPlayerTeammate()) {
if (RefHasItem(actor->As<RE::TESObjectREFR>(), a_form->formID)) {
return true;
return false;