
1038 lines
80 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-10-06 00:22:24 +02:00
$0 results found. 0 results found.
$10 Mins 10 Mins
$15 Mins 15 Mins
$30 Mins 30 Mins
$360 Controller Controller
$45 Mins 45 Mins
$5 Mins 5 Mins
$60 Mins 60 Mins
$Accept Accept
$Activate Activate
$Actor Fade Actor Fade
$Add Add
$Animals Killed Animals Killed
$Apparel Apparel
$Armor Improved Armor Improved
$Armor Made Armor Made
$Armor Rating Armor Rating
$Arrows Arrows
$Assaults Assaults
$Audio Audio
$Author: Author:
$Auto-Move Auto-Move
$Automatons Killed Starling Constructions Destroyed
$Autosave Timer Autosave Timer
$Back Back
$Backstabs Backstabs
$Barters Barters
$BEAM_DevAccountCreate Your temporary account has been created! Check your email and follow the verification link to complete the account creation process.
$Books Read Books Read
$Brawls Won Brawls Won
$Bribes Bribes
$Brightness Brightness
$Bunnies Slaughtered Bunnies Slaughtered
$Buy Buy
$Cancel Cancel
$CantInstallMod_Dependency This mod cannot be installed since it depends on files that aren't present.
$Carry Weight Carry Weight
$Change Filter Change Filter
$ChangedCreations_ConfirmReset New Creations have been downloaded. The game needs to reload your data files to continue. Reload?
$ChangeUser Change Profile
$Characters Characters
$CharacterSelection Character Selection
$Charge Charge
$Charges Charges
$CHARGES Charges
$Chests Looted Chests Looted
$Civil War Quests Completed Sidequests Completed In Ark
$College of Winterhold Quests Completed Bounty Quests Completed
$COMBAT Combat
$Conjuration Conjuration
$CONTINUE Continue
$Controls Controls
$CONTROLS Controls
$CoppaRequiredError You must confirm Terms of Service to create an account.
$CoppaText I agree to the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Code of Conduct, and am 13 years or older.
$Cost Cost
$COST Cost
$CRAFTING Crafting
$Crafting_$DLC2ArmorBonemold BONEMOLD
$Crafting_$DLC2ArmorChitin CHITIN
$Crafting_$DLC2ArmorNordic NORDIC
$Crafting_$DLC2ArmorStalhrim STALHRIM
$CreateAcct_BNET_BEAM_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ALREADY_TAKEN This email is already taken. Please enter your username and password.
$CreateAcct_BNET_BEAM_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS The email address entered was invalid.
$CreateAcct_BNET_BEAM_INVALID_USERNAME The username entered was invalid.
$CreateAcct_BNET_BEAM_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS You have already linked an account. Please back out and re-enter this screen to log back in.
$CreateAcct_BNET_BEAM_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS Too many requests.
$CreateAcct_BNET_BEAM_USERNAME_ALREADY_TAKEN That username has already been used to create an account.
$CreateAcct_BNET_CANNOT_CONNECT Couldn't connect to the Bethesda.net servers.
$CreateAcct_BNET_DNS_ERROR DNS error occurred.
$CreateAcct_BNET_NOT_FOUND Couldn't connect to the Bethesda.net servers.
$CreateAcct_BNET_PS4_HTTP_INVALID_VALUE Failed to create account.
$CreateAcct_BNET_TIMEOUT The connection has timed out.
$CreateAcct_BNET_UGC_INVALID_TOKEN Session terminated.
$CreateAcct_BNET_UNKNOWN_ERROR The operation could not be completed.
$CreateAcct_BNET_USL_INTERNAL_OR_COMMUNICATION_ERROR Server error. Please try again.
$CreateAcct_BNET_XB1_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE Failed get info from server.
$CreateAcct_BNET_XB1_USER_ERROR Couldn't connect to the Bethesda.net servers.
$CreateAcct_Needs1stPartyUpdate An update is required in order to continue.
$CreateAcct_PS4AuthFailed PS4 Authentication Failed.
$CREATE ACCOUNT Create Account
$Creating quick account... Creating quick account...
$Creation Club Creation Club
$creation credits Creation Credits
$Creation Credits Purchased Creation Credits Purchased
$Creation Purchase Failed Creation Purchase Failed
$Creatures Creatures
$Creatures Killed Creatures Killed
$CREDITS Credits
$Credits Credits
$CRIME Crime
$Critical Strikes Critical Strikes
$Crosshair Crosshair
$Current Location Current Location
$Daedra Killed Legendary Creatures Killed
$Daedric Quests Completed Sidequests Completed in Riverville
$Damage Damage
$Dawnguard Quests Completed Dawnguard Quests Completed
$DAWNGUARD_ESMName Dawnguard
$Days as a Vampire Days as a Vampire
$Days as a Werewolf Days as a Werewolf
$Days Jailed Days Jailed
$Days Passed Days Passed
$DDOF Intensity Depth of Field
$Defaults Defaults
$Delete Delete
$Delete this save? Delete this save?
$DeleteAllMods Delete All Mods
$DescriptionLabel Description:
$Desktop Desktop
$Details Details
$DetailsPageError_ExtractFail This mod has failed to install completely.
$DetailsPageError_ExtractInvalidMod This mod is invalid and cannot be installed.
$DetailsPageError_ExtractTooLarge Not enough free memory to install this mod.
$DetailsPageError_Generic The operation could not be completed.
$DetailsPageError_ModDeleted This mod is no longer available.
$DetailsPageError_ModDownloadFail This mod has failed to download.
