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2021-10-06 00:45:46 +00:00
#include "PapyrusObjects.h"
#include "Serialization.h"
#include "PapyrusVM.h"
#include <algorithm>
static const size_t kMaxNameLen = 1024;
/// SKSEObjectRegistry
void SKSEObjectRegistry::RegisterFactory(ISKSEObjectFactory * factory)
uintptr_t vtbl = *reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(factory);
std::string className( factory->ClassName() );
factoryMap_[className] = vtbl;
const ISKSEObjectFactory* SKSEObjectRegistry::GetFactoryByName(const char* name) const
std::string t( name );
const ISKSEObjectFactory* result = NULL;
FactoryMapT::const_iterator it = factoryMap_.find(t);
if (it != factoryMap_.end())
result = reinterpret_cast<const ISKSEObjectFactory*>(&it->second);
return result;
/// SKSEPersistentObjectStorage
void SKSEPersistentObjectStorage::CleanDroppedStacks()
VMClassRegistry* registry = (*g_skyrimVM)->GetClassRegistry();
for (UInt32 i=0; i<data_.size(); i++)
Entry& e = data_[i];
if (e.obj == NULL)
if (registry->GetStackInfo(e.owningStackId) != NULL)
// Stack no longer active, drop this entry
delete e.obj;
e.obj = NULL;
_MESSAGE("SKSEPersistentObjectStorage::CleanDroppedStacks: Freed object at index %d.", i);
void SKSEPersistentObjectStorage::ClearAndRelease()
for (DataT::iterator it = data_.begin(); it != data_.end(); ++it)
Entry& e = *it;
if (e.obj != NULL)
delete e.obj;
bool SKSEPersistentObjectStorage::Save(SKSESerializationInterface* intfc)
using namespace Serialization;
// Before saving, purge entries whose owning stack is no longer running.
// This can happen if someone forgot to release an object.
// We don't want these resource leaks to pile up in the co-save.
// Save data
UInt32 dataSize = data_.size();
if (! WriteData(intfc, &dataSize))
return false;
UInt32 filledSize = data_.size() - freeIndices_.size();
if (! WriteData(intfc, &filledSize))
return false;
for (UInt32 i=0; i<dataSize; i++)
Entry& e = data_[i];
// Data of free indices is null, so we skip these
if (e.obj == NULL)
// Skip to next entry if write failed
if (! WriteSKSEObject(intfc, e.obj))
WriteData(intfc, &e.owningStackId);
UInt32 index = i;
WriteData(intfc, &index);
return true;
bool SKSEPersistentObjectStorage::Load(SKSESerializationInterface* intfc, UInt32 loadedVersion)
using namespace Serialization;
// Load data
UInt32 dataSize;
if (! ReadData(intfc,&dataSize))
return false;
UInt32 filledSize;
if (! ReadData(intfc,&filledSize))
return false;
for (UInt32 i=0; i<filledSize; i++)
Entry e = { 0 };
if (! ReadSKSEObject(intfc, e.obj))
ReadData(intfc, &e.owningStackId);
UInt32 index;
ReadData(intfc, &index);
data_[index] = e;
// Rebuild free index list
for (UInt32 i=0; i<data_.size(); i++)
if (data_[i].obj == NULL)
return true;
SInt32 SKSEPersistentObjectStorage::Store(ISKSEObject* obj, UInt32 owningStackId)
IScopedCriticalSection scopedLock( &lock_ );
Entry e = { obj, owningStackId };
SInt32 index;
if (freeIndices_.empty())
index = data_.size();
index = freeIndices_.back();
data_[index] = e;
return index + 1;
ISKSEObject* SKSEPersistentObjectStorage::Access(SInt32 handle)
IScopedCriticalSection scopedLock( &lock_ );
SInt32 index = handle - 1;
if (index < 0 || index >= data_.size())
_MESSAGE("SKSEPersistentObjectStorage::AccessObject(%d): Invalid handle.", handle);
return NULL;
Entry& e = data_[index];
if (e.obj == NULL)
_MESSAGE("SKSEPersistentObjectStorage::AccessObject(%d): Object was NULL.", handle);
return NULL;
ISKSEObject* result = e.obj;
if (result == NULL)
_MESSAGE("SKSEPersistentObjectStorage::AccessObject(%d): Invalid type (%s).", handle, e.obj->ClassName());
return NULL;
return result;
ISKSEObject* SKSEPersistentObjectStorage::Take(SInt32 handle)
IScopedCriticalSection scopedLock( &lock_ );
SInt32 index = handle - 1;
if (index < 0 || index >= data_.size())
_MESSAGE("SKSEPersistentObjectStorage::AccessObject(%d): Invalid handle.", handle);
return NULL;
Entry& e = data_[index];
if (e.obj == NULL)
_MESSAGE("SKSEPersistentObjectStorage::TakeObject(%d): Object was NULL.", handle);
return NULL;
ISKSEObject* result = e.obj;
if (result != NULL)
e.obj = NULL;
_MESSAGE("SKSEPersistentObjectStorage::TakeObject(%d): Invalid type (%s).", handle, e.obj->ClassName());
return NULL;
return result;
/// Serialization helpers
bool WriteSKSEObject(SKSESerializationInterface* intfc, ISKSEObject* obj)
using namespace Serialization;
const char* name = obj->ClassName();
const UInt32 version = obj->ClassVersion();
intfc->OpenRecord('OBJE', version);
size_t rawLen = strlen(name);
UInt32 len = (std::min)(rawLen, kMaxNameLen);
if (! WriteData(intfc, &len))
return false;
if (! intfc->WriteRecordData(name, len))
return false;
return obj->Save(intfc);
bool ReadSKSEObject(SKSESerializationInterface* intfc, ISKSEObject*& objOut)
UInt32 type, length, objVersion;
if (! intfc->GetNextRecordInfo(&type, &objVersion, &length))
return false;
if (type != 'OBJE')
_MESSAGE("ReadSKSEObject: Error loading unexpected chunk type %08X (%.4s)", type, &type);
return false;
// Read the name of the serialized class
UInt32 len;
if (! intfc->ReadRecordData(&len, sizeof(len)))
return false;
if (len > kMaxNameLen)
_MESSAGE("ReadSKSEObject: Serialization error. Class name len extended kMaxNameLen.");
return false;
char buf[kMaxNameLen+1] = { 0 };
if (! intfc->ReadRecordData(&buf, len))
return false;
// Get the factory
const ISKSEObjectFactory* factory = SKSEObjectRegistryInstance().GetFactoryByName(buf);
if (factory == NULL)
_MESSAGE("ReadSKSEObject: Serialization error. Factory missing for %s.", &buf);
return false;
// Intantiate and load the actual data
ISKSEObject* obj = factory->Create();
if (! obj->Load(intfc, objVersion))
// Load failed. clean up.
objOut = NULL;
delete obj;
return false;
objOut = obj;
return true;
/// Global instances
SKSEObjectRegistry& SKSEObjectRegistryInstance()
static SKSEObjectRegistry instance;
return instance;
SKSEPersistentObjectStorage& SKSEObjectStorageInstance()
static SKSEPersistentObjectStorage instance;
return instance;