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ScriptName _00E_GoldfurtBacktrackScript Extends ObjectReference
;written by Julian "Sagantor"
Actor Property playerRef Auto
{Let it autofill in the CK}
ObjectReference Property wall1 Auto
ObjectReference Property wall2 Auto
Sound Property movingWallsSound Auto
Bool doOnce
Event OnTrigger( ObjectReference ref )
if( ref == playerRef && doOnce == false )
wall1.TranslateTo( 2896.0000, 2528.0000, 428.7167, -90.0000, -36.5406, 90.0000, 80.0 )
wall2.TranslateTo( 2896.0000, 2528.0000, 428.7167, 90.0000, 36.5406, 270.0000, 80.0 )
movingWallsSound.Play( Self )
doOnce = true