$DetailsPageError_ModTooLarge Not enough free memory to download this mod.
$DETECTED Detected
$Dialogue Subtitles Dialogue Subtitles
$Difficulty Difficulty
$DisableAllMods Disable All Mods
$Disabled Disabled
$DisableMod Disable
$Diseases Contracted Diseases Contracted
$Display Display
$Done Done
$Download Download
$Downloading Downloading
$Downloading... Downloading...
$Downloads: Downloads:
$DownloadSize: Download Size:
$DownloadStatus_ModSlotExceeded Limit Reached
$DownloadStatus_QueueExceeded Queue full
$Dragon Souls Collected Not in use
$Dragonborn Quests Completed Dragonborn Quests Completed
$DRAGONBORN_ESMName Dragonborn
$Dragons Killed Dragons Killed
$Drop Drop
$Dungeons Cleared Dungeons Cleared
$Eastmarch Bounty Not in use
$Easy Apprentice
$Eat Eat
$Effects Effects
$Email Address Email Address
$EnableMod Enable
$Enter Text Enter Text
$Equip Equip
$Exit Exit
$FACTION Faction
$Falkreath Bounty Not in use
$Favorite Favorite
$Favorite School Favorite School
$Favorite Shout Favorite Talent
$Favorite Spell Favorite Spell
$Favorite Weapon Favorite Weapon
$Favorites Favorites
$Favorites: Favorites:
$Featured Featured
$Fines Paid Fines Paid
$Follow Favorite
$Following Favoriting...
$Food Eaten Food Eaten
$Footsteps Footsteps
$Forward Forward
$FreeSpace: Free Space:
$Gameplay Gameplay
$GENERAL General
$GENERAL STATS General Stats
$General Subtitles General Subtitles
$Give Give
$GIVE GIFT Give Gift
$Gold Pennies
$Gold Found Pennies Found
$Grabbing Email... Grabbing first party email...
$Grass Fade Grass Fade
$Haafingar Bounty Not in use
$Hard Expert
$Health Health
$HEALTH Health
$HELP Help
$HIDDEN Hidden
$HighestRated Highest Rated
$HighestRatedAllTime Highest Rated - All Time
$HighestRatedThisMonth Highest Rated - This Month
$HighestRatedThisWeek Highest Rated - This Week
$HighestRatedToday Highest Rated - Today
$Hjaalmarch Bounty Not in use
$HK31 HT
$HK32 ZT
$HK33 AT
$Horses Owned Horses Owned
$Horses Stolen Horses Stolen
$hour hour
$hours hours
$Hours Slept Hours Slept
$Hours Waiting Hours Waiting
$Houses Owned Houses Owned
$How many? How many?
$HUD Opacity HUD Opacity
$Ingredients Eaten Ingredients Eaten
$Ingredients Harvested Ingredients Harvested
$Initializing... Initializing...
$Input Mapping Input Mapping
$Insulation Rating Warmth Rating
$Intimidations Intimidations
$Inv/INV Inv/INV
$Invert Y Invert Y
$Item Fade Item Fade
$ITEMS Items
$Items Pickpocketed Items Pickpocketed
$Items Stolen Items Stolen
$Jail Escapes Jail Escapes
$Journal Journal
$Jump Jump
$Kinect Kinect
$Kinect Tuner Kinect Tuner
$Large Large
$Largest Bounty Largest Bounty
$Latest Latest
$Left Attack/Block Left Hand
$Legendary Iron Path
$LEVEL Level
$Level Level
$Level Progress Level Progress
$LEVEL UP Level up!
$Light Fade Light Fade
$Listening Listening
$LOAD Load
$Load this game? Load this game?
$Load this game? All unsaved progress will be lost. Load this game? All unsaved progress will be lost.
$Loading downloadable content... Loading Add-Ons
$Loading downloadable content..._PS3 Loading downloadable content...
$Loading EULA... Loading Terms of Service
$Loading extra content. Loading Add-Ons
$Loading extra content._PS3 Loading extra content.
$Loading mods... Loading mods...
$LoadingModsIntro Play with Mods at your own risk. You may experience issues with mods. You can disable Mods via Load Order and go back to your original save at anytime using Select Character in the Load menu. Downloading and playing with Mods is subject to our Terms of Service. Note: Achievements are disabled.
$LoadingModsIntro_PS4 Play with Mods at your own risk. You may experience issues with mods. You can disable Mods via Load Order and go back to your original save at anytime using Select Character in the Load menu. Downloading and playing with Mods is subject to our Terms of Service. Note: Trophies are disabled.
$Local Map Local Map
$Locations Discovered Locations Discovered
$Lock Level Lock Level
$Lockpicking Lockpicking
$Lockpicks Broken Lockpicks Broken
$Lockpicks Left Lockpicks Left
$Locks Picked Locks Picked
$Logging you in... Logging you in...
$Login_CreateNew Create New Account
$LoginError_AgeRestrict Parental controls have disabled online media sharing.
$LoginError_BNET_ACCOUNT_NOT_LINKED Account not linked.
$LoginError_BNET_BEAM_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ALREADY_TAKEN This email is already taken. Please enter your username and password. If you made a quick account using this email, please check for a verification email.
$LoginError_BNET_BEAM_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS_PSN Your Sony Entertainment Network account does not match the Sony Entertainment Network account linked to this Bethesda.net username. Please use the matching Sony Entertainment Network account or contact Bethesda customer support.
