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' Format: <type> -<option,option,...> <AnimEvent> <Animation File> [<AnimObject CK>]
' type: b (basic)
' o (animated object animation)
' s (sequenced animation (SA), 1st animation)
' + (sequenced animation (SA), 2nd to last animation)
' option: a (acyclic) default: cyclic
' h (headtracking remains) default: headtracking off
' Tn (transition "00Next Clip") used in acyclic animations if another idle will follow immediately
' Ts (transition "IdleStop") in FNIS similar as "Tn"
' transition default: "IdleForceDefaultState" (everything set to default)
' B<n.m> (blend time n.m sec) default: 0.6 sec
' k (known animation) animation is part of vanilla or another mod (no need to make a physical copy)
' o (only type "s" or "+") this part of a an SA uses the following AnimObject)
' <Animation File> relative to Animations\<mod name>. With -k option use "..\<original_mod>\<file_name>"
' A Sequenced Animation (SA) is a sequence of individually parametrized animations.
' Acyclic SA animations automatically transition into the next animation. To leave a cyclic animation you need to call
' SendAnimEvent() to the next or any other AnimEvent in the SA. The last SA animation alway has to by acyclic (-a).
' Examples:
' b -a,h,Tn,B1.2 MyAnimEvent1 MyAnimFile1.hkx
' o -h MyAnimEvent2 AnimationWithAO.hkx MyAnimObject01
' s -a SA1entry SAanim1.hkx
' + -h,o,k SA1loop ..\OtherMod\OtherModAnim.hkx MYAnimObject02
' + -a SA1exit SAanim3.hkx
' AnimEvents and Animation File names have to be unique through all mods (even for files in different folders)
' so it's a good idea use mod specific abbreviations for all your names
s -a pipesmokingcrossleggedenter pipesmokingcrossleggedenter.hkx
+ -o pipesmokingcrossleggedstartblaze pipesmokingcrossleggedstartblaze.hkx pipesmokinganimobjectunblazed
+ -o pipesmokingcrossleggedblazed pipesmokingcrossleggedblazed.hkx pipesmokinganimobjectblazed
+ -o pipesmokingcrosslegged pipesmokingcrosslegged.hkx pipesmokinganimobjectblazed
+ -a pipesmokingcrossleggedexit pipesmokingcrossleggedexit.hkx