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Scriptname _00E_FS_NQR05_AniStuckFixSC extends ObjectReference
;This script is a failsafe for an animation stuck in the Rhalâta temple. It will prevent the animation stuck on the chair, however the true cause of the bug is still unknown
Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
If (FS_NQR05.GetCurrentStageID() >= 25 && FS_NQR05.GetCurrentStageID() <= 40) && akActionRef == PlayerREF && PlayerREF.IsWeaponDrawn()
PlayerREF.AddItem(GasTrapDummy, 1, 1)
PlayerREF.EquipItem(GasTrapDummy, 0, 1)
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(GasTrapDummy, 1, 1)
Actor Property PlayerREF Auto
Quest Property FS_NQR05 Auto
Weapon Property GasTrapDummy Auto