$LoginError_BNET_BEAM_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS_STEAM Your Steam account does not match the Steam account linked to this Bethesda.net username. Please use the matching Steam account or contact Bethesda customer support.
$LoginError_BNET_BEAM_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS_XBL Your Xbox account does not match the Xbox account linked to this Bethesda.net username. Please use the matching Xbox account or contact Bethesda customer support.
$LoginError_BNET_BEAM_OPERATIONAL_ERROR The operation could not be completed.
$LoginError_BNET_CANCELLED The operation could not be completed.
$LoginError_BNET_CANNOT_CONNECT Couldn't connect to the Bethesda.net servers.
$LoginError_BNET_CDP_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_OR_MISSING Could not login to the Bethesda.net server.
$LoginError_BNET_CLIENT_ERROR The operation could not be completed.
$LoginError_BNET_DNS_ERROR Could not connect to the Bethesda.net servers.
$LoginError_BNET_INTERNAL Could not log into the Bethesda.net servers.
$LoginError_BNET_INVALID_CREDENTIALS The username/password is invalid. To retrieve your username or reset your password go to https://account.bethesda.net/login
$LoginError_BNET_NOT_FOUND Couldn't connect to the Bethesda.net servers.
$LoginError_BNET_OUTSIDE_GRACE_PERIOD Please complete your Bethesda.net account registration and verify your email.
$LoginError_BNET_PS4_HTTP_BEFORE_INIT The operation could not be completed.
$LoginError_BNET_PS4_HTTP_INVALID_VALUE The operation could not be completed.
$LoginError_BNET_SERVER_ERROR Could not login to the Bethesda.net servers.
$LoginError_BNET_TIMEOUT The connection has timed out.
$LoginError_BNET_UGC_CONTENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST Content does not exist.
$LoginError_BNET_UGC_INVALID_TOKEN Session terminated.
$LoginError_BNET_UGC_USER_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_ACCESS_CONTENT Attempting to access blacklisted mod.
$LoginError_BNET_UNACCEPTED_LEGAL_DOCUMENT EULA hasn't been accepted. Log in to Bethesda.net on your browser.
$LoginError_BNET_UNKNOWN_ERROR The operation could not be completed.
$LoginError_BNET_USL_INTERNAL_OR_COMMUNICATION_ERROR The operation could not be completed.
$LoginError_BNET_USL_MAINTENANCE The operation could not be completed.
$LoginError_BNET_USL_PARAMETER_INVALID_OR_MISSING The operation could not be completed.
$LoginError_BNET_WINHTTP_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE Could not connect to the Bethesda.net servers.
$LoginError_BNET_XB1_ACCESS_DENIED Could not connect to the Bethesda.net servers.
$LoginError_BNET_XB1_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE The operation could not be completed.
$LoginError_BNET_XB1_USER_ERROR The operation could not be completed.
$LoginError_BNET_XBOX_ONE_USER_ERROR Could not connect to the Bethesda.net servers.
$LoginError_FAILED_TO_LINK_TO_STEAM You must be signed into Steam to use this feature.
$LoginError_Needs1stPartyUpdate An update is required in order to continue.
$LoginError_NotSignedIn1stPartyDurango You must be signed into an Xbox account to continue.
$LoginError_NotSignedIn1stPartyOrbis You must be signed into a Sony Entertainment Network account to continue.
$LoginError_PS4AuthFailed PS4 Authentication Failed.
$LoginPage_Footer Play with Mods at your own risk. You may experience issues with mods. You can disable Mods via Load Order and go back to your original save at anytime using Select Character in the Load menu. Downloading and playing with Mods is subject to our Terms of Service. Note: Achievements are disabled.
$LoginPage_Footer_PS4 Play with Mods at your own risk. You may experience issues with mods. You can disable Mods via Load Order and go back to your original save at anytime using Select Character in the Load menu. Downloading and playing with Mods is subject to our Terms of Service. Note: Trophies are disabled.
$LoginPage_Header Your email address is associated with an existing Bethesda.net account. Sign in to link your Bethesda.net account for automatic logging in.
$Look Sensitivity Look Sensitivity
$lvl lvl
$Mag Mag
$MAGIC Magic
$Magic Items Made Magic Items Made
$Magicka Mana
$Main Menu Main Menu
$Main Quests Completed Main Quests Completed
$MAP Map
$Marketplace Marketplace
$Master Master
$Mauls Mauls
$Medium Medium
$Menus Menus
$min min
$mins mins
$Misc Objectives Completed Misc Objectives Completed
$MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous
$Mod_AccountSettings Options
$Mod_Details Details
$Mod_LibraryDelete Delete
$Mod_LibraryDisable Disable
$Mod_LibraryEnable Enable
$Mod_MyLibrary Load Order
$Mod_Reorder Reorder
$Mod_Search Search
$ModLimitLabel Mods Downloaded
$ModSpace: Total:
$Most Gold Carried Most Pennies Carried
$MostFavorited Most Favorited
$MostFavoritedAllTime Most Favorited - All Time
$MostFavoritedThisMonth Most Favorited - This Month
$MostFavoritedThisWeek Most Favorited - This Week
$MostFavoritedToday Most Favorited - Today
$MostPopularAllTime Most Popular - All Time
$MostPopularThisMonth Most Popular - This Month
$MostPopularThisWeek Most Popular - This Week
$MostPopularToday Most Popular - Today
$Mouse Acceleration Mouse Acceleration
$Murders Murders
$Music Music
$My Creations My Creations
$My Favorites My Favorites
$My Library My Library
$Necks Bitten Necks Bitten
$Need Updates Updates Available
$NEW New
$New content available New content available!
