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ScriptName defaultSetAVonActivate extends Actor
{Default script that lives on an actor. When activated, its actor value (property) gets set to a value (property)}
import game
import debug
;USKP 2.0.1 - So if there's supposed to be defaults, it's usually helpful to attach them!
string property sActorVariable = "Variable01" auto
{By default, this property is set to Variable01. Set which actor variable to set as a string}
float property fActorVariable = 1.0 auto
{By default this property is set to 1. Set what you want the actor variable to be changed to}
bool property doOnce = True auto
{By default, this fires only once}
auto State waiting
Event onActivate(ObjectReference triggerRef)
self.SetActorValue(sActorVariable, fACtorVariable)
if (doOnce == true)
gotoState ("allDone")
gotoState ("waiting")
State allDone
;do nothing