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ScriptName defaultOnHitChangeAggression extends Actor
{Default script that lives on an actor. On hit, actor's aggression is changed}
import game
import debug
float property fAggression auto
By default this property is set to 2 (very aggressive).
0 - Unaggressive - will not initiate combat
1 - Aggressive - will attack enemies on sight
2 - Very Aggressive - Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight
3 - Frenzied - Will attack anyone else
bool doOnce = false
keyword property linkKeyword auto
{if this has a linkedRef with this keyword, we will activate it once when hit}
auto State waiting
Event onHit(objectReference akAggressor, Form akWeapon, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)
self.SetActorValue("Aggression", fAggression)
gotoState ("allDone")
if DoOnce == false
if (GetLinkedRef(linkKeyword) as objectReference)
(getLinkedRef(linkKeyword) as objectReference).activate(self)
DoOnce = TRUE
State allDone
;do nothing