$NewsOptInMessage Send me news about Bethesda!
$Next Next
$Next/Prev Next/Prev
$Nirnroots Found Vynroots Found
$No No
$No content downloaded No Add-Ons downloaded.
$No content downloaded_PS3 No content downloaded.
$No content found. No content found.
$No refunds.All purchases final. Are you sure you want to purchase Creation?
$Normal Adept
$Not enough credits You don't have enough Creation Credits to purchase this item.
$Object Fade Object Fade
$Object LOD Fade Object LOD Fade
$OBJECTIVES Objectives
$Open Xbox LIVE Marketplace? Open Xbox LIVE Marketplace?
$Owned OWNED
$Password Password
$Pause Pause
$People Killed People Killed
$per sec per sec
$Perks to increase: Talents to increase:
$Persuasions Persuaded People
$Player Gold Player Pennies
$Pockets Picked Pockets Picked
$Poisons Mixed Poisons Mixed
$Poisons Used Poisons Used
$Potions Mixed Potions Mixed
$Potions Used Potions Used
$Power Power
$Press a button to map to this action. Press a button to map to this action.
$Purchase Creation Purchase Creation
$Purchase Credits Purchase Credits
$Purchased Purchased
$QUEST Quest
$Questlines Completed Questlines Completed
$QUESTS Quests
$Quests Completed Quests Completed
$Queued... Queued...
$Quick Inventory Quick Inventory
$Quick Magic Quick Magic
$Quick Map Quick Map
$Quick Stats Quick Stats
$QuickAccountPage_Header By selecting  Create Account , I confirm that I am 13 years or older and agree to the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Code of Conduct. Creating an account will link your Bethesda.net account for automatic logging in.
$Quickload Quickload
$Quicksave Quicksave
$QUIT Quit
$Health Rate Health Regeneration
$Magicka Rate Mana Regeneration
$Stamina Rate Stamina Regeneration
$Disease Resist Disease Resistance
$Electric Resist Shock Resistance
$Fire Resist Fire Resistance
$Frost Resist Frost Resistance
$Poison Resist Poison Resistance
$Magic Resist Magic Resistance
$One Handed One-handed
$Two Handed Two-handed
$Archery Marksman
$Block Block
$Heavy Armor Heavy Armor
$Light Armor Light Armor
$Alchemy Alchemy
$Enchanting Enchanting
$Smithing Handicraft
$Pickpocket Sleight of Hand
$Speechcraft Rhetoric
$Quit to desktop? Any unsaved progress will be lost. Quit to desktop? Any unsaved progress will be lost.
$Quit to main menu? Any unsaved progress will be lost. Quit to main menu? Any unsaved progress will be lost.
$RACE Race
$Rate Rate
$Read Read
$Ready Weapon Ready Weapon
$RECHARGE Recharge
$Report Report
$Reported Reported
$Reporting... Reporting...
$ReportModCat_BadName Bad Name
$ReportModCat_GeneralAbuse General Abuse
$ReportModCat_Harassment Harassment
$ReportModCat_MaliciousContent Malicious Content
$ReportModCat_Misplaced Misplaced
$ReportModCat_OffensiveContent Offensive Content
$ReportModCat_PiracyOrStolen Piracy or Stolen
$ReportModCat_PrivateInfo Use of Private Information
$ReportModCat_Spam Spam
$REQUIRED_MODS Required Mods:
$Reset settings to default values? Reset settings to default values?
$Rest how long? How long would you like to rest?
$Right Attack/Block Right Hand
$Rotate Lock Rotate Lock
$Rotate Pick Rotate Pick
$Run Run
$Sale: Sale:
$SAVE Save
$Save on Pause Save on Pause
$Save on Rest Save on Rest
$Save on Travel Save on Travel
$Save on Wait Save on Wait
$Save over this game? Save over this game?
$Saving content. Please don't turn off your console. Saving content. Please don't turn off your console.
$Saving... Saving...
$sec sec
$secs secs
$Select Select
$Select items to craft Select items to craft
$Sell Sell
$Set Destination Set Destination
$SETTINGS Settings
$Shadow Fade Shadow Fade
$Shout Talent/Power
$Shouts Learned Talents Learned
$Shouts Mastered Talents Mastered
$Shouts Unlocked Talents Unlocked
$Show Floating Markers Show Floating Markers
$Show on Map Show on Map
$ShowAllSave Show All Saves
$Side Quests Completed Side Quests Completed
$Sign Up for An Account Sign Up for An Account
$Skill Books Read Learning Books Read
$Skill Increases Skill Increased
$SKILLS Skills
$Skins Skins
$Skip Skip
$Small Small
$Sneak Sneak
$Sneak Attacks Sneak Attacks
$Soul Gems Used Soul Gems Used
$Souls Trapped Souls Trapped
$Specularity Fade Specularity Fade
$Spells Learned Spells Learned
$Sprint Sprint
$Stamina Stamina
$STAMINA Stamina
$Standing Stones Found Standing Stones Found
$Steal Steal
$Stolen Stolen
$Store Store
$Stores Invested In Stores Invested In
$Strafe Left Strafe Left
$Strafe Right Strafe Right
$StreamingInstallTitle Installing Skyrim Special Edition, Please wait...
$Survival Mode Survival Mode
$SYSTEM System
$Take Take
$Take All Take All
$TAKE GIFT Take Gift
$Texture Size Texture Size
$That button is reserved. That button is reserved.
