- Cross-runtime build, tested on SE and AE - Intergrated Flat Map Markers and Stay At The System Page - Added tons of sanity checks - Automatically overrides bFreebiesSeen, bInvalidateOlderFiles, and bModManagerMenuEnabled INI values
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52 lines
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Scriptname _00E_Theriantrophist_WerewolfPotion extends activemagiceffect
Float Property AdditionalArcaneFever = 6 Autoreadonly Hidden
Float Property ArcaneFeverReductionPerk01 = 0.17 Autoreadonly Hidden
Float Property ArcaneFeverReductionPerk02 = 0.16 Autoreadonly Hidden
Message Property _00E_Player_sArcaneFeverIncreased Auto
Perk Property _00E_Class_Theriantrophist_P04c_LessArcaneFever_01 Auto
Perk Property _00E_Class_Theriantrophist_P04c_LessArcaneFever_02 Auto
ImageSpaceModifier Property _00E_ArkanistenfieberIMOD Auto
Sound Property _00E_FS_IncreaseArcaneFeverM Auto
Actor Property PlayerREF Auto
Function _AddArcaneFever()
Float arcaneFever = _GetAdditionalArcaneFever()
PlayerREF.ModAV("LastFlattered", -arcaneFever)
_00E_Player_sArcaneFeverIncreased.Show(arcaneFever, -1*(PlayerREF.GetAV("LastFlattered")))
Float Function _GetAdditionalArcaneFever()
if PlayerREF.hasPerk(_00E_Class_Theriantrophist_P04c_LessArcaneFever_02)
return (1.0 - ArcaneFeverReductionPerk01 - ArcaneFeverReductionPerk02) * AdditionalArcaneFever
elseif PlayerREF.hasPerk(_00E_Class_Theriantrophist_P04c_LessArcaneFever_01)
return (1.0 - ArcaneFeverReductionPerk01) * AdditionalArcaneFever
return AdditionalArcaneFever
Function _RestorePotion()
MagicEffect[] effects = new MagicEffect[1]
Float[] magnitudes = new Float[1]
Int[] durations = new Int[1]
Int[] areas = new Int[1]
effects[0] = self.getBaseObject()
magnitudes[0] = self.getMagnitude()
durations[0] = self.getDuration() as Int
areas[0] = 0
Potion toRestore = EnderalFunctions.CreatePotion(effects, magnitudes, areas, durations, 1)
PlayerREF.addItem(toRestore, abSilent = true)