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Scriptname EnderalFunctions Hidden
float function CalculateContentStrength(ObjectReference container) native global
Potion function CreatePotion(MagicEffect[] effects, float[] magnitudes, int[] areas, int[] durations, int arraySize) native global
ObjectReference function GetCurrentContainer() native global
int function GetNewGameCount() native global
Actor[] function GetPlayerFollowers() native global
; Gets the player hash used to uniquely identify the player's save profile.
; RETURN - Returns the player hash as an 8-digit string.
String Function GetPlayerHash() Global Native
; Converts the given string to it's hexadecimal equivalent. Preserves case.
; a_string - The string to convert to hexadecimal.
; RETURN - Returns the hexadecimal equivalent of the passed string.
String Function StringToHex(String a_string) Global Native
float function ComputeNeededExp(int CurrentLevel, float Slope, float Mult, float fExpAcc = 1.0, float fExpAcc_Level20 = 1.2, float fExpAcc_Level30 = 1.5, float fExpAcc_Level40 = 2.0) global native
; Disables the TAB Key during dialogue. Resets automatically upon dialogue exit via Goodbye.
Function DisableDialogueQuitting() Global Native
Function EnableDialogueQuitting() Global Native
bool function IsDLLLoaded() global
int iVer = SKSE.GetPluginVersion("EnderalSE")
return iVer > 0