$The Companions Quests Completed Character Quests of Jespar Completed
$The Dark Brotherhood Quests Completed Character Quests of Calia Completed
$The Pale Bounty Not in use
$The Reach Bounty Not in use
$The Rift Bounty Not in use
$Thieves' Guild Quests Completed Golden Sickle Quests Completed
$TimeFilterAll Filter By Time (All)
$TimeFilterMonth Filter By Time (Month)
$TimeFilterToday Filter By Time (Today)
$TimeFilterWeek Filter By Time (Week)
$Times Jailed Times Jailed
$Times Married Times Married
$Times Shouted Talents used
$Times Trained This Level Times Trained This Level
$Toggle Toggle
$Toggle Active Toggle Active
$Toggle Always Run Toggle Always Run
$Toggle POV Toggle POV
$TooFast Too Fast
$TooLoud Too Loud
$TooNoisy Too Noisy
$TooQuiet Too Quiet
$TooSlow Too Slow
$ToS Terms of Service
$Total Lifetime Bounty Total Lifetime Bounty
$Train Train
$Trainer Trainer
$Training Sessions Training Sessions
$Tree LOD Fade Tree LOD Fade
$Trespasses Trespasses
$Tribal Orcs Bounty Not in use
$TryAgain Try Again
$Turn Pages Turn Pages
$Tween Menu Character Menu
$Undead Killed Lost-Ones Killed
$Unfavorite Unfavorite
$Unfollow Unfavorite
$Unfollowing Unfavoriting...
$UNKNOWN Unknown
$Unlock Unlock
$Update Update
$USE CONSOLE EMAIL Auto Populate Email
$Use Use
$Use Kinect Commands Use Kinect Commands
$Username Username
$VALUE Value
$Vampirism Cures Vampirism Cures
$Vendor Gold Vendor Pennies
$Verifying Connection Verifying Connection...
$Version: Version:
$Very Easy Novice
$Very Hard Master
$Vibration Vibration
$View Eula View Agreements
$Voice Voice
$Wait Wait
$Wait how long? How long would you like to rest?
$Waiting for data... Waiting for data...
$Weapons Weapons
$Weapons Disarmed Weapons Disarmed
$Weapons Improved Weapons Improved
$Weapons Made Weapons Made
$WEIGHT Weight
$Werewolf Transformations Werewolf Transformations
$Whiterun Bounty Not in use
$Wings Plucked Wings Plucked
$Winterhold Bounty Not in use
$Words Of Power Learned Talent Tiers Learned
$Words Of Power Unlocked Talent Tiers Unlocked
$World World
$World Map World Map
$Yes Yes
$You leveled up! Choose an attribute to advance: You leveled up! Choose an attribute to raise:
$Zoom Zoom
$00E_NAME Name:
$00E_KLASSE Class:
$00E_STUFE Level:
$00E_LERNPUNKTE Learning Points:
$00E_HANDWERKSPUNKTE Crafting Points:
$00E_PSIONIK Psionics:
$00E_ELEMENTARISMUS Elementalism:
$00E_MENTALISMUS Mentalism:
$00E_EINHAND One-handed:
$00E_PARADE Block:
$00E_BOGENKUNST Marksman:
$00E_ENTROPIE Entropy:
$00E_LICHTMAGIE Light Magic:
$00E_ZWEIHAND Two-handed:
$00E_ALCHIMIE Alchemy:
$00E_TASCHENDIEBSTAHL Sleight of Hand:
$00E_SCHLOSSKNACKEN Lockpicking:
$00E_VERZAUBERUNG Enchanting:
$00E_SCHMIEDEN Handicraft:
$00E_RETHORIK Rhetoric:
$00E_HANDWERK Workmanship
$00E_KAMPF Combat
$00E_LEBEN Health
$00E_MANA Mana
$00E_AUSDAUER Stamina
$00E_ERFAHRUNGSPUNKTE Experience Points
$00E_LEBENDESCRTEXT Your Health indicates the total damage you can take before dying. Your Health only regenerates itself if you are satiated.
$00E_MANADESCRTEXT Your Mana indicates how many spells you can cast before your mind is exhausted. Your Mana slowly regenerates itself over time, Mana Fungi or booze speed up that process.
$00E_STAMINADESCRTEXT You need Stamina for sprinting, for power attacks and for blocking. When your Stamina is empty, power attacks are reduced to normal ones. Your Stamina regenerates itself over time.
$00E_FEVERDESCRTEXT Arcane Fever determines your mental health as magic user. Casting healing spells, using Health potions or being at specific locations raise the fever. When your fever increases you first get mali, once it hits 100% you die.
$00E_XPDESCRTEXT You need Experience Points to level up. You receive them for completing quests, killing enemies, discovering new locations or other achievements. The higher your level, the more exp are needed for the next level-up.
$00E_KLASSEDESCRTEXT Your class is determined by the two memory tress in which you spent the most points. If you invest at least 10 points in two "affine" trees you unlock a special class. Search the world for hints about these combinations!
$00E_STUFEDESCRTEXT Your current level. If you gathered enough experience points you level-up. With every level-up you can raise one of your attributes, receive learning and crafting points and one memory point.
$00E_LERNPUNKTEDESCRTEXT You receive Learning Points with each level-up. You need them to use learning books which raise your combat-related skills and which you can buy from merchants or find in the wilderness.
$00E_HANDWERKSPUNKTEDESCRTEXT You receive Crafting Points with each level-up. You need them to use workmanship guides, which raise your artisanal skills.
$00E_ERINNERUNGSPUNKTEDESCRTEXT You need Memory Points to unlock and develop talents and memories from the eleven different memory trees. You receive one of them with each level-up.
$00E_PSIONIKDESCRTEXT The Psionics allow its devotees to control the mind of their enemies - the higher your Psionics skill is, the less Mana psionic spells cost. Psionics is subject to the memories of the "Sinistrope".
$00E_ELEMENTARISMUSDESCRTEXT Students of the Elementalism are capable of using the power of the elements against their enemies. The higher your Elementalism skill is, the lower the Mana cost of elemental spells get. Elementalism is subject to the memories of the "Elementalist".
$00E_MENTALISMUSDESCRTEXT The school of the Mentalism allow you to summon spectral shields or to make your skin as hard as iron. The higher your Mentalism skill is, the less Mana mental spells cost. Mentalism is subject to the memories of the "Thaumaturge".
$00E_EINHANDDESCRTEXT One-handed determines your skill with one-handed weapons like swords, maces, daggers or one-handed axes. The higher the skill is the more damage you do with these weapons. One-handed is subject to the memories of the "Blade Dancer".
$00E_PARADEDESCRTEXT Blocking determines how much damage you can ward off by blocking with a shield or weapon. Blocking is subject to the memories of the "Keeper".
$00E_BOGENKUNSTDESCRTEXT The higher your Marksman skill is the more damage you do with bows. Marksman is subject to the memories of the "Trickster".
$00E_ENTROPIEDESCRTEXT The forbidden school of the Entropy allows you to summon creatures from other realities, to trap the souls of your enemies and to use entropic death magic. Entropy is subject to the memories of the "Sinistrope".
$00E_LICHTMAGIEDESCRTEXT Spells from the school of the Light Magic allow you to heal yourself, to enhance your resistances and to banish undead creatures. The higher the Light Magic skill is, the lower is the Mana cost of its spells. Light Magic is subject to the memories of the "Thaumaturge".
$00E_ZWEIHANDDESCRTEXT Two-handed determines the damage you do with two-handed weapons like warhammers or bidenhaender. Two-handed is subject to the memories of the "Vandal".
$00E_LEICHTERUESTUNGDESCRTEXT Light Armor determines your skill with leather armors. The higher the skill is the more damage is blocked by light armor. Light Armor is subject to the memories of the "Vagrant".
$00E_SCHWERERUESTUNGDESCRTEXT Heavy Armor determines how much protection you can receive from iron and steel armor. Heavy armor is subject to the memories of the "Keeper".
$00E_SCHLEICHENDESCRTEXT Sneak allows you to move unnoticed and to ambush your enemies. Sneak is subject to the memories of the "Infiltrator".
$00E_ALCHIMIEDESCRTEXT Alchemy allows you to brew health and mana potions and deadly poison. Alchemy is subject to the memories of the "Vagrant" and the "Lycanthrope".
$00E_TASCHENDIEBSTAHLDESCRTEXT Sleight of Hand allows you to rob people for money and items, it also increases the chance of finding hidden stashes in chests. Sleight of Hand is subject to the memories of the "Infiltrator".
$00E_SCHLOSSKNACKENDESCRTEXT Lockpicking allows you to open locked doors or chests without a key. The higher Lockpicking is, the easier it is to unlock them and the more pennies can be found in chests. Lockpicking is subject to the memories of the "Trickster".
$00E_VERZAUBERUNGDESCRTEXT Enchanting determines your skill in using magic items. Higher skill values allow for more powerful enchantments. Enchanting is subject to the memories of the "Phasmalist".
$00E_SCHMIEDENDESCRTEXT Handicraft determines the complexity of the items you can craft at forges or workbenches - from bows to warhammers, to armors and even to non-combat items like furniture. Handicraft is not subject to a memory.
$00E_RETHORIKDESCRTEXT Rhetoric allows you to persuade others through conversations, to get additional information or even alternative ways to success through dialogues. It also improves the prices from merchants. Rhetoric is not subject to a memory.
$LearnBook Learning Book
$ALL All
$FILTER Filter
$STOLEN Stolen
$EQUIPPED Equipped
$ENCHANTED Enchanted
$V/W V/W
$VALUE/WEIGHT Value/Weight
$SPELL COST Spell Cost
$FIRST WORD First Tier
$SECOND WORD Second Tier
$THIRD WORD Third Tier
$SCHOOL School
$SKILL LEVEL Skill Level
$TIME LEFT Time Left
$SOURCE Source
$FAVORITE Favorite
$TYPE Type
$MATERIAL Material
$MAT Mat
$CLASS Class
$MAGNITUDE Magnitude
$MAG Mag
$DURATION Duration
$DUR Dur
$TIME Time
$DAM Dam
$WGT Wgt
$VAL Val
$ARM Arm
$WEAPONS Weapons
$EFFECT Effect
$Armor Armor
$None None
$Light Light
$Heavy Heavy
$Clothing Clothing
$Jewelry Jewelry
$Body Body
$Head Head
$Hands Hands
$Forearms Forearms
$Feet Feet
$Calves Calves
$Shield Shield
$Amulet Amulet
$Ring Ring
$Mask Mask
$Circlet Circlet
$Ears Ears
$Tail Tail
$Grand Grand
$Greater Greater
$Common Common
$Lesser Lesser
$Petty Petty
$Weapon Weapon
$Melee Melee
$Sword Sword
$Dagger Dagger
$War Axe War Axe
$Mace Mace
$Greatsword Greatsword
$Warhammer Warhammer
$Battleaxe Battleaxe
$Bow Bow
$Staff Staff
$Crossbow Crossbow
$Spear Spear
$Pickaxe Pickaxe
$Wood Axe Wood Axe
$Arrow Arrow
$Bolt Bolt
$Potion Potion
$Poison Poison
$Food Food
$Drink Drink
$Scroll Scroll
$Book Book
$Spell Tome Spell Tome
$Recipe Recipe
$Note Note
$Map Map
$Ingredient Ingredient
$Misc Misc
$Lockpick Lockpick
$Gem Gem
$Tool Tool
$Remains Remains
$Leather Leather
$Strips Strips
$Hide Hide
$Ore Ore
$Ingot Ingot
$Claw Claw
$Clutter Clutter
$Torch Torch
$Key Key
$Soul Gem Soul Gem
$Firewood Firewood
$Gold Pennies
$Artifact Artifact
$Toy Toy
$House Part House Part
$Spell Spell
$Alteration Alteration
$Destruction Destruction
$Illusion Illusion
$Restoration Restoration
$Other Other
$Magical Magical
$Daedric Thorium
$Dragonplate Bone
$Nightingale Assassin
$Ebony Shadow Steel
$Dragonscale Dragonscale
$Orcish Rune, Pyrean
$Steel Plate Fine Steel
$Glass Glass
$Elven Gilded Gilded Aeterna
$Dwarven Starling
$Scaled Scaled
$Steel Steel
$Brotherhood Brotherhood
$Elven Aeterna
$Iron Banded Iron Banded
$Leather Leather
$Imperial Fine Leather
$Studded Studded
$Fur Fur
$Iron Iron
$Stormcloak Chainmail
$Silver Silver
$Wood Wood
$Nordic Nordic
$Bonemold Bonemold
$Chitin Chitin
$Morag Tong Morag Tong
$Stalhrim Stalhrim
$Deathbrand Deathbrand
$Draugr Silver
$Draugr Honed Draugr Honed
$Falmer Falmer
$Falmer Honed Falmer Honed
$Forsworn Forsworn
$Dawnguard Dawnguard
$Falmer Hardened Falmer Hardened
$Hunter Hunter
$Vampire Vampire
$Aetherium Aetherium
$Dragonbone Dragonbone
$MOD CONFIGURATION Mod Configuration
$Default Default
$Defaults Defaults
$Search Search
$Magic Magic
$Inventory Inventory
$Switch Tab Switch Tab
$Equip Mode Equip Mod
$Column Column
$Order Order
$Open Slider Open Slider
$Open Menu open Menu
$Toggle Toggle
$Pick Color Pick Color
$Input Text Input Text
$Remap Remap
$Unmap Unmap
$Find Location Find Location
$General General
$Favorite Groups Favorite Groups
$Advanced Advanced
$Item List Item List
$Font Size Font Size
$Quantity Menu Min. Count Quantity Menu Min. Count
$Category Icon Theme Category Icon Theme
$Disable Icon Colors Disable Icon Colors
$Previous Column Previous Column
$Next Column Next Column
$Item Card Item Card
$3D Item 3D Item
$Align Align
$Horizontal Offset Horizontal Offset
$Vertical Offset Vertical Offset
$Horizontal Anchor Horizontal Anchor
$Vertical Anchor Vertical Anchor
$Orientation Orientation
$Icon Size Icon Size
$Icon Group Count Icon Group Count
$Minimum Time Left Minimum Time Left
$Scale Scale
$Disable Positioning Disable Positioning
$SWF Version Checking SWF Version Checking
$Active Effects HUD Active Effects HUD
$Left Left
$Right Right
$Center Center
$Top Top
$Bottom Bottom
$On On
$Off Off
$Enabled Enabled
$Vertical Vertical
$Horizontal Horizontal
$SKI_INFO1{} Default: {}
$SKI_INFO2{} Number of items required to trigger quantity menu, or 0 to disable it.\nDefault: {}
$SKI_INFO3{} Incompatible or outdated SWFs may break SkyUI functionality. This only disables the warning message!\nDefault: {}
$SKI_INFO4{} Disables Positioning of the 3D Item.\nDefault: {}
$SKI_INFO5{} Hide effects with a remaining time higher than this. 0 to show all.\nDefault: {}
$SKI_INFO6 Each group can be configured individually.
$SKI_INFO7{} Unequip all armor before Group Use?\nDefault: {}
$SKI_INFO8{} Unequip both hands before Group Use?\nDefault: {}
$SKI_INFO9{} Unequip any ammo before Group Use?\nDefault: {}
$SKI_MSG1 This control requires a keyboard mapping.
$SKI_MSG2{} This key is already mapped to:\n{}\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
$GEAR Gear
$AID Aid
$GROUP Group
$Group {} Group {}
$Show Button Help Show Button Help
$Favorites Menu Favorites Menu
$Preferences Preferences
$Confirm Group Confirm Group
$Select Group Select Group
$Group Group
$Ungroup Ungroup
$Set Group Icon Set Group Icon
$Set Main Hand Set Main Hand
$Save Equip State Save Equip State
$Group Use Group Use
$Toggle Focus Toggle Focus
$Unequip Armor Unequip Armor
$Unequip Hands Unequip Hands
$Unequip Ammo Unequip Ammo
$Map Menu Map Menu
$Favorites Menu Favorites Menu
$Inventory Menu Inventory Menu
$Magic Menu Magic Menu
$Barter Menu Barter Menu
$Container Menu Container Menu
$Crafting Menu Crafting Menu
$Gift Menu Gift Menu
$How would you like to call your mount? How would you like to call your mount?
$How do you want to name your house? How do you want to name your house?
$Say the password: Say the password:
$Card Game: won games Tavern Games - "Battle for Treomar": Won Games
$Card Game: lost games Tavern Games - "Battle for Treomar": Lost Games
$Card Game: total lost gold Tavern Games - "Battle for Treomar": Lost Pennies
$Card Game: total won gold Tavern Games - "Battle for Treomar": Won Pennies
$Card Game: total games played Tavern Games - "Battle for Treomar": Games Played
$Card Game: ex aequo Tavern Games - "Battle for Treomar": Ex Aqueo
$Card Game: last opponent Tavern Games - "Battle for Treomar": Last Opponent
$Card Game: victory ratio Tavern Games - "Battle for Treomar": Victory Ratio
$Tavern Games - Dice Jack: won games Tavern Games - "Morala's Dices": Won Games
$Tavern Games - Dice Jack: lost games Tavern Games - "Morala's Dices": Lost Games
$Tavern Games - Dice Jack: ex aequo Tavern Games - "Morala's Dices": Ex Aqueo
$Tavern Games - Dice Jack: lost gold Tavern Games - "Morala's Dices": Lost Pennies
$Tavern Games - Dice Jack: won gold Tavern Games - "Morala's Dices": Won Pennies
$Tavern Games - Dice Jack: victory ratio Tavern Games - "Morala's Dices": Victory Ratio
$View_Attributes Attributes
$Adapt_Combat_Style Combat Style
$Quit Quit
$Create_Talisman Create Talisman
$Equip Equipment
$Currently_Equipped Currently Equipped
$Spectralize Equip Item
$Despectralize Remove Item
$Affinity Battlemage Battlemage
$Affinity Cleric Cleric
$Affinity Assassin Assassin
$Affinity Wayfarer Wayfarer
$Affinity Black Mage Black Mage
$Affinity Dark Keeper Dark Keeper
$Affinity Blade Master Blade Master
$Affinity Blade Breaker Blade Breaker
$Affinity Shadowdancer Shadowdancer
$Affinity Arcane Archer Arcane Archer
$Female Affinity Battlemage Battlemage
$Female Affinity Cleric Cleric
$Female Affinity Assassin Assassin
$Female Affinity Wayfarer Wayfarer
$Female Affinity Black Mage Black Mage
$Female Affinity Dark Keeper Dark Keeper
$Female Affinity Blade Master Blade Master
$Female Affinity Blade Breaker Blade Breaker
$Female Affinity Shadowdancer Shadowdancer
$Female Affinity Arcane Archer Arcane Archer
$Class: Adventurer Adventurer
$Class: Keeper Keeper
$Class: Bladedancer Bladedancer
$Class: Elementarist Elementalist
$Class: Infiltrator Infiltrator
$Class: Sinistrop Sinistrop
$Class: Mentalist Mentalist
$Class: Vandal Vandal
$Class: Trickster Trickster
$Class: Vagabond Vagabond
$Class: Phasmalist Phasmalist
$Class: Theriantrophist Lycanthrope
$Female Class: Adventurer Adventurer
$Female Class: Keeper Keeper
$Female Class: Bladedancer Bladedancer
$Female Class: Elementarist Elementalist
$Female Class: Infiltrator Infiltrator
$Female Class: Sinistrop Sinistrop
$Female Class: Mentalist Mentalist
$Female Class: Vandal Vandal
$Female Class: Trickster Trickster
$Female Class: Vagabond Vagabond
$Female Class: Phasmalist Phasmalist
$Female Class: Theriantrophist Lycanthrope
$Fasttravel00 Ark, Main Gate (Heartland)
$Fasttravel01 Ark, Foreign Quarter
$Fasttravel02 Ark, Marketplace
$Fasttravel03 Ark, Southern Quarter (Myrad Tower)
$Fasttravel04 Ark, Nobles Quarter
$Fasttravel05 Ark, Harbor
$Fasttravel06 Ark, Sun Temple
$Fasttravel07 Ark, Barrack Quarter
$Fasttravel08 Undercity, Main Cavern
$Fasttravel09 Undercity, Barracks
$Fasttravel10 Undercity, Marketplace
$Fasttravel11 Undercity, Tar Pit
$Fasttravel12 Undercity, Arena
$Myradtravel00 Ark
$Myradtravel01 Ark, Western Wall
$Myradtravel02 Riverville
$Myradtravel03 Border of the Heartland
$Myradtravel04 Western Cliff
$Myradtravel05 Northern Heartland
$Myradtravel06 Farmers Coast
$Myradtravel07 Frostcliff Tavern
$Myradtravel08 Duneville
$Myradtravel09 Wellwatch
$Myradtravel10 Fogville
$Myradtravel11 Dark Valley
$ConfigMenuTutorialsInfo These options allow to deactivate certain tutorials in Enderal. It is recommend to only deactivate them if you are familiar with the new game-play elements in Enderal. Skyrim tutorials can only be disabled in the Enderal.ini: [Interface] bShowTutorials=0
$ConfigMenuKeyInfo ATTENTION: The MCM only displays the respective key of a QWERTY keyboard. Other languages might use other keyboard layouts (e.g. German QWERTZ). That's a SkyUI problem.
$ConfigMenuReadAloudBooksInfo If this option is selected, no voiced book will be read in the background. Note that not every book is voiced.
$ConfigMenuVideoSkipInfo If this option is selected, none of the three in-game videos will be played. This option should only be selected when all video sequences are already known